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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 28
United Kingdom


Active Ink Slinger
Love a playful slap on the arse as an appreciation sorta thing. I also love a really good spanking sessions, belt and all!
I enjoy giving a spanking too, but I much prefer getting spanked.
Active Ink Slinger
I made it dude....but even after the video stopped I can still hear the tune playing >.< SAVE ME!!
Active Ink Slinger
probably have to be black, the contrast is good However, there is a blue thong of mine I particularly like
Active Ink Slinger
Strong broad shoulders, strong back and a cute little arse I usually notice first. Or his eyes smile
Active Ink Slinger
The most I've done is a couple of fingers or my tongue in his arse, kinda looking forward to being able to fuck him hard with a strap-on..let's him know how I feel when he does it to me. And it seems to turn him on doing what I currently do, so why not try?
Active Ink Slinger
Many things when I think about it. When he softly runs his finger tips over my hips while licking and kissing my neck and ear lobe. Or when he flips me over onto my stomach, drags me onto my knees and roughly shoves his tongue into my arse. Or even when he growls at me because I've worked him up, got him to the edge and then stop what I'm doing effectivly ruining his orgasm...

Active Ink Slinger
Hairbrush handle
2 different sized small lava lamps....
My boyfriend found a vibrator app, downloaded it onto his phone and used that on my clit.

Nothing too strange
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by elitfromnorth

Now if you'll just step over here I can show you the road that leads away from the 1930's and into the 21st century

As for the question in general; I guess that's very much based on the individual level, isn't it? Call me naïve, but there are two things that strike me.
1) Isn't it so that if a woman isn't comfortable, relaxed and happy(i.e. there's something bothering her) then she's pretty much unable to be turned on unless she has one of those spots that when you kiss it turns her mind into mush and she forgets everything? I know that for a certain degree it goes for us guys as well. The trouble of a flawed erection isn't because the girl is ugly, but many other things.

2) Why use anything as a weapon to get your way? Isn't a relationship about give and take? Is it really so that you should force your will on your partner, and if so, is it right to do so? Again, call me naïve if you want because I haven't been married and have never lived with my girlfriend, so do enlighten me if I have an idealistic view of a relationship that will get shot to pieces once I enter that world.

In a naive way of thinking, it's mainly thought that men either want food..or sex. You can't deny them food...there's a fridge that's perfectly stocked with food for them to cook, or go to the nearest fast food and place. So there needs to be some other way of denying them something...the other thing they mainly want.i.e. sex.

I'm not condoning it and saying that it's right and they should do it, but would you rather there was a full scale row. Tears. Tantrums. Or they just refused sex. It's not so much about denying it, more that they're so pissed off that they're incapable to get turned and have sex. Men usually give in to what women want by the time women have the chance to calm down enough to want sex again.

There's also the idea from TV shows. In so many TV programs it shows the woman refusing sex to get her way, the men give. Both male and women conform to this social role and do what they think is expected of them without even realising that they are conforming.

Never said it was fair or right. But it does happen.t4ZshTtWK1knunv8
Active Ink Slinger
I'm not going to say there were things I wouldn't change if I could. Of course there are. And not wanting to sound cliche, but I don't want to change them. The past is the past and it should be left there. I'm how I am today as the strong, independant woman I am because of what happened in my past. Some things were my fault, others were taken out of my hands.

The one thing I would do is go back and tell myself at every down moment that regardless of what anyone said, I was beautiful. No matter my size. That I'm curvy, not fat. That my chipmunk cheeks are cute.
I would tell me that 'that' relationship, was not a good idea. And how you hurt that guy will hurt you for months more, to the point where you self harm..again. And even when you move on, it takes about 6months before you feel yourself and strong again. He was not good for you.

He turned you into something ugly, he just never realised and believed it was your fault.

But without these experiences I would not be me now. And I would not be with my amazing boyfriend, whom I fully deserve.
Active Ink Slinger
The first time was with my ex. I hated the taste!!! Even with my current boyfriend the taste and texture made me gag. However, recently, the taste hasn't been so bad and I've started to enjoy swallowing it. Yesterday, when he came over my breasts, I told him he had to clean it up and it ended up with him passing me mouthfuls and dipping his fingers into it while I sucked them clean. Mmmmmm, that was hot ;)
Active Ink Slinger
When me and my boyfriend first had sex we were both virgins. So, I was incredibly tight. The first time we had sex, he had made sure I was very very worked up and wet. Then he slowly entered and slowly thrust his way deeper and deeper. He stopped when he was about half way in, and stopped completly just hugging me. Although I secretly I wanted to continue, he had felt that it was better this way to make sure I could handle it. We then tried the next day and I managed to take his the whole way and we had amazing sex. I felt that making me wait helped as I was more willing because I knew how he felt and I just wanted it more and it meant I wasn't aching and sore the next day regretting what had happened.

I'm not saying you should do it this way, but it helped for me
Active Ink Slinger
I love being the one in charge....some of the time. My boyfriend usually takes over and becomes more dominate, but usually after I've dominated him slightly and have turned him on so much he just wants to get inside of me...NOW! It's very very very hot when things get like that.
Active Ink Slinger
Only wear panties when I feel I have to. Other than that I'm pretty much always pantyless
Active Ink Slinger
For those saying that by being with a taller guy means that they are able to be picked up and thrown onto the bed. I'm taller than my boyfriend, but a couple inches, and he picks me up all the time. And throws me onto the bed. I have to agree on one thing though, it is an incredible turn on.

Oh, I always wear heels a lot. He still picks me up and throws me on the bed and he is still able to turn me on
Active Ink Slinger
My boyfriend always wraps his arm around my waist, however, as I am taller he tends to make me trip over his feet rather than my own. We usually end up holding hands. And I love both