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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52
0 miles · Milford Charter Township


In my girlfriend's bedroomViolates Lush TnC - underage. Removed by Moderator. Her parents were away for a few hours, so I scooted on over and voila. Funny thing is, a few years later, her mom and I started having sex, too. That was nearly 30 years ago, but it's still some of the best memories I have!
My current mood is horny - I just had a talk with a friend who needed some advice on how to open up/jump start her fiance more (sexually). So I told her what works for us, and of course that gets the thoughts rolling lol
I would explore this further behind closed doors (you and her alone), get into some mutual fantasy sharing. I think considering the politics of the situation (it's her bestie's hubs), that man is off limits to her. However, if this is something that turns you on (your wife craving other men), then work that fantasy when you're alone with her and slowly bring her along to see if it's something she'd like to pursue outside in the real world (but with someone else). Maybe she'd be open to meeting other couples, and you might be able to join in on some of the fun!

Letting her go after her BFF's hubs is a world of regret in the making! Imagine the fallout if he was regretful and confessed to his wife afterwards... ugh
Not a bad thing (at least in my book), but a slut is a woman who takes the reigns of her sexuality and goes after what is hers to take! Regardless of what social opinion says she must do (oh, you can't have 5 sexual partners in 5 years silly girl, only boys can do that! hahaa)
I would want her to tell me - I'm not against 'sharing' if (and only if) it enhances our sex life... I enjoy the attention she receives from others (both men and women), and I am sure she is human and thinks of others when she and I are having alone time...
I have a feeling that BIL has a thing for you... Do you ever see him in person (you mentioned he was in a different timezone)? Leave it to us guys to think there was something sinister going on with the call haha..
I think Wife Lovers - they cover multiple categories (cheating, , etc), so it works for me surprised)
I agree with previous commenter - keeping it a secret makes it cheating. If she were to tell me about it, then I'd be fine regardless if it were another man or a woman...
If it's something she would want, I would emphatically share her! Although, I would expect to be part of the experience - I'd love to watch, hear what she liked most, etc.
Confidence! And you don't have to be a size 0, girls - most guys like women of all shapes, as long as they're confident!
Reading stories here gets the juices flowing, so I think it helps a relationship...
I should point out that the order of the letters is important!
MFM = female in the middle (center of all of the action) and also means the men don't touch each other (why the M's are on opposite sides)
MMF = everything goes
FFM = usually starts off with the guy watching, maybe satisfying one woman only at first (common with first-time female visitor to married couple's bed).
FMF = same as before, but females likely to not interact with each other (they might be passive bi, kissing only or light touching, but probably won't perform oral on each other - but alcohol has been known to change this lol)

Have done a FFM (about 12 years ago), and would of course love to do it again! Also would love to do a MFM, working on that with wifey lol
Not really walked in on them, but we did overhear houseguests having some fun one night in our house... There's nothing like the sound of another couple making love to get your own juices flowing - we had incredible sex ourselves, then!
Not my best friend, but between marriages, I had a friend who I'd sleep with every now and again. Definitely changed our relationship, and not for the good. She expected it to go places, and I was just satisfying a physical need. She kept sleeping with other guys to try to get me jealous and it only pushed me further away... Shame, too, because we did have a very good friendship at one time.
Yes to older women! I had one of the greatest afternoons of my life at age 18 when I slept with my ex's mom (who was 38)... Was the most aggressive woman I had ever been with (maybe even still to this day lol), and was the first sweet pussy I tasted! smile
Quote by Pat278
I am the guy that would lose control and walk straight into the soda display. I love it that a woman is not afraid to display what god has given them! Be proud.

Amen, brother!
So what is your opinion when you see a woman in public without a bra on? Do you lose control of your senses and walk straight into the soda pop display and embarrass yourself, or do you shake your head and say, "the nerve..." lol
Lots of flirting and foreplay is the way to go! There is NOTHING to match a wild and raring to go woman who's been tortured all day long by numerous flirty touches and glances, especially if they take place in public where they can't respond to them! lol
Sounds like she's 'growing up'... She might have friends around her who've had very bad experiences with sexting (phone hacking, break ups, etc), so she wants to limit her exposure so to speak..? What're your plans for after graduation? To be together, or more school..?
One can get quite addicted to the art of eating pussy MmMMmMmm! But fellas, be warned - if you're too good, our ladies might lose control of their senses, wrap those legs around your head and neck a little too tightly, and cause you to get very light headed because of the sudden lack of oxygen! lol I speak from experience!
I do consider them the same...

And definitely not disappointed if sex doesn't lead to me finishing - do you know how many times we've gotten interrupted by kids, or others in the house who came home unexpectedly lol..

It could take 30-60 minutes, now that I'm in my forties.. In my younger days, it would be 5-10 minutes, or even sometimes I could have multiple...
One of the best ones I've received was sitting next to a woman who was engaging in phone sex with another guy (he didn't know I was there, yeah yeah I know don't judge - it was in my younger days lol)... I was able to let my hands roam all over her body as well... I think that's still the most fun I've ever had - the nature of it all, plus being able to help her get off as well, etc etc..
When I saw the title of this post, I was going to predict that most of the responses would be "not wearing one" -- because isn't the most amazing moment of the day when you get home and take that bra off? That's what I read every day on facebook anyway lol
I've nibbled on A's to FF's and I will say they are all special in their own way... My favorites are the one that 'perk right up' when you give them a little of the right kind of attention!
Quote by BelleduJour
Oh my goodness!! In all honesty, I stopped keeping track because after 6 years, it got far too depressing to try and remember when the last time I had been touched never mind had sex. If I had to venture a guess, I would say it had to have been 8+ years...

Oh WOW, that truly makes me sad - I can't even imagine what it did to you! I know how lonely and unattractive I felt after only a year, I could never imagine going that long again. I get saucy after a month now, sheesh... Glad you're in a better place now, BelleduJour