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2 weeks ago
Bi-curious Male, 40
0 miles · Eureka


Active Ink Slinger

Only as much as they would like. I’m really not much of an overt bragger anyway.

Do you talk to your friends in detail about your sexual activities?

Active Ink Slinger

No, but I would be willing to for the right friend. One person in particular I would if it were logistically possible but we remain a world apart.

Have you ever pined for someone you know you can’t have?

Active Ink Slinger

A couple years ago my relationship hit a low point and started doing a lot of self-reflection. Realized I had a lot of weird toxic shame about my sexuality and a lot of misogynistic and hetero-normative ideas drilled in even if I didn't realize it. I had always made some gay jokes here and there, like "I'm not gay but for Idris Elba I could try."

So I sat down and really worked hard to use my base instincts on what was appealing. I tried hard to put out of my mind all the ideas of what I should be and focus on who I am. Long story short, I am gay for Idris Elba and a lot of other fellas too. Still love women, I'm more picky with the guys.

Active Ink Slinger

No sample size. Can’t really venture a guess either. One day I’ll figure that out.

Can you link one story here that you wouldn’t want friends know you found hot?

Active Ink Slinger

I'm a toppings fiend. I love those 'build your own sunday' places with the whole salad bar of treats to toss on.

Breadsticks or salad?

Active Ink Slinger

Not that I know of.

What is something you didn't know you wanted till you had it?

Active Ink Slinger

Hmmm, haven't really had a full-body licking before. I would assume I would enjoy the process, though there are a few places that might weird me out or tickle to hell.

Have you ever pretended to be someone else during sex?

Active Ink Slinger

Respectfully apologize and leave. Then probably masturbate furiously. Sorry.

Active Ink Slinger

It's never a turn off, it can be a turn on depending on when it happens. Foreplay, yes please. Even during the act a little tickling whisper in the ear can be amazing.

Does being tickled ever make you angry?

Active Ink Slinger

So... I know I'm not your usual, but at least I appreciate and am excited to see your nature photos. Hit me with those bird pics!

Anywho, I think I'll be quite happy with whoever is below.

Active Ink Slinger

When I was a kid I went fishing with my Dad at this lake. We rented a boat for the day. After the end of the day we brought it back to dock, and the guy goes over to retrieve that battery from the motor. My Dad tried to be helpful and picked it up and leaned over to hand it to him. The boat imidiately went unbalanced with this heavy weight on one end and the boat flipped. Tackle boxes, fishing poles, my father, and myself go ass over tin cup and into the drink.

Spent 30 minutes diving for our stuff. My Dad’s cell phone was bricked and we never found his pager. I just was drenched.

Ever fallen off a boat?

Active Ink Slinger

Yes, but I think it was common. Changing rooms and wrestling weigh ins were done when I was young. Showers after practice were required (skin conditions like ringworm thrive in these sports) so it was inescapable. Still, nothing too bad.

Have you ever met someone way to gung ho about being nude in front of strangers?

Active Ink Slinger

Not in an official business capacity boss, but I consider my partner to be running this operation.

What's a terrible pickup line you've heard?

Active Ink Slinger

Lord of the Rings Trilogy... we have

1. Fellowship of the Moist.

2. The Moist Towers.

3. The Return of the Moist.

Active Ink Slinger

I really like it, but I’m not an exhibitionist. Therefor I enjoy it but self either isolation (far out in the woods on a hike when we haven’t seen anyone in a while) or the cover of darkness (back yard with no lights on)

Would you have sex with someone without knowing their real name?

Active Ink Slinger

Doesn’t make me enjoy it more, but it helps me decide if I want to invest the time for a read.

I normally form a picture of the characters in my head, but for many if there is a cover image of a character their brain will latch onto that. If this enhances or detracts from the story in terms of general acceptance it’s hard to say.

Personally I rarely use actual people on my cover for a few reasons. I don’t use AI, I’m not a skilled artist, and using photos I find online of strangers feels a bit creepy.

Active Ink Slinger

I almost exclusively bake. Generally from scratch but I’m not beyond a good cake or brownie mix if my time is crunched.

When you sleep, do you prefer it pitch blackness or a little bit of light?

Active Ink Slinger

I look over at you and ask why a deserted island has huts. Who is maintaining these?

Active Ink Slinger

Yeah, missed a few I think. Nervous and self conscious when I was younger, I think I walked away from a few offers left on the table that I regret.

Have you ever woken a partner up on the middle of the night to fool around?

Active Ink Slinger

It’s not an issue of pride, it’s an issue of appropriateness. Some kinks are best reserved for those closest to you.

Do you have any fantasies that you wouldn’t ever tell anyone about?