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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male


So, Country girl,

What did you say and who did you say it to....what happened?

"Inquiring minds like ours need to know!"

Sara Eisen!!!

Analyst.... Sex goddess!

Show the world baby, don't be ashamed of your very kinky side!

I'm wondering who that "fence post" she was sporting was for? The guy she was talking to at around the :09 sec mark, or the girl that was talking just before her ... Or both!?!?

Either way, you go girl!

Wonder were she's working these days?

Never going to look at reporters without thinking they are wearing a strap-on...boy or girl.
I was in the lounge of a 5 star hotel on the wrong side of the country for me. Scribbling out some paperwork on the bar for a car I had just condemed for a buyer of rare and exotic cars on the west coast (My job at the time, turns out it was not an original Daytona.). I was nursing a 'Bushmills' and smoking a cigarette at the same time which I could do when not in California. From Behind me I heard a soft southern voice say; "You can keep your face burried in those papers and continue ignoring me or you can take me upstairs and we can fuck each others brains out...your choice." I turned to find a beautiful blue eyed red-head wearing a lovely cocktail dress and a slightly sad expression. I had heard working girls moved through high end hotels looking for 'Johns' and she must have read my mind because she continue; "I'm not selling anything so don't worry about the price, I just want you to fuck me and make me scream. Have I picked the right man?"

We retired to my suite and dined on the bounty of each others flesh ...and room service(all of which I charged to the rich guy footing the bill for the car, He could afford it, believe me.) until about 4:00 am when I finally fell asleep from exhaustion. The next morning I was rudely awakened by the room phone going off at 10:00 am reminding me that check out was 11:00 as I had asked them to yesterday. I gave a quick search of the room only to find I was alone(and yes to all you cynic's out there, the cash and cards were where I left them). The details of the evening I may write a story about at some future time but for now suffice to say; she's gone and I never heard from her or knew how to get in touch with her...I didn't even get her name.

I'll never forget her

I'm impressed with direction this post has taken since last I visited, truely impressed!

ONE BALL, SHYLASS and ONE_WINGED_ANGEL as well as other have brought the topic back around to what I believe pussyismypleasure was really trying to ask;

What makes a woman want to seduce a man?

I think what we have found is that men and women share something in common; It's as different as we are.

It was a question worth asking because the answer is not so revealing. What we learn getting to the answer is.

Good job posters!! Seriously ment!!

Pussyismypleasure: it was an interesting social question you asked, honestly worded to get an honest answer. It would have been worth the effort if the question was taken and answered as honestly. There was a chance for real insight, unfortunately the opportunity was squandered. Would have been interesting to get some different takes from the lady's because we know there are some assertive women here that don't mind telling a man what they want, how they want it and are not afraid of societal norms that restrict their freedoms. "guest" brought a good point out too that bares some exploring as well.

Alas, was not to be.

And so ends today's lesson in passive/aggressive free form writing brought to you by me.

My response is coming very late as I am new to Lushstories, and I think most avenues has been persured fully. I can only add that it makes no difference where the genitalia of the author is located to me. A great story gets a 5, good story gets a 4. If I have to go below 3, I just won't because I'm not a critic and don't get paid to verbally destroy someones life. I try to always leave a comment if I give a score, I think that's fair.

I have noticed in my wandering tho that a guy can write a fantastic story with well developed characters and interesting situations that will attract only the most ardent erotic reader. A girl with naughty pictures of herself on her profile can write a shopping list and get massive traffic and rave reviews...ironically by men mostly (Face it , fella's, ya ain't gettin' none a that, just move on solider.).

Conclusion; men by far are mostly the one at fault, something I and others that truly enjoy erotica are just going to have to live with...because I don't want anyone to take down their naughty pictures. :-)