The word Pelican was a military code name for my trade in the Army, the bill was added as an adjunct to the word pelican to get the required number of letters.
How do I rationalise this. What is the most important "life lesson"? All I can say is be the best that you can and treat others the same as you would like to be treated
Of course!! Fortunately I am a happy drunk
Great looking picture - must go with sense of humour
1965 Morris 1100. Got it in 1969 - written off in 1970
Has a very interesting name
In people I miss my Father, dead 21 years ago
In things, I miss my health
In places, I would love to go back to Singapore/Malaysia
What a dumb question. Of course you're going for the cream on top
I haven't had a sex change - didn't see the " Ask the Gals".
Why not? If it is mutually acceptable, go ahead and have a ball
She seems a very well balanced young lady
Here in NZ, as the older generations have faded out , individual campaigns such as D-Day and the battle of Normandy, the Italian campaign. so have remembrance celebrations for them
faded away. Individual units, who participated in these battles, may ahve a reunion but, once again, age is against them. We have our major remembrance day on 25th April, called
ANZAC Day. This now encompasses all military actions in which NZ, as a country, has participated in, from the Boer War to the current Afghanistani troubles. ANZAC stands for Australian and
New Zealand Army Corps - we do not do much without Australia, though Australia has participated in some things we have not i.e 2nd Gulf War.
The main thing I mean by this is that no matter what your colour, creed or faith somewnere along the line a serviceman/woman has gone into bat for you and your beliefs, and, fortunately
for you has prevailed. Learn the lessons from history and thank those people who paid the ultimate sacrifice. I did 20 years in the NZ Army and am proud of it
Why not? If you've put it there, it should also have been sufficiently mixed and you wouldn't be so picky.
I've just woken up and I am here with friends on Lush
Of course!! Fortunately I just want to talk, have sex or go to sleep.
Very agreeable offer. Number 13 olease and have a happy birthday!!!
I have done it about 23 times. I consider that anbody that requests to be my friend
, and those that I initiate friendship with deserve the "real" me.
In the shower (only if I'm on my own), and give it a good shake.
You've just got to love them. I do prefer the more mature woman.
Of course!! Nothing like being able to roam around naked
Doh!! This ia an erotica site. However with my friends we talk about everything except sex. I find it so refreshing finding out how something
is done or is being handled in other countries from my own. I alsohave ben rather selective in my choice of friends and picked ones I think I will be able \to have intelligent conversations with,
so far. Thank you friends!!
What has surprised me is how easy it is to contact beautiful people, knowing that most of them are looking for like minded people
so that you haven't got to go through a lot of BS to say hi, how are you?!.
I won't say no to either. Currently looking more towards older as they are more tolerant of age, so long as you treat them well
Absolutely non-existent in the physical world. Here on Lush I am glad to have some friends I can regularly
talk to
Anybody above the age of 16, which is the legal age here in NZ. Otherwise, if there is a mutual attraction age doesn't come into it