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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 47
United States


Quote by Rumor
If this question has already been asked, please point me in the right direction and I will scoot along.

Let's say that person A and person B are in relationship and their status here reflects that. Later on they break up and person A removes person B as the person they are in a relationship with. It reflects on person A's profile but person B still shows that they are in a relationship with person A.

Are y'all still with me? I hope this is not confusing.

Why does it not reflect on both profiles when person A removed person B as their relationship mate? It is a bit annoying that it shows that person A is not involved with anyone but person B still shows they are involved with person A. Person A removed the status and person B is being a bit stubborn and will not update their status.

Why can it not be a "one click does it all" option?

Please and thank you!!
Quote by sprite
sometimes person B has trouble letting go. it'd called denial. for example, i insist that my marriage to Nicola is healthy and thriving, despite the fact that she insists that she's a cat and not interested in humans as anything more than unpaid servants.

It's different because it is you and Nicola. I am talking about me and a stubborn ass. I still wish there was a one click fix.
If this question has already been asked, please point me in the right direction and I will scoot along.

Let's say that person A and person B are in relationship and their status here reflects that. Later on they break up and person A removes person B as the person they are in a relationship with. It reflects on person A's profile but person B still shows that they are in a relationship with person A.

Are y'all still with me? I hope this is not confusing.

Why does it not reflect on both profiles when person A removed person B as their relationship mate? It is a bit annoying that it shows that person A is not involved with anyone but person B still shows they are involved with person A. Person A removed the status and person B is being a bit stubborn and will not update their status.

Why can it not be a "one click does it all" option?
Quote by Justadude

How long do we need to be friends before we can marry?

I'd love to be Snow Queen's friend

Hhhmm......Let me see the ring first, then we will discuss it.

I used to be friends with shotgun......not sure what happened there but I would definitely say friends.
We keep bumping in to each other we might as well get married.

I'm kidding!! Friend.
Sure, why not. I'll try anything once........twice if I like it ;)
Gawd no!! Totally innocent there!

Have you ever gotten someone riled up with no intentions of following through?
Guilty. Never in a million years thought that it would happen, but it did.

You've had an innocent phone conversation while madly getting yourself off

"Hi. How are you?"
"I'm ooohhhhhh"
"What's that? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just stubbed myself" get the picture.......
Since starting a new work schedule, I go to bed when I want to and wake up when I want to. It's a win win situation!
Yes! Any foreign accent (I like people that have Jersey and New York accents too) drive me insane! The thicker the accent, the thicker my.........well, never mind.


Do you want me to punch you?........

(repeat as needed)
I'm going to need a boat to make it in to work today.......
People who don't understand the meaning of the word "no" and "stop it".
I've stolen a few smiles! Although it's not really stealing when I give smiles in return.
I don't watch the Superbowl for the game, I watch it for the commercials. The half time show (depending on who it is) isn't a bad deal either.
I chose Rumor because I wanted to give people something to talk about.
We are going to face the zombie apocalypse together!