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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
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I was reading a story earlier and the following line made be stop and think

She felt her labia swell, sensed her dew on them, felt her clitoris ease out from under its hood, hard now, expectant

I thought I was worldly but I realise I know so little

Two questions -
Is your labia so sensitive that you can sense dew on it (presumably in the story it is sensing without touching)

and can you feel the moment your clit eases out from under its hood?
Quote by Lilnaughtykitten
Do all you guys out there actually like going down on a girl or is something you give a quick lick for so that you can jump to fucking? Lemme know what you think

Love leila

Really Guys? You all love all of it all the time?

For me I find that some girls are almost dry with a silky smooth sweet tasting come, what's not to like. Others gush or squirt, their come can be sweet or sharp or sour and sometimes pungent. What they have eaten recently, the time of the month for them and their hydration seems to have a big effect on the taste. Sweet is lovely I could stay down their for ever, sharp or sour well I can put up with so will go down but would prefer not to spend too long doing so, pungent - thanks but no thanks.

Often I find the stronger the taste the longer the odour remains with you, you can still smell it on your skin hours after and that's not always a good thing. And get a squirt in your eye and boy does it sting!

So, there is no one answer for me, often its a yes, occasionally its a chore and sometimes well sometimes I'd rather wash the dishes.
Quote by kiera
I really wish I had not asked google or looked in this forum...I was just bloody glad I never pooped when I had my kids, which is common and I would have died of embarrassment but seriously if I did during sex I would just want to die

But here it is and some possible reasons for it.

Thanks Kiera
Doh, never occured to me to simply ask Google. Interesting article, at least I know now.
I guess I'll just have to temper the turn-on a little, and when we get really close to a massive O let her come gently rather than with .....gusto!

Love your tag line by the way - Tea - best drink of the day!
No, no butt play.
A fair amount of kissing, some nibbling of the nipples and an awful lot of labia stroking. Teasing her pussy with fingers and tongue until finally using my fingers to massage my lovers g-spot to a lovely orgasm, then without slowing building immediately to a second and a third and if they are still corpus mentis and willing a fourth g-spot O. They describe their orgasms as incredibly intense and whole of body orgasms rather than just starting and ending between their legs, to the extent that they cannot focus their eyes, string a coherent sentence together or even move for several minutes after. Over the last coupole of years, on one occasion with A and now twice with B they have pooped, not a lot but enough to make a little mess and some awkwardness. This happened again last week and I was just wondering whether this is usual or we have just been 'unlucky'
Thanks for your comments. Mortified is pretty much the strength of it, for all parties involved.
The questions on my mind can be reduced down to how usual is it and does it affect lovers of anal more?

I am fortunate to have several 'friends with benefits' and being a lover of foreplay enjoy taking them to that plateau of esctacy and holding them there for an age often finishing with a g-spot orgasm. I am told that their subsequent orgasm is stronger and more intense than normal

But, on several occasions not only does their orgasm flood the bed but they poop as well. I'm really not into that, it doesn't float my boat, it destroys an otherwise tender moment and leaves my partner embarrassed.

Thankfully it doesn't happen often but both the girls who have done it have both had partners in the past who were into anal.

So my question to the ladies of Lush is how usual is it to poop during an intense orgasm and does it affect lovers of anal more?
Quote by ElegantDreams
.. work the upper right part of her clit.. more often than not.. this is the most sensitive part of her clitoris…

I'd not heard this said before - is this true for others or is it just Elegant Dreams who has one side more sensitive than the other?
Vibrators come with many different speeds but do they get used?
I guess they all get tried once but after first occasion do you just use the one setting or do they all get used
French kissing is good but Australian kissing - something else

(joke works best on an English audience for whom Australia is 'down under')

(Not sure America has an equivalent - if so insert the county's name in place of Australia and chortle away)
I spotted a beautiful woman in a bar and so I went up to her and asked whether she would sleep with me for £1 million
She thought about it for a moment, looked me up and down and then said yes she'd sleep with me for a £1million
I then asked her in that case whether she would sleep with me for a single £1
Slightly offended she took a step back and said "What do you think I am, a prostitute"
I replied "We've already established what you are, we are now just haggling over the price"

Old joke - but a good one!
Somehow I've managed to lose the charger for my partner's wand. I think we left it in a hotel room a couple of months ago. Doh!
I have a drawer full of chargers for all sorts of electrical goods several of which have the same size plug. Rather than buying a new wand and charger I could try any of the ones in my drawer but I need to check the power output of the charger to make sure I don't damage/set fire to anything
If you too have a rechargeable wand would you mind looking at the label on the plug of the charger and letting me know what is says about the output - it'll probably be something like 12V 1.5A or maybe 5V 3A
Really appreciate any help, thanks
I'm away for a few weeks and want to send my partner a present - last of the romantics!
I've had a few shower gels in the past which really get your attention as soon as they hit your skin and I thought I would send her some to use in the shower to spread over her pussy and wake herself up whilst I'm not there
I'm sure you get the gist
Does anyone know of a gel with a WOWWWW!!! factor that they would recommend
Ideally reasonably accessible in UK supermarkets
Many thanks
Ah, Jonathon Philips is the person I was looking for
Cannot find anything recently written so I assume that he has changed his pen name
Perhaps he is already on Lush and I just haven't noticed him - although his writing was such I think he would stand out even among the luminaries here
Thanks for the pointers
I know of at least a couple of Lushees used to frequent the pages and forums of Lusty Library before it closed down and I feel sure many others did too

Bit of a long shot but there was a writer on there who had posted a good dozen or so stories. I really enjoyed his writing style and would like to re-read some of his prose

Unfortunately I cannot remember either his name or the titles of his stories so I don't know whether he is also on this site or other similar sites but I'm hoping someone can help me

What I do know is

He is British, wrote in a number of different genres but nothing too extreme, had a brilliant way with words, I believe that he went on the forums and was generally well liked

He won the story of the year in about 2008 (give or take a year or two) with a (true?) story about travelling across France as a young man for a summer holiday with a friend and his friend's parents and being seduced by the mother of his friend. He also wrote another story about a headteacher succumbing to temptation when disciplining a female pupil.

Any clues or hints would be appreciated
..and don't forget that kids only understand reverse psychology. If you tell her not to see David then she'll do the opposite. As a parent I think (most) of the advice given above is sound. Stand firm, be big and strong and wait to give your daughter the shoulder to cry on when she needs it. Parenting is tough and even tougher on your own. Good luck
I too picked up straight-away that XXX is a gay.

What I read was not that he had announced his sexual orientation but that he had become a stereotype.

Perhaps it is a British thing. We now have laws here which discriminate against discriminators. If you were to punch someone whilst calling them gay/straight, black/white, muslim/christian or even an American then you will be charged with a racially/religious/sexual orientation motivated crime which will carry a higher penalty than just whacking someone without saying anything.

If this has pushed Britain into becoming a more tolerant society than some places in the world then it must be a good thing. It does however lead us to notice comments which seemingly cross this divide.

This is just a general observation and is not intended to be a criticism of the original poster, even more so if for them English is a second language
Quote by BigJay23

Thank you so much, that is what im looking for advice like that, but how do i stop myself from getting friend zoned? I always seem to get it, even with people i just met

It seems to me that your only problem Jay is that you need to learn how to flirt. Is it possible that to avoid the chance of getting burned you don't expose yourself to any risk and dry up when you should be spewing witty banter. That is how most of us end up in the dreaded 'friend-zone'

Nothing beats experience so why not join a dating website or two. Over a six month period invite as many women as you can out for a coffee or similar and practice flirting. Look up corny chat-up lines on the net, try them out. Do they work for you? Try being direct. Try being self-deprecating, in short find what works for you. If these are casual one-off dates then you can go down in flames spectacularly without it mattering at all.

By the time your six month trial is up you will either have already found Miss Right or you will be better placed to catch her when you do meet.
Quote by bigbubblygurlnc
Not that I am trying to mess up your fanatsy or any other guys for that matter... but ever thought that she may not be a squirter? Not every woman can.

Or perhaps some of those women who do not think they can squirt have not been with a lover who has taken the time and trouble to find out how to make them do so

Of my three ‘friends with benefits’, two had never cum this way including one who is bisexual and has had a number of female lovers. Another loves her clit being licked but after 30 minutes of tongue and vibe may have a big smile but will not have cum. Within a minute or two of my fingers starting to play all three can be made squirt again and again.

I do not have magic fingers, I came upon the technique that works for me and my friends by accident and practiced it until it was honed. It may or may not work for you but when you feel your lover gush and see their eyes glaze over and they are completely mind-fucked by the strength of the orgasm you have given them then you know the effort was worthwhile.

With my partner lying on her back I kneel alongside her, my knees level with her chest. I reach down with my hand and insert two fingers. It seems that the majority of nerve endings are at the very entrance and so it is not a competition to see how deep I can go but how much I can stimulate her there. I therefore insert my fingers about 4 cm only. Instead of thrusting in and out I glide my fingers up and down her slit, trying to keep each finger at just 4cm inside and in contact with her pussy walls at all times. At the top of each stroke I can feel a pronounced, slightly rough area which swells as things progress, as the tempo of my fingers increases I allow my fingers to ‘bang’ against this area when they hit it.

At this stage my partner describes the feeling as if they need to pee. If they contract their kegel muscles to prevent doing so the gushing orgasm will be gone too. They must nstead relax into it and allow the pee-ing feeling to grow. At the point of orgasm they will gush fluid from their urethra. If the peeing feeling is holding them back then perhaps you could try playing outside or surrounded by towels so that it doesn’t matter.

Once between you, you have mastered the art of gushing orgasms the progression to squirting is simply for your partner forcing the liquid out of themselves when they come. For some it seems this may be involuntary or for others they may need to work on it.

I don't believe that it is a mix of pee and cum. It tastes, smells and feels very different to both, that is not a scientific conclusion, just my experience
The good news is that it is do-able, but depending upon the issue the costs might well out-weigh the value of the car.
A high level HC reading means that the car is putting excessive fuel into the engine, but without specialist equipment it is going to be nigh on impossible to prove which part of the engine system is causing the problem.
I would suggest that it is likely to be the fuel injectors which are either worn or possibly leaking but equally it could be the spark plugs or HT leads which are at fault. Or it could be all three, or possibly the fuel mapping system or something else entirely
In the first instance I would suggest that you take the car to two or three garages/mechanics local to you and ask them to run a diagnostics check. That should at least give you some pointers. They should also be able to give you a quote for fixing it but be ready to sit down when they do!
Unless the car is cherished then you may be looking at a new set of wheels in the near future

Engines always benefit from oil changes but you won't see any reduction in a your HC reading, I'd be inclined to see what you can do to resolve the fuel issue first and then if you are keeping the car take GingerKitty's advice and change the oil. Danger of throwing money away if you are not going to keep the car
Well it's simple really.
All you need to do is wait until she is in the house on her own and then carefully set light to it.

Drive around the block and then crash through the front door declaring that you were 'just in the neighbourhood and spotted the flames' put out the fire and rescue her (together with any animals in the house at the time)
Even an old fish cannot resist a hero

Of course if you get delayed and are not 'just in the neighbourhood and spot the flames' then that is also problem solved
The french beaches I spend my holidays on are fairly liberal. Close to the car parks are the family areas where most people are fully costumed or at most topless but if you walk a couple of hundred yards down the beach then topless is de rigueur (french for customary - do you see what I've done there?). a couple of hundred yards further and there are no families and very few clothes. The first few minutes spent in the au naturel area (aha, done it again) and your eyes are on stalks, naked bodies everywhere. Within a ridiculously short time you become used to it and for me a naked pussy is a naked pussy is a naked pussy. Some hairy, some shaved, some pretty, some not. After a couple more hours you stop looking and it is all quite boring really. After a few days of it I actually find the occasional flash of skin when walking around town from an accidental underboob, down-blouse or upskirt far more titillating than a naked pussy on a beach.
Quote by CBRgirl
I would love to be able to do it, but as of yet I haven't been able to.

I spent a short time cruising the net learning how to make a lover squirt/gush and then (and this was the really enjoyable bit!) a fair amount of time practicing.
I have found that the angle that I hold my fingers and the amount of pressuure I need to apply varies from partner to partner but once we've got it sussed it is easy to make each of my lovers come quickly and repeatedly in this way and when they do they squirt/gush with abandon. When we meet a decent sized bath towel is now laid out on the bed!

Curiously one of my fwb rarely has clitorral or vaginal orgasms but will come quickly and repeatedly when she is 'made' to squirt/gush.

Of course there is always the exception that makes the rule but I believe that all woman should be able to come in this way. CBRgirl - get your gf onto the net to find out how to and then lie back and wait for the earth to move and the come to flow!!

(love the cbr by the way, I'm a triumph boy but the honda looks good)
Quote by maturemaleinmo
...... for the most part, most of the men I know have wives who simply dislike sex. I don't think it is just a fact that men are not romantic. Why can't women just like sex for sexes sake? Why does romance have to enter into it. Why are men and women so different?

maturemaleinmo: you start off by saying that you know of many wives who don't want to have sex [with their husbands] but you then say that women don't like sex.

I think that you have leaped from considering wives to including all women

Although I too know quite a few men whose long term wives no longer have a very active sex drive but, and perhaps it is just the circles that I move in, I have found that as soon as 40-50yo women find themselves single again they not only discover they enjoy sex but are as randy as hell and open to a lot of sexual experimentation and playing. With or without romance aforehand

Whilst I too am just mentioning wives, in reality you will find there are quite a number of women who will make the same complaint of their husbands

The question which I think needs to be asked is 'why do some individuals when in long term monogamous relationships lose interest in sex?'

If that is the question then I for one am buggered if I know the answer!
One of the things that puts me off having anal sex is I hate the idea of making my lover uncomfortable.

Obviously copious quantities of lube deal with the moment but my query is:

How long after having had anal sex does it takes for the anal muscles to relax and for that region to feel 'normal' again

If it is more than a few moments how would you rate it on the comfort scale from 1 - quite uncomfortable to 10 very pleasing

Thanks for your advice
Necks can be incredibly sensitive, around her ears, at the back by her hairline, in the front leading down to her chest. Try spending ages and ages kissing, licking, nibbling, stroking, caressing this area, and when you are done, start again.
Quote by jakehatteras

Dudealicious, time to change your screen name to sirwhinesalot. Just saying.

Jake, I too am a newbie and have submitted a similar number of posts to you. I have not been black-balled, criticised, put down or received any negative comments from either dudealicious or sprite and so I completely disagree with your generalisation. In my experience the replies by these two and the majority of others are friendly and courteous.

If it is tiring for newcomers then I should imagine that it is even worse for old-timers when the same questions are repeated quite so frequently, even more so when asked without reference to spelling, punctuation, grammar, tact, diplomacy or indeed intelligence. I think therefore a little allowance should be given for the occasional caustic comment which slips out.

In fact when it does it is generally in response to a unwarranted post and almost always reflects what I and I suspect most other Lushies are thinking.

Just saying.
Going back to your original post Clum, ,if you do pick up courage to open a friendly conversation in the changing room, (with or without a hidden bi-sexual agenda) don’t follow my lead.

On Friday I started chatting to someone about the temperature of the showers only to discover he was profoundly deaf, and not wishing to embarrass him and to show that I am no disability-phobe tried to continue the conversation with sign language, whilst standing stark naked. At that point the whole changing room went quiet and all eyes were upon my attempt at hot-shower-charades.

Not having learnt my lesson, today I broke into innocent conversation with someone else about the weekend’s rugby (good win for Scotland eh) only to discover the chap was Polish and stood there saying que? (I thought that was Spanish?) in a very Manuel-esque way. Thankfully he had a friend there who translated and we managed to struggle through.

Maybe I'll keep quiet next time
There are two different levels of submissive-ness. Those that are looking for a bit of what might be called ‘kink in the bedroom’ and those who are treating it as a lifestyle choice. I think that you are asking about the former. If it is the latter then I am not qualified to have an opinion except to say that if it is something new to you I believe you will get more out of it if you pair up with someone who has experience of taking the Dominant role. Perhaps Sprite/John C or others would give you their view on this

If I am right in thinking that this is little more than adding an extra dimension to vanilla bedroom sex then I would suggest the following

Talk through with your partner what your hard and soft limits are. Hard would be what are you not prepared to do under any circumstances, for me that would be cutting the skin, scat and piss. Your soft limits would be what are you possibly prepared to do under some circumstances but only if you are really turned on and it is ‘in the moment’, eg anal, mild whipping. Make sure both of you fully understand

Discuss safe words, in the heat of passion it isn’t always easy to spot the punctuation that separates ‘For God’s sake don’t stop’ and ‘For God’s sake don’t’ ‘Stop!’. It completely ruins the atmosphere if your partner has to stop to check whether you mean one or the other. Many people adopt the traffic light system, Red means stop, yellow; I’m getting close to saying stop but a little bit more, please and green means more, more, more!

There is no place whatsoever for a sadist as a Dominant at this level. Only enter into the play if you completely trust that other party. Their raison d’etre should be your enjoyment. If they don’t get turned on by making you come then avoid them.

Play safe. If you are using ropes never go near your neck, if they are around your limbs make sure they are tied loose enough so that blood can still circulate, have a pair of blunt nosed scissors available in case of emergency.
A good place to start is with a blind fold, 2 or three hanks of 8 metre long x 8mm rope – obtainable from any ships chandlers, some clothes pegs and a big heap of imagination!!
Given that you are likely to have a huge response to this post and to save you the time and effort of having to keep flying over the atlantic may I volunteer to deputise for you in UK
Have similar level of experience, dry wit and happy to provide my own lubes