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The Right Rev of Lush

This is just a hunch, you understand, but judging by that somewhat strident recent outburst, Her Royal Spritefullness may need to add a bit more ruffage into her diet. ;)

The Right Rev of Lush

Your attention -- please!

I've been wallowing in the sublime slime that is LUSH fiction recently and now feel lead to shore my recommendations.

Kimmi's latest is a read-over special. That is ti say, when you finish reading it, your almost compelled to reread it to savor the experience.

Da Bear has a new installment of his 'Noir' multo-installment classic. Absolutely first-rate filthy fiction. Best I recall, this one is chapter five, but check 'em all out.

And now to the two latest contributions by her royal Spriteness. Both recount the further (farther?) adventures of Alice in Wonderland and are highly recommended reads. That they mark her first new work in two years make dem especially special.

It goes w/o sayin, but won't, that all three are most worthy of the RRR (Rumplation's Reading Recommendations) nomination I've laid uponst them. So check 'em all out and vote early and often.

The Right Rev of Lush

Bear, a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste whether you're already wasted or not. Trust me on that one.

Not sure just exactly why or how I can now sneak back into this scene of old world drunken debauchery, but so goes it.

Judging by some other hard-core Rumplators showing up, it's obvious James has managed to keep the doors open and be big profits rolling in -- right, Mr. Bear? ;)

For any newbies among us, I'm Rumple Foreskin, the unordained Right Rev. of Lush and blind Bartender Demeritus.

Okay, who the hell swiped the communion wine? Me, I need a drink. If Tawny the Trailer Tramp is still hustlin' business around here, have her brin it over to the corner table where Coma, Tose and I will be meditatin' on why the letter that comes between 'f' and 'h' has suddenly upped an vanished. (si h).


The Right Rev of Lush
Just read a post by Jen on the Lush Site Ann. forum that the great switcharoo has been rescheduled for 9:am UK time tomorrow (Tuesday)

No problems she says. Why worry? Get happy, I say. ;)

Okay, this means y'all got another day to get drunk and cultivate the fine art of debauchery. Enjoy.

The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings on this especially appropriate Moanday mourning. Thanks to the uncomplaining effort of James, Big Bertha has been given the 'treatment' she craves so much. This has resulted in a big coffee urn filled with her blessed brew. For treats, there's a plentiful supply of fried pork skins and beef jerky.

Today's coffee is self-serve (don't ask about clean mugs, just don't) and there are condo-ments on the bar for those in need of condomenting. Till we meet again, y'all do the best you know how.

Rumpled old Bill
The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings from the Sunflower State (that's Kansas for the geographically challenged) I'll be heading back to the desert tomorrow but I managed to cram in a lot of red beans and rice with sausage), plus homemade gumbo all cooked up by my #1 daughter. Also manage to ingest several really big biscuits at the 'Big Biscuit , a neighborhood diner here in Lawrence. At one of those ingestions, Green-Man (Larry) and his 'way too good for him' spouse, Paula, joined us for a long east and chat.

Hated not touching base with Carl but as one of his posts this weekend reveals he has been busier than a one-legged man at a butt kicking. Here's hoping his buddy keeps getting better.

I'm still unable to get onto the Stories Space site so once the switcharoo takes place, Lush may finally have figured out how to get me off this otherwise immaculate scene of old world culture and charm. ;) That was a joke folks, honest.

Therefore and etc., this is goodbye, at least for now. I'll try to slip back in mid-week but who knows? Good thing Sprite is back to keep rowdy Rumplators behaving in a clean and orderly way, or something sorta like that.

So, anybody want a drink before I blow this joint, he asks in a non-sexual manner of speaking.

The Right Rev of Lush
Just an echo to Lake Shore's posts. I'm having the same trouble with logins to Stories Space. Molly has been PM'ed through Lush (I'm totally blocked from Stories Space) and said she's contacted the new techsters with the information. Tension mounts. ;)

My main worry is if the switch is made on Lush before this situation is resolved, LS and I may be blocked from both SS and Lush like, maybe forever. (:

The Right Rev of Lush
Just another fine free service of the R&D folks at Rumplations.

x x x

25 Books That Writers of Fiction Should Consider Reading
Written By Theresa van Baalen
for the free online and highly recommended (by me) newsletter of, Authors Publish Magazine

The number one way to improve your writing is to write. But equally as important is learning more about your craft. There are many books on the subject of writing. Whether it is inspiration you seek; advice on harnessing your creativity; or information on plotting, characters, genres and other aspects of the craft, there is bound to be a book out there somewhere for you. But all books are not equal. I have compiled a list of some of those that I have found especially helpful and inspiring. Click on a title to visit a book’s Amazon page for more information.

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
This is such an engaging book by the well-known author, Stephen King, which is partly memoir, and partly about the craft of writing. It reads like a novel, and you are going to want to keep turning the pages, learning much as you do. It will inspire you and teach you about the craft of writing without ever feeling like a self-help book, and if you only have time for one book on this list, let it be this one.

Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon
This is one of my favorite books, an inspiring quick read about creativity, filled with nuggets of wisdom that will force you to think outside the box. Here is a quote from the book that resonates with me: “If we’re free from the burden of trying to be completely original, we can stop trying to make something out of nothing, and we can embrace influence instead of running away from it.”

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
A lovely book about creativity from the best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love.

Praise for Big Magic: “Big Magic is a celebration of a creative life … Gilbert’s love of creativity is infectious, and there is a lot of great advice in this sunny book … Gilbert doesn’t just call for aspiring artists to speak their truth, however daffy that may appear to others; she is showing them how.” – Washington Post

Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg

An inspiring book on the craft of writing, with short, easy-to-read chapters and a humorous approach. The practical suggestions, encouragement and solid advice will inspire anyone who writes or who wants to write.

The Writing Life by Annie Dillard
This book by the Pulitzer Prize winner, Annie Dillard, is beautifully written, almost poetically so. It doesn’t deal so much with the craft of writing, but rather looks at the life of a writer and what creative writing involves. She writes from her own experiences, and imparts a lot of wisdom that only one who has spent many solitary hours writing could possibly have to share.

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott
If you enjoy wit and humor and you are looking for writing advice about everything from the craft of writing, right down to the realities of a writer’s life, this is the book for you. The subtitle says it all: “some instructions on writing and life”. It is bound to inspire.

Writing the Other: A Practical Approach by Nisi Shawl and Cynthia Ward
This is a must-have guide if you are writing about characters of races, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, religions, nationalities, and other traits and features different from your own. It highlights common mistakes and pitfalls that occur in writing about differences, and how to avoid them. Rather than shy away from “difficult writing”, let this book help you create richly textured diverse characters for your stories.

Save the Cat! Writes a Novel: The Last Book On Novel Writing You’ll Ever Need by Jessica Brody
Any novelist who has ever read the original Save the Cat! The Last Book On Screenwriting That You’ll Ever Need! is going to love this book. It is a fun and easy read, a great resource if you need help plotting your next novel, and it might just convince the most hardcore pantser (someone who rarely plots and writes by the seat of their pants) to take a stab at plotting their next novel.

Craft in the Real World: Rethinking Fiction Writing and Workshopping by Matthew Salesses
The author asks important questions: How can we rethink craft, and the teaching of it, to better reach writers with diverse backgrounds? How can we invite diverse storytelling traditions into literary spaces? Definitely a must-read for teachers of writing workshops.

The Way of The Writer: Reflections on the Art and Craft of Storytelling by Charles Johnson
The author, Charles Johnson, is a National Book Award winner, a Professor Emeritus at University of Washington, and one of America’s preeminent scholars on literature and race. The book is an instructive, inspiring guide to the craft and art of writing.

About Writing: Seven Essays, Four Letters, & Five Interviews by Samuel R. Delany
A book filled with practical advice for creative writers, by Hugo and Nebula awards winner, Samuel R. Delany. He has also won the William Whitehead Memorial Award for a lifetime’s contribution to gay and lesbian literature and has been teaching writers’ workshops for over 35 years.

Elements of Fiction by Walter Mosley
Written in a conversational style, this book guides the writer to master fiction’s most essential elements. It provides a vivid depiction of the writing process, which will intrigue and encourage both writers and readers.

The Story Grid: What Good Editors Know by Shawn Coyne
This book offers the writer a way to determine if his story is working or not, and if not, how to fix it. Learn to look at your work from an editor’s point of view to give yourself the best possible chance at getting your story accepted.

The Story Template: Conquer Writer’s Block Using the Universal Structure of Story by Amy Deardon
A very helpful and inspiring book, especially if you are new to writing novels and don’t know where to start. Each concept is explained clearly, with good examples and exercises that are easy to follow.

Plot Perfect: How to Build Unforgettable Stories Scene by Scene by Paula Munier
An excellent book on plotting, with detailed explanations, examples and references. The author draws from different genres and references popular books and movies to get her point across. Definitely one of my go-to books about writing.

The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White
This short guide to writing good English is essential for anyone who strives to use good grammar and style. Every serious writer should have one (and use it regularly).

Editing Secrets of Best-Selling Authors by Kathy Ide
This book will help you polish your manuscript and get it ready for publication. It is also an excellent guide for new authors, providing practical advice and examples, as well as quotes from best-selling authors who share their own experiences.

The Author’s Toolkit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing and Publishing Your Book by Mary Embree
This book gives a great overview of the whole process of writing, starting with the idea and working its way through the basics of writing both fiction and nonfiction, literary agents, publishing contracts, getting published, self-publishing, ethics and legal concerns, and more. It is a great guide for all who wish to become published writers.

The Art of Character: Creating Memorable Characters for Fiction, Film, and TV by David Corbet
This is a very comprehensive book about creating memorable characters who will live on long after the story is finished.

How to write Dazzling Dialogue by James Scott Bell
As with all James Scott Bell’s books on writing, this book is a pleasure to read and easy to follow. He gives some great advice on the art of writing riveting dialogue, and backs it up with concrete examples from books and movies.

Writing Book Blurbs and Synopses by Rayne Hall
A very useful guide, whether you self-publish or want to impress literary agents and publishers. Writing book blurbs, synopses, taglines, short pitches, and chapter-by-chapter outlines are skills in themselves. This book will help you get it done.

How to Write and Sell Great Short Stories by Linda M. James
This is a great book on the craft of writing, with some additional advice about marketing your short stories.

Writing the Cozy Mystery by Nancy J. Cohen
If you have always wanted to write a cozy mystery, but have no idea where to start, this is the book for you. Writing whodunits is a complex task, but the book offers clear examples and practical writing advice to guide you from beginning to end.

The Guide to Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction: 6 Steps to Writing and Publishing Your Bestseller! by Philip Athans
This book takes a look at the different types of fantasy and science fiction stories, as well as your different target audiences. Then it delves right into the extensive section about writing these genres. It is a very comprehensive guide that all aspiring fantasy and sci-fi writers should read.

Theresa van Baalen is a freelance writer who spends most of her time writing Afrikaans books for children and teens. She lives in South Africa.
The Right Rev of Lush
CELEBRATE! CELEBRATE! Dance to the music!

TG, you've done did good at least 250 times. Mega-congrats.

The Right Rev of Lush
WILL!! Welcome back to this scene of old world culture and charm.

Greetings to all the rest who claim membership in the vast Rumplations nation.

I've been hunkered down recently with the news turned off waiting for my after-shocks from the US pull-out in Afghanistan to ease a bit. Flashbacks to what went down in Saigon back in '75 have not helped this old 'Nam vet one little bit.

BTW, I was both pleased and surprised to be getting several 'Happy Birthday type good wishes a few days ago. What surprised me was them showing up mid-August when my actual birthing day is in mid-March. Whatever the reason for the snafu, the results were a nice 'Atta boy' at a time they were much needed. So thanks to all who took the time to do the dirty deed. ;)

Sorry to have left such a long-winded post. My thanks to James for his set-up this morning. That fancy foo-foo Hawaiian coffee ain't half bad.

Anybody in need of a drink either help yourself or maybe try yelling your order real loud toward the last known location of Da Bear.

The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings to all the early birds, insomniacs and other survivors of the WWWW (world wide web wreckage) on this Friday the 13th.

My condolences to all who missed last nights 'Field of Dreams' game between the Chicago White Sox and the New York Yankees. It was a great game and a memorable event.

Now to try some of that Aussie coffee Da Bear has coaxed out of Big Bertha. A mug full of that brew and a collection of Curvy's brownies should be all I'll need while sitting out on the back porch/beer garden while waiting on Tawny to take her morning skinny-dip in the dumpster hot tub.

Anybody need a drink or two before I leave for the great out-of-doors?

The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings, Rumplators and best wishes for a great TGIF Eve celebration.

Michelle, glad to have you back where you belong. Many thanks for the clean-up and set-up.


The classic baseball film, "Field of Dreams" moves from make believe to real life.

Here's everything you need to know for Thursday's game:

Time: 7 p.m. EST

TV channel: FOX


Location: Dyersville, Iowa

Who is playing in the Field of Dreams game?
The Chicago White Sox and New York Yankees face off in the game on Thursday with the White Sox as the "home" team. The teams will have a day off Friday and then play Saturday and Sunday in Chicago to finish the three-game set.

x x x

Even without all the hype and Hollywood hoopla, this should be a great game. The White Sox are dominating their devision and the Yankees are streaking. Kevin Costner will toss out the ceremonial first pitch. Check it out.

Anybody need a drink?

The Right Rev of Lush
Bob Shane, Last of the Original Kingston Trio, has Dies at 85

Odds are this link won't work, but it's to 'Scotch and Soda' his 'signiture' song from the group's first LP. It's also a most appropriate tune for this cultural cesspool, imo › watch

Anybody now primed for a drink or two?

The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings to all insomniacs, early risers or late party-types. Me, I've been working like a dog without a bone getting Big Bertha and the sacred tea kettle ready to do their thangs. BTW, left in yesterday's sludge so some may find today's brew a tad stout. Water for both came from the pristine if primevil depths of Fools Bayou. For coffee Louisiana dark roast has joined in the fun. Enjoy.

So anybody want a drink of either one or maybe something from the bar's unique list of perculiar beers, whines and our always popular fine lickers.

Fluttered, welcome to this scene of old world culture and charm. No doubt Harley will be available to guide you away from the dang few paths of righteousness and decency always lurking nearby trying to tempt the debauched to go straight.

The Right Rev of Lush
Jeff, he inquired: Oh, it’s definitely time for a drink. Any Safeway Select bourbon back there, Bill? I feel the need for a shot.

Me, I replied: Jeff, it's breaking my heart and tearing it apart to confess that there's no Safeway Brand Bourbon to be had. However, there's a case of 'Old Skullbuster Whiskey' just waiting for someone to give it a try. For some reason, it comes with a warning label requiring payment in advance. But if you got the money.... , Ya want a double or triple shot?

Anybody else wanna give this stuff a taste test?

The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings to all carbon based lifeforms who have entered and still haven't figured out what they did to deserve all this.

For those unfamiliar with the inner most esoteric workings of Rumplations, well, there ain't none, but feel free to cook up some of your own which everyone can then ignore.
Jake asked if the joint had a juke box. Not only yes, but heck yes, he says with g-rated enthusiasm. The bar's jukebox is either a seebring, a Rock-ola, or my favorite and old-style wurlitzer with the bubble lights. .

And in conclusion, the joint has a back porch/beer garden where Rumplators like to gather at sunrise to show support for Tawny, the bars mandatory wanton waitress as she takes her morning skinny-dip in the dumpster converted into a hot tub for the rest of us.

And in a final conclusion, honest, all are invited to sit in at the corner round table presided over by our two befuddled senior patrons, Coma and Tose. Most of the time they are participating in power naps but sometimes get into philosophical debates on such issues as the current one concerning whether a female-type lady-person comes equipped with a, 'yet'. Stay tuned.

All that is subject to change without notice, much less any warning. Anybody need a drink?

The Right Rev of Lush
Once upon a time, Tuesday at Rumplations had been declared 'Titty Tuesday'. Linking it with 'No-Bra Monday' would seem to be a logical coupling.

Just for the record, I don't feel lead to support some sort of, 'No Jock-Strap day. ;)

Anybody need a drink?

The Right Rev of Lush
Dang place is working alive. Angel, here's your hot chocolate w/mini-marshmallows.

Wanted to mention that the last chapter in the series Nika and James have shared with us has been posted with the appropriate title, 'The Naked End'. It is an outstanding finale to a strong candidate for 'Outstanding Series' recognition, imo. Check it out.

Anybody want a drink?

The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings on this Moanday mourning. That's particularly true for the US Women's Soccer Team who have been eliminated from the Olympics following a 1-0 loss to Canada. Now it's up to the belles of the northwoods to bring Olympic gold back to North America.

Big Bertha has been freed of her sludge (saved for whatever lifeform wants the stuff), rinsed out, filled with dark roast Louisiana coffee and water from Bayou Baby Bunting, at least that's what I've been told. The tea kettle has gotten the same treatment except, of course, for the coffee.

As for goodies, found half a box of day-old doughnut holes out by the dumpster hot tub for all to enjoy.

Sounds like BB is ready to put out, her outstanding coffee, that is. Me, I'm gonna fill my mug with her blessed brew, grab a few doughnut holes and go join Coma and Tose who are deep into a discussion of the quantum mechanics involved with a one-handed unsnapping of a bra clasp.

Anybody want a drink?

The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings to all who surf the web only to have crashed upon the 'grief reef' that is Rumplations.

DD, as we both know, a good spouse is hard to find. Please tell the Amazing Gracie Anne that a host of positive vibes and prayers are heading her way in hopes she gets better soon and can get back to looking for one of her own.

Heard on a sports radio show this morning that a guy was cranking up a 'Swingers Trailer Park in Mamou, Louisiana, a small town in the middle of Cajun country. Turns out it was a joke but the guy says he's been flooded with photos of bare nekkid folks wanting to schedule a visit. Sounds like a potential legendary Lush story in the making, at least to me. ;)

Not sure exactly how it happened, but Big Bertha is packing a load of fresh coffee and the tea kettle has a boat load of hot water for the tea and coco crowd.

So anybody else want a drink?

The Right Rev of Lush
James, word has it tomorrow, that is to say, August 1, is your birthday. Congrats on having made it this far and a wish or two that becoming a year older in a few hours won't be too great a shock. ;)
The Right Rev of Lush
Lucky, hate that you're leaving and hope you'll be coming back soon. Best of luck with the job.

The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings and a big TGIF. Stopped in to check on whatever condition the main page was in. Lo and behold, the first thing to break cover was the latest chapter in the saga James and Nika have bee providing. Check it out.

Time to give today's version of coffee as concocted by James a try. Don't worry me none. If I managed to survive that 'Plonk' wine last night, coffee should be a snap. And speaking of surviving 'Plonk' has anyone spotted Kimmi. It was one mug of wine down and more to go for her I'm afraid.

Got my disinfected and now rinsed out mug (I had it full of Plonk last night) full to the rim with Big Bertha's blessed brew.Now to grab a few bags of fried pork skins and toddle off to the back porch to meditate on meditating whil waiting for Tawny to take her morning skinny-dip in the dumpster hot tub.

Anybody want a drink before I move on? Don't forget Rumplations features some of the world's most unique beers, weirdest whines and our ever popular fine lickers.

The Right Rev of Lush
Kimmie, your Plonk is on the way. I think you're gonna find it an unforgettable drinking experience, that is unless you try two or more mugs of the stuff. If you do, please be sure to wear a name tag -- preferably one emblazoned with your own name.

Here you go, I sorta semi-rinsed out one of the house mugs so you should be good to go. Enjoy.

Anybody else want a drink?

The Right Rev of Lush
'She Who Must B Obeyed', that is to say, our commander in chief, dba: Nicola, stopped by a bit earlier expressing regrets over Osman, a long-time Lusher, going postal and moving on. She then asked for red wine. Just so happens one of the bar's many UK patrons recently shipped over a case of the finest 'Fleet Street 'Plonk' straight from Pomeroy's Wine Shop.

So if someone can wake or sober up James enough for him to open a bottle and fill our most undirty glass with an unhealthy slug of that English elixir, all will be forgiven.

Think I'll try some of that imported swill. . Since the least dirty glass is serving our leader, I'll just rinse out my mug and try a sample. Worts that can happen is my beloved 'Deep Hole Fluid Injectors' mug gets disinfected.

Anybody else wanna try some of this stuff first?

The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings on this TGIF eve. Carl, sorry to hear about Jenny and her problems she was eager to share with anyone who happened to come into her kicking or biting range. One of my major life blessings was, though I'm a small town country boy,having little to do with the cantankerous beasts. Glad she's gone to a better place, so to speak, and that the barn felines are now safer.

So far, I'm really enjoying the new contest. The entries have been high quality and, for me, agreeably short.

Big sports day, at least for me. My beloved New Orleans Saints open their training camp today. The NFL season is about six weeks away while college football kicks off a week sooner. Oh, be still my beating heart. ;)

Anybody out there need a drink? If so, speak up or resign yourself to dealing with a post-yoga bear.

The Right Rev of Lush
Greetings to all lazy, lumpy, literary lounge lizards. If that's you, then this is your place to be whatever type of literary lounge lizard ya happen to be.

Don't recall anyone giving Big Bertha the morning business. Therefore I'll forthwith attempt to correct that oversight. Okay, bottom settlement sludge extractedr and saved for Carl, then her innards were hosed down and filled with water from Fool's Bayou. Dark roast rios ground coffee from New Orleans was added a followed by the ceremonial flip of da switch. While she got herself all worked up and in the mood, the tea kettle got rinsed and refilled with water from Lake Ontario prior to having its own switch flipped into the on position.

There would be a big platter of warm, bignets covered with powdered sugar available for all iif some greedy guy hadn't made off with the whole batch. Since Tawny reports no one seems covered with powdered sugar (a sure sign of culpidity) that must mean the culprit is -- Da Bear -- since his white fur would hide that evidence.

It's a sad though not surprising finding. (sigh)

Maybe our 'first Lush story just published' Angel can counsel him on sharing and caring. Me, I'm doubtful even that would do any good but might be worth a try.

Think I'll fill my mug with BB's goodness, grab a bag of fried pork skins before going over to the corner table to await further developments.

Anybody want a drink?

The Right Rev of Lush
What, I say what in the name of Juan Valdez is CTDE coffee? If it turns out to be (shudder) instant coffee, there's gonna be a serious 'Come to the Right Rev' mass meeting to discuss the ramifications of such a heinous crime against culture and coffee.

I've read voted and commented on the entries by Kimmie and DD. The rest of you writers of the storm better bring your 'A' level efert to your own entries.

Anybody want, need and/or crave something to drink?

The Right Rev of Lush

The Survivor contest over on Stories Space is now closed. There are a total of 17 entries.

I'll drink to that.