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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 66
United States


Active Ink Slinger
I use denial I deny touch and even the sound of my voice for 24 hours it is very effective
Active Ink Slinger
Masters creed
by Scottheart, Dec 5, 2013, 10:03:42 AM
Journals / Personal

Above all else he cherishes his slave, in the knowledge that the gift she gives him is the greatest gift of all. He is demanding and takes full advantage of the power given to him, but knows how to share the pleasure that comes from that precious gift.

He is in control of himself first and foremost, so that he may control others. As a stern and demanding Master, he can cause his slave to cry real tears. As the consummate lover, he will then kiss the tears away, without stepping out of character.

In times of trouble, a Master will leave the roles behind, to be a supportive friend and partner, never forgetting that this is still a loving relationship between two caring individuals. He is quick to understand the differences between fantasy and reality. He would never ask a slave to put him before her career, or family, just to satisfy his own pleasure.

To win his slave's mind, body, spirit, soul, and love, he knows he must first win her trust. He will show his slave humor, kindness, and warmth. He must always show her that his guidance and tutoring is knowledgeable and deserving of her attention, that this is a man she can learn from, and trust his direction.

He is romantic enough to be protective and chivalrous. When called upon, he will fight for his lady's honor. He proves to her that he is someone she can lean on, and depend on.

When it comes time to teach his slave her lessons of obedience, he is a strong and unyielding professor. He will accept no flaw, nothing less than perfection from his student. Never does he use discipline without a good reason. When he does it is always with a knowledgeable and careful hand.

He is always open to communication and discussion, always ready to hear her wants and needs. He is patient, taking time to learn her limits, and knowing that as her trust of him grows so will they. He never has to demand ritual behavior by her. She responds to him out of the want of pleasing him. Compliance comes from the wanting to please, not the fear of punishment. He understands the fragile nature of mind and body and never violates the trust given to him.

He is secure enough to laugh at himself and the absurdities of life. Open minded enough to learn new things and Strong enough to grow. His tools are mind, body, spirit, soul, and love. He understands that each partner gains most from pleasuring the other. And both of them know that love and trust are the only bindings that truly hold.
Active Ink Slinger
The reason sub drop occurs, is a direct result of sub space… as you are taking your submissive deeper and deeper into sub space, the brain is producing more and more endorphins, and adrenaline… so much so that it goes into overdrive, and produces far more than the body's normal and natural amount, hence the euphoric high the submissive experiences.

After your play session is over, the brain takes a while to realize there are no more external stimuli present and then begins shutting down production of those chemicals in order to attempt to bring the chemical levels back down to a level state. What it does however is it completely shuts down production… so much so that the levels often drop below normal after the fact, usually by the next day. When this happens, there is usually a period of depression associated with lower than normal chemical levels in the brain, then as the brain realizes the levels are low, it begins production again, but over produces once more to compensate, not nearly as much as when in a scene, but still, which leads to a period of happiness and giddiness once more. This is kind of a roller coaster, produce too much chemicals, then shut down, level drops bellow normal, overproduce again, and its a roller coaster effect as this goes on until the brain finally gets to a normal state again. This period of depression and euphoria, then depression again and so on is sub drop, it usually leaves the submissive feeling very confused and emotionally unsure, and vulnerable, a period in which she/he relies heavily on her/his Master, or Domme, and for most new submissives a very scary period.

That for the long and short of it is the mental reason for sub drop… it has nothing to do with true depression, it has nothing to do with the submissive disliking or being mad with the Dominant, it has to do with chemicals, plain and simple… and it is every Dominant's responsibility to realize that, and plan for it, and to help the submissive work through that period and support her/him. Often I have heard that exercise helps to level out the sub drop effects much quicker, so if you are a submissive, and want to shorten the effects, go for a nice run, or a bike ride or something the day after.

Hope that helps some out.
Active Ink Slinger
It is my believe that a dominant should not slap, spank, paddle, bind, confine, or otherwise perform any common BDSM act on a submissive as punishment. If you are trying to create positive, erotic connections with these activities, let's reserve them for that area alone and not confuse the connection. It is a firm conviction that a dominant should never touch a submissive in anger. Punishment most often involves pain and many submissives enjoy pain at some level. Some manipulate deliberately so they can be "punished." This is why I feel that pain should not be used as punishment. Punishment is meant for one reason only: To change behavior that is not pleasing to a Dominate. It is a useful and necessary tool, and exists in some form in every close relationship we have. With it, Dominants can teach submissives how to behave and help submissives modify their behavior to better please. Of course the primary goal is never to have to punish the submissive. Most subs would really rather not disappoint or disobey. Most dominants would prefer that they didn't, as well. From that understanding, you can prevent a great deal of misbehavior by positively reinforcing the things you desire, rewarding the types of behaviors that you wish your submissive to repeat. This sends the precise message: This pleases me ! Submissives are not perfect and the time will come when she/he displeases you. In this instance, the dominant must take action. Failing to do so teaches a submissive that she/he can get away with unacceptable behavior, that you are not serious about your limits or rules. As unpleasant as it may be for you to punish the ones you love, it is part and parcel to being a Dominant. What you should do, however, is to consider intent. An honest mistake should generally be treated more lightly than outright disobedience. It is unwise and not justifiable to punish for something a submissive does when you had not taken the time beforehand to properly instruct her/him on how to act properly. Always use only the degree of punishment needed to achieve the desired results. In many cases, merely learning that they've displeased is all the punishment many submissives are likely to need. Often, you need only point out how to please you and your submissive will make the desired change. The emotional pain your submissive may feel as a result of disappointing you is very often much harsher and more effective than anything you could reasonably come up with . Another alternative to corporal punishment is withdrawal. In this case, when faced with displeasing behavior the dominant stops the activity, points out the error, and by some means deprives the submissive of the dominant's presence. It is critically important, however, that the length of that time should be clearly stated. Without doing so, the submissive may be left wondering if you will ever return, if you have abandoned them. It risks, at the least, an erosion of trust and possibly worse... emotional trauma. Such physical separation can have a tremendous impact on a submissive, so use it very carefully. Physical pain doesn't encourage. It only sets up an association between a particular behavior and a painful consequence. It is often true that a submissive would rather endure a physical pain rather than the emotional pain of your disapproval or withdrawal. If this is the case, use it wisely. Ultimately, what form the punishment takes is your choice to make as the dominant. For many dominants who are emotionally involved with a submissive, punishment is a difficult task. You may understand that it is needed, but hate to cause your loved one pain other than in an erotic context. You may feel guilty afterwards or fear that your submissive will think you no longer care for her/him. These internal conflicts can lead you to move directly into erotic stimulation from punishment in hopes of reassuring. It is important to reassure our loved ones that we don't punish because they are "bad," but because we love them enough to correct misbehavior, however the line must be drawn and understood by both. Know, too, that the submissive will probably feel remorse for displeasing you and will want to get back on your "good side" as soon as possible. One way she/he knows to please you is with sex. You need to ensure a significant time between punishment and gratification--yours or your submissive's. This will take tact and understanding, since most of us do not take well the refusal of our sexual advances. In addition, following punishment, the sub will likely be particularly emotionally vulnerable. One common error to avoid is intimate sexual contact immediately following physical punishment. .......... No Sexual Contact ....... It teaches submissives that if they misbehave, they will get what exactly what they want..... Pleasure. Being mean and cruel doesn't make you a better Dominate, but it will diminish the foundation of trust upon which D/s relationships must be built. Punishment should only be used when necessary and not taken lightly.