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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 35


Advanced Wordsmith
Wife/Girlfriend: yes
Stranger: Hmmm Pretty Shy so Not likely
Male: Not a Chance in Hell, Just simply not my style
Advanced Wordsmith
Pays to do a Search before starting a thread ;)

Advanced Wordsmith
Invite out for a drink and see where it goes.

Was origionaly posting for serrakitty but shall still let my comment stand
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by RichardScott
You also need a model's release form, downloadable from a million places on the net. Without a release, you can't use the pictures anywhere. Take your images and be certain to provide your model with copies.


This is not true in all places. I know for myself I live in Canada and here a photographer can use anything they shoot in anyway they want. With or with out the models permission. SO LONG AS there is no "percieved perception of privacy" meaning if your neighbor is in her back yard with a fence. You can not use that. But if you are in public or in a mutual setting where the other person is aware that you are taking/could be taking their picture the shot is all yours.

I don't suggest just taking pics of an unknown subject unless they are general candids, but I felt as a photographer I should add my portion of knowledge. I have a few shoots lined up with the general idea of what you have suggested.

Setting them up wasn't that hard, unlike what i expected. I made the subtle suggestion one day that I wanted to do pics of that nature and friends said they would be interested. I have done one such shoot already and it was actually only supposed to be water portraiture but once we started the model told me she wanted to try something a little different.

Best of luck! And be sure to check the laws of your area before using my note about perceived perception of privacy!!!
Advanced Wordsmith

Ever hooked up with someone just because you knew someone else wanted them?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by ginar
pass. sorry guy but i will take your money

And I even had an extra penny to make up for the last time you accepted $4.98 when I was shortsmile
Advanced Wordsmith
Quickly checks bank account... Finding a 5 dollar bill.

Fuck! smile
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by LadyX
Oh no! You reported a Lush staffer to the Lush staffers? How serious!

The warning you got was from the site, I'm just the one that sent it. Please chill.

Ladyx this ones for you:

To all lush members I apologize for my ranting on this topic! I hope we can get back to the fun.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by steve_columbo
Quick note to all the followers/trolls in here that are attacking me. I will not dignify a response to any of you because I don't have the desire to. Plus, I refuse to debate anyone that doesn't have enough balls to show themselves. I don't see the point.

Step up and debate me.. my profile pic is of me. Shot by a fellow photographer. However as i noted my face can't be posted as of the work I do. It's that simple.

Now please point out these Trolls

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by steve_columbo
Little Bambi--you're a male and you're deceiving & lying to everyone when you have a female profile. It matters to me. & it should matter to everyone else. I have put up proof and if anyone is questioning my authenticity here's my messenger: I'll be gladly to cam with "anyone" at anytime. Add me as a contact. All I'm just doing is revealing that "Little Bambi" is a fraud.

Could be wrong.. but just checked out little bambi's profile and forum posts.. while I can't prove "her" a girl... I'm having a hard time seeing where your getting your evidence that "she" is apparently a man? What's your proof?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Pasqi
@Steve: its as simple as this, someone made a crack at the fact that you blatantly tried to pick up chicks on this topic posting an offer for sexual favors. We are obviously all on here to have a good time.

You have since over reacted and are now starting to get on the nerves of members on here whom I don't generally have contact with other than reading their posts on these forum topics. I do agree that YES there are men posing as chicks on here as i myself am about to remove a friend who I feel is not a chick and is posting screen shots of girls off other sites. Simple fix remove the person... I'll tell you right now some of the people I habeas friends on here are definitly the girls in their pics as there is no way a guy is getting that many HOT pics of the same girl soloing or fooling around.

As for people not posting their own pics.. some people have jobs on here such as law enforcement and they can't post their face ok here as that would cause major issues.

The page below is from the word games forum but I'm sure Nicola will agree it now needs to be enforced in this section.

I truly appreciate coming on lush to read a topic that would have been interesting and kept my horny mood going to be completely cock blocked by all these snappy replies by you.

To my fellow lush members who have been defending each other on here, good for you!

My response to this thread's question:
In my younger days I my self masterbated for a significant other and at that time it was the hardest I had ever came watching how turned on she was getting.

Apparently my link didn't post. Just go to the word games forum and read Nicola's post first link in the second section
Advanced Wordsmith
In my younger days I myself masturbated for a significant other and at that time it was the hardest I had ever came watching how turned on she was getting.
Advanced Wordsmith
I think we ought to let you ladies have your fun ;) pass for now
Advanced Wordsmith
Hmm.. Tempting but My credit card already got maxed with another Lushie! Sorry;)

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by ginar

Since I am not wearing a shirt and only have $4.98 on me I better Pass;)
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Basinah
get down on my knees and help him try to find whatever he'd lost ...

Well hello Basinah, mind if I slide in for a visit?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by SirSpanksAlot80
PASS but we'll go out for a couple of

Pass, Ill bring the strippers to go with the
Advanced Wordsmith
Now that you mention it... Yesterday!

Time to go fix that;)
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Kiki28
That was Excellent

This always happens
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by wtfameliaaaa
Only if I go o the movies so I can play with myself hehe

Now thats Hot
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Shotgun011

Get caught doing it on like say a golf course


Ever Masterbated in a Pool/Hot Tub