Thank you all for your help!
I especially liked the Guest Appearance of Impure Thoughts!
Thanks Roger! One pic has got through although nothing has been changed. What you say is possible. Have a great day! Peter
No, can't see that it's the problem thanks, Liz.
Have checked the boxes and ticks.
Any other ideas?
Peter x
I have been overseas.
Do I owe any fees?
Friends tell me they can't post pictures on my profile.
(Hope I get Impure Thoughts - never get tired of that avatar!)
She'd probably try to assassinate me! I've read her profile.
That is very generous - thank you and well done.
Is this standing up or laying down?
Ten pages of shoes, Brandie!
Who would have thought.
Wonders if I should start a thread about my sock drawer.
Must admit I'm running a bit low on silk ties.
Marie with a cup of coffee for me.
I thought friends had deleted their images.
This led to riots, lost friendships, violence, property damage and the slaughter of innocents.
Pleased it's been fixed.
No, but good luck fellers! Grin.
Juiciness is next to Goodliness