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Over 90 days ago
Female, 155


Quote by MichaelMax
Well, it's my wife of 31 years so she won't be bashful and will take it back to the store and get something she likes. She'll probably say something like " Are you trying to say I stink with all this perfume?"

Chanel #5 is a very strong scent, if you're going to get something from the Chanel range I would suggest Coco Mademoiselle which is probably the most well-loved and easy to wear fragrance in their range. Allure and Chance are also beautiful scents (I own all three).

If you're after a vanilla/musky scent that is more elegant than the standard, try Un Bois Vanille by Serge Lutens. It's my signature scent.
I have a bit of free time this morning before we need to get stuck into the day, so I'm pottering around the house and tidying things up here and there. I'm putting off grocery shopping because I know it's going to be MENTAL at the shops. ugh.
Having quite a bit to do today, but not having to rush.
Thanks for all of the feedback and support guys, the story has been published on the site. Exciting times!
What's on your mind? What are you up to today?

I'm currently thinking that it's time for me to kick my partner off of his computer and ask him tocome with me to get dinner. And then I think we're going to have a chill night of South Park and maybe drink some wine. Should be a nice way to kick-start his holidays!
My morning routine is a bit different at the moment, as I'm on holiday from work...

Wake up at 5:30am (when my partner gets up for work)
Check my emails/social media etc
Get out of bed & walk down to make breakfast
Eat breakfast with my partner (usually yogurt or gluten free toast with tea or coffee)
Work on projects online for an hour or so and then it's shower time!
After showering I comb through my hair, blow dry it, apply my skin care regime, followed by makeup (if I need it for the day)
+ then it's onwards with whatever the day may bring for me
The Lord of the Rings trilogy is definitely a standout for me.
How is it going for you now Jaune? I hope the small weight gain didn't put you off continuing with your plan, and I wouldn't feel too bad about weight fluctuations in the first few weeks of getting into your healthier regime. As it's been said previously, weight is just one number in the grand scheme of what's happening in your body. There are a lot of factors that add together to make that number (body fat, muscle, bones, toxic fat, water, etc), and in the first few weeks (and months), I would forget the scale and focus on how your body feels and the changes you can see in the mirror and in your measurements.

I hope you're feeling better now and have continued on your healthy track! Let us know how you're going, and all the best!
Running - best (solo) physical and mental exercise there is.
I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. What I do there varies, but it's always a combination of weight training and cardio. Fun times.
Quote by welshman
Beware if you have any incorrect punctuation

Uh oh!
39C today (which I think is around 103F?) and SUNNY. Typical Australian summer weather.
WATER, trying to get to my 3 litres for the day. And then I think I might make a jug of pimms
I've just submitted my first story for moderator approval. How exciting! When did you first submit a story to LUSH? And how has your erotica writing experience developed since then?