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Over 90 days ago
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Quote by AriOli101
I hate when someone gives a three or less but doesn't tell you why. That's my main bug-bear with this site and some users.

Things could be worse. A site that I frequent less and less, and you all probably know which one it is, allows anonymous voting and commenting with rather predictable results. IMHO if you don't have the level of interest to create a site avatar and then use it to link yourself to your opinion, then I'm not going to give much credence to you or your views.
Put me down for two boxes of Thin Mints, Please!
Another good reason to be happy if you're a guy. You're pretty much going to choose "boxers or briefs" one time and go with that whether they're under jeans, slacks or shorts.

OTOH, many women and girls have a never ending problem with panty lines. I've literally watched my wife throw a pair across the room in frustration. Just when she finds a solution, the manufacturer discontinues that item. The original VS "Lacie" was a prime example. Go read the customer complaints at the changeover when women could not understand why VS had to *&^% with the most perfect panty ever made. Essentially I helped my wife "engineer" her way through most of the problem. Most. One solution offered was no panties at all. She sees enough of that solution, and more than enough of the side effects, in yoga class and it got vetoed right off the bat. Apparently (no pun intended), anything that makes panty lines less apparent seems to make camel toe more of a problem. Today's trend towards less and less pubic hair among the young ladies makes some things even more visible. And that's not even mentioning the effect when combined with the semi-transparent yoga pants that Lululemon sold for a while and had to recall. Another solution was any of the various thongs. She felt like she was wearing a rope in an intimate place. No good. Then there are the cheekini models. VS and Hanky Panky make good ones. With soft lace edges there's not the hard elastic demarcation under yoga pants or anything else that hugs the skin. Alas they do not work under jeans. Somehow denim gains traction on the lace and rolls it up. That turns the cheekini into an effective thong. No good. Jockey for Her works under jeans but looks like hell under yoga pants. So she wears her VS or Jockey elastic edged panties under denim for work and switches to lace edged panties for yoga practice. Alas this doesn't solve all of her panty problems. For some reason, once or twice a week, in the middle of the night, her subconscious rebels at the whole panty concept and throws whatever she's wearing at the time across the bedroom. In the morning she's upset to find that she's spent the bulk of the night naked from the waist down. To make things worse, she doesn't understand why I don't see this as a high priority problem that needs solving. ;-)
I would like a way to select a story category and then generate a random selection of say 10 stories from that category. I'm sure there are great stories on this site that just won't catch my attention if I continue to just pick from the latest or most popular.
Quote by Ruthie

Obama inherited an economic mess when he came into office. The economy got better, although it would have been hard fo it to have gotten worse. Bush/Cheney left the country on the point of economic collapse. Now Trump wants credit for jobs created in the Obama administration. Trump and his allies have shown us the kind of authoritarian government they want to impose by the people they have put in positions of power. He is blustering about nuclear arms and alienating our allies at the same time he cozies up to dictators and covers up the reason for a Russian diplomats death. Do you read the news or just accept what Brietbart News and Hannity tell you? I bet you believe calling people 'snowflake' is political discourse. It isn't.

You may also believe that Obama is running a shadow government and that the Democratic party, especially Obama, framed the Trump campaign for Russian interference in the election. Those 'news' stories are wrong as well, just more nonsense pulled out of the ass of right wing propagandists like Sean Hannity, and manufactured in the fevered minds of desperate Republican politicians.

Obama stayed in DC to give his daughter time to graduate high school, and Donald Trump's people collaborated with a foreign government to interfere with the American electoral process according to United States intelligence reports, but people like you and other Trump supporters would rather believe in alternative Brietbart facts and misinformation Hannity makes up on the spot than The Intelligence community. Smoke and mirrors to deflect people from the truth issues from the White House, and you believe every word, so don't be telling us the next eight years is going to be okay because comparing other administrations to what Trump is trying to do to this country is ridiculous. It's like eight sticks of dynamite is going to be okay because you survived eight firecrackers.

You lost me at Trump supporter. You assume way too much. One did not have to be a Hannity/Breitbart koolaid drinker to see that Trump would be bad, but that Hillary would be worse. The Republican elites probably don't have your best interests at heart. But you can bet your behind that the Democratic elites don't either. Wake up and smell the coffee. Refuse to be played by either side. They're the two wings of a very large bird of prey. And you and yours are on the menu.
Quote by WellMadeMale

I'm going to set the bar a little low here:

Tell us 3 good things which occurred during the Bush/Cheney administration, actual benefits for America - or hell, even just the world.

Tell us 10 bad things which occurred during the Bush/Cheney administration. Detriments.

There's a hell of lot more of the latter, so this should be pretty easy for you.

Interesting deflection attempt there. Or you completely missed my point. Obama spent 8 years blaming everything wrong on others, most often on his predecessor. Not once do I remember him acknowledging that sometimes shit just happens, or worse, that he just might have caused some shit to happen. Not in 8 years. People are imperfect. Obama was/is imperfect. Did he have a perfect administration? I really don't fucking think so! And I survived 8 years of it.

So buck up, Snowflake! The sky is not falling. You will survive the next 8 years just fine!
Quote by MostPreciousLittle

But no matter what goes wrong, it's always the liberals fault. Or Obama's or Hillary's. They are incapable of taking any sort of responsibilities for the world's biggest coward/narcissist. No matter what the giant orange King of the Cowards does. They live in a world of hatred that nothing will ever penetrate and they are totally incapable of change.

Even if it's the news and in right in our faces.

Well, in a way that's a relief. We just finished eight years where everything bad was George W. Bush's fault.

Pot, meet kettle!
Quote by Ruthie

Your logic is ridiculous. It's like saying if Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania were;t counted, Clinton would have won the electoral college. Clinton won the popular vote. That's the second time that the loser of the popular vote was elected President.

As Perry Mason used to say, "Irrelevant and immaterial". The national popular vote count has no place in our national election process. That process is set up per the Constitution and conducted on a state by state basis. The Constitution states just how many electoral college votes each state gets. The individual states get to decide how their electors are selected, and how they are required to vote, or not.

You can't say Trump is not the legitimate victor because he didn't win the popular vote. If the two campaigns were fighting over the popular vote, neither candidate would have ever set foot in New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware or any of the other spots with low population. The election would have been about who won the most populous states, and that's where the campaign would have been fought out.

And that is why there's an Electoral College. Firstly to force someone to pay attention to the needs and desires of the smaller states. And secondly because without the compromise that set up the Electoral College, the smaller states would never have agreed to ratify the Constitution in the first place. Got it? No Electoral College -> no Constitution -> no United States of America.
Quote by hayley

well ... change the law? In this case the Constitution isn't it? Can be done.... let California introduce a a Bill or whatever they need to and let's get on with it. Or let them become 'The People's Republic Of California' as they are unaffectionately known.
I don't know exactly how long we have been using the Electoral College System, but if it isn't working then change it. Am sure if it is that horribly useless we can do better. Peeps just need to act to change things, not moan about them constantly. Now that brings us back to the Election....

Quote by sundancer2004

your right, I guess I don't have health care insurance, mine cost $15.00, think I shall go out and protest , perhaps burn a few buildings down and block traffic so someone in an ambulance cant get that pesky health care


+1 for Sundancer
Quote by sundancer2004

Of course it's abut health care! Your own statement: "The affordable Care Act is about "healthcare" insurance.

So let's keep focused ok?

Ok..... Let me see if I can clarify this for you.

When your doctor snaps on a glove, lubes up his fingers, shoves one up your behind and checks your prostate, that's healthcare.

When you're all done and cleaned up, except for the KY that never seems to stop leaking out of your violated posterior, you go to the front desk and the lady says the bill is $85.00 but your co-pay is only $10.00. That's health care insurance.

Glad I could help.
Quote by sundancer2004

The ability to shape the terminology of a debate is the ability to control the debate itself to a certain degree. And that's why people say "pro life" instead of "pro abortion", "gun safety" instead of "gun control".

And so it's important to keep in the front of our brains the fact that "The Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare) was not about healthcare, it was not about access to healthcare, it was about who paid for the healthcare accessed and how.

The Affordable Care Act was about healthcare insurance. So let's keep the discussion focused on that, shall we?
Based on the responses so far, and what memories I have left from my wild and crazy single days, it seems to depend on the relative sizes of the participants. Everybody likes to be able to move around a bit. Few enjoy the feeling of being squished. So where a 200 pound man and a 90 pound woman are concerned its pretty much a done deal. Two 90 pound women can pretty much forget about it and enjoy the moment. In "Biloxi Blues" a young man asks a prostitute if she prefers the right side of the bed or the left. She replies, "Honey, if we do it right we're gonna use the whole thing!"