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Over 90 days ago
Female, 154


Active Ink Slinger
Fuzzy socks, peanut M&Ms, a fire going, and having found a great site with some awesome stories so far. See, usually I'm much harder to please, but tonight . . . all it took was a few things, and I'ma happy camper.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by pixiedust65

Maybe LOL. It is showing now though! Welcome to lush by the way!!

Thank you. Glad to be here! And yayyy . . . the newb crashed the works lol. Not really. I just got all over excited to post a pic biggrin!
Active Ink Slinger
Leftover chicken and rice . . . it was one of those "I have no bloody clue what I should make" nights with a little "well the kiddos will turn up their noses anyway." I went with the path of least resistance and "made" the previous night's meal that everyone liked.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by pixiedust65

Rowan you need to post in the forums 20 times before you can post images smile

Thank you!! I didn't realize that -- see if I'd read the FAQ more carefully I would have :)! But it actually looks like it worked. Did I break the system sad ?
Active Ink Slinger
It's slight, that shimmer,
and it feints. Still, you
know that even quiet,
even subtle, unrest
present, once bared
is no longer satisfied
to sit stoic, perched
watching. Rooting, it
delves and binds, bores
until finally finding hold,
taking what it will, at
once stripping you and
railing at the void left.
Active Ink Slinger
Rather sleep sans clothes any day, but having boundless-energy kiddos and two dogs, all of whom at any given time decide my bed is the PLACE to be and show up at any given time . . . weeeelll, I've opted these days for a tee and undies.
Active Ink Slinger

Genus and species:
Amblonyx cinerea

Collective Term:
A prank of otters

Careers and Hobbies
Pro Sport
Surfing the Web

Otters are petite, engaging creatures overflowing with positive energy. Intelligent and bright, they are also popular, eminently lovable and display the highly developed social skills that typify the small carnivores. Otters mix easily with a wide range of animal personalities.

Lazy? Let's just say easily distracted. Life has so many diversions for the otter that it's impossible to predict how it will fill its day. But when an otter gets focused on a problem, its keen intelligence rises to the challenge and it will not give up until the nut is cracked.

Otters feel entitled to the good things in life and a general sense of well being gives them the confidence to not have to save for the future. A lover who wants to impress an otter should know that otters love to eat out and have a predictable penchant for sushi.

Although intelligent and witty, otters have a tendency to suffer from self-doubt and fear of failure can prevent them from living up to their true potential. Still, they are a great problem solvers, with the ability to spend endless hours on abstract or practical challenges. As workers, they are dedicated and capable and always eager for a chance to prove themselves.

Their determination makes otters valuable employees, and although they often feel that their contributions are undervalued they would rather accept lower pay than risk confrontations in their workplace.

Although they are fine motivators otters avoid taking leadership roles, performing better in group situations with their social skills coming in handy when counseling coworkers through their problems. Their dexterous hands are useful in a wide range of careers, and they're ideally suited for work in engineering, advertising, and design.
Active Ink Slinger
I have two . . . both Celtic. One is on my ankle, the other on my hip. My first I got when I was 20; the next when I was 38. I spent a great deal of time on design and although both were done by different artists, they were excellent. My first though, was better -- it's held up for 22 years now. Love tattoos. Considering a third, but I'm not sure where I'd put it.