Isn't it all about your personality and your sexual preferences? Why do people have to fit a mould or be one or the other? It isn't binary. There are no rules. You are free to take on what ever role you wish. If that means submitting to one person but dominant with other, then it is what it is. If you like to be in control sometimes and be controlled other times with a partner who shares your values, then so be it. And if you are a switch and find yourself in a relationship where you feel like you get more out of being the submissive, or the other, then you are. Its one thing that bugs me when I read peoples posts in this part of the site. So many people think that you have to be labelled in some way. I think switches are far more interesting. It just means you like variety. I'll never be owned or have a master, nor will I be a domme to some sissy. I dont want someone totally submitting to me, I see that as weak. Fight a little, push back. I like to fight for control, as I do when being controlled. I find that far more exciting that being meek and just taking it. So, once a switch, always a switch? Its an individual thing. There is no right or wrong answer.
I actually enjoy a nice sensual massage video.
This has happened to me. Twice. From the same person and even after I told him the first time that I was not impressed. Yes, you know who you are. Funny thing is, he didn't even have the ability to send it a different gif, or topic line, or message, so god knows how many people he has sent the same message to. I just dont think its appropriate at all. What are they hoping for, a message in return saying how wet it made me?? Send more please?? Trust me, this guy creeped me out and is now blocked. Its not cool. At all.
Your best bet is to open a tumblr account and start following people. I have had one for years and the 500px wide seems like it would work well here.