When I find the right female playmate, I hope to. I think I have a better chance of finding her here than at home. Though if I meet her here I will want to know her very well and our first meet would be to meet not just for sex.
If I am alone:
1. Masturbate repeatedly with every type of lubrication I have around
2. Write my name in the snow or on the sidewalk if there isn't any. (I have done this, but it was barely legible, my ass was frozen and I couldn't really watch)
3. Find a girl to fuck. Vaginal, oral then anal.
If this is a body swap:
1. Fuck myself
2. Fuck myself
3. Fuck myself
4. Nap
5. Masturbate
6. Repeat
Tattoos - I guess you could say I have six. My first was a large circular tat in the center of my low back. Later I got one on either side of it. I don't consider it a tramp stamp as it covers my entire low back. I also have two more circular ones on my chest just below the ends of my collar bones. The most painful and smallest of my tattoos is in the center of my chest like a pendant on a necklace. 3 hours on my low back wasn't a problem, but the 15 min it took to do the center of my chest was excruciating. My current wish list is a large dragon up the center of my back with wings spread and knot work version of my pisces fish on the outside of each circle on my chest.
Piercings - I have a 4 gauge tongue piercing, 8 earrings, and both nipples. I want the center of my lower lip pierced, a vertical hood and possibly a set of vertical piercings behind my lateral nipple piercings.
Body type is important on first sight, along with the attitude they are giving off, but it is all a balance. A great feature will counter a not so great one. A great personality will counter a number of flaws in features. I have always considered looking healthy to be the most important thing and not necessarily body type.
Something happening to anyone I love, especially my daughter, is a given I think.
I am seriously phobic of cockroaches. Not the little ones they call roaches here in PA (though I don't want to touch or be too close to them). The ones that are a couple inches or larger, like the giant ones I grew up with in Arizona. When I get within 10 ft of those hissing roaches or large bugs like them I want to run away. I think I'd rather be bitten by a reptile than hold a cockroach. Heights come in a very close second, like if I had a choice of jumping out of a plane or touching a giant roach I might jump.
I like most reptiles. I have a pet rosy boa that's 14+ yrs old and snakes tattooed on my back. I don't even mind rodents, though they are best as snake food. Spiders don't bother me too much either, but I have a totally embarrassing and irrational response to roaches.
I graduated from college the same day my high school class graduated. So my friends couldn't come to mine and I couldn't go to theirs. I had dropped out of high school, got my GED and did much better in college finishing with a 4.0 GPA.