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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 44


Quote by buzzbomber52
I can only go by what my ex-girlfriend would say. At the time, I was weightlifting and was eating a high protein diet. She said my cum tasted clean and fruity (I was drinking a lot of fruit flavored protein shakes at the time). She really liked it when I ate peanut butter, but did not like when I ate bell pepper or asparagus.

Ha ha ha that says it all
No I am afraid I haven't. I think that is too much of a risk and asking for trouble. Especially in this day and age. I have gone pantieless and told my partner about it. I have worn relatively short skirts but nothing that would allow anyone else to get a free view.
It's funny, I was looking at these just the other day. A friend of mine bought one and gave her partner the remote for his birthday. She didn't spend a lot of money and said that when he turned it on in the restaurant it was clearly audible. He turned it off quickly and they only got to really enjoy it later when they were dancing. She told me she didn't orgasm but that it did set them up for a great evening.

I was investigating and yes, there are vibes you can buy that claim to be almost silent and can be operated with a remote or by the rhythm of the music. I was thinking about buying one for the next time I go dancing.

Another fun fact is that there is one you can get that operates via the internet. So you could be chatting online here, or texting or sexting and your partner could be sending you thrills via the internet to liven things up. Now that sounds like fun. Who wants to buy me one?
Poppet had it right, but Kat you are also right on the money!
Me me me me me me, I love giving blow jobs. The messier the better!! (But really it is a power thing, once I get my lips around his head he is aaaaaallll mine.)
I like to dominate other women and if I think about it I know I would love to do the same with a man. The problem is that I really only get off with men who can dominate me. I like a guy who can "take" even if against my will so I guess I never really have to chance to try dominating them.

One day I will pick up a wimp just for the fun of it.

Why, do you like to be dominated funchatguy?
Errrrrm yes, I have. I have and in fact I have done it more than once. A habit? I wouldn't say that but it just takes a lot for me to get that attached to someone.

Might explain why I am single, though I have to confess I am really very good at it and don't get caught.
I'm a big amateur fan too, anything that smacks of being "real". I guess it is the voyeur in me.

Just seen, I thought this was pretty hot. He is really hung!!
Well I must be the odd one out, I think perhaps because strip clubs haven't made it down here to Spain as a socially acceptable night out!!

I don't think I would take a guy to one, I have been to a couple of live sex shows but only with other girlfriends on a girls' night out. The US and the UK are ahead of us in some things... and way behind at the same time.
I have touched myself a little sometimes. Sort of warming up for what was about to happen at the place I was heading for but really masturbating??? No, closest I came was this...
I agree with most of what has been said, if the occasion calls for it then yes of course. Guys look really hot in a suit. They also look hot in jeans and a T-shirt, in pyjamas and also in nothing at all splayed out over my mattress. It all depends. Mostly they look hot when they are hard and have that predatory look in their eye.
Good English and a better imagination.

A one night stand means at least a good meal out and some romance (normally) so the cyber equivalent needs some work as well.
I once received a message that said, "she's away for the evening. We have three hours..." It was a great evening and the element of surprise and the tension of being caught made it even better. I was hot before I even finished reading the message.
You're a hard puzzle to crack Bethany.

I would say that anything is possible and that, perhaps, starting here where people are sometimes more open about things might help... or might not. I guess it depends on who tells the truth and who doesn't.

How many people are honest here?
12? No never, close on ten perhaps but then as has been said... I don't normally measure anyone.
I don't know him at all and he is buck naked?

Well I would have to invite him in, if only for decencies sake. Whether anything would happen would depend on various factors. Is he clean, is he conrolled, is he high? Do I feel I can trust him?

Who knows, isn't going to happen unfortunately.

Actually I would probably call the police.
Quote by danae
Anything with a short pleated skirt, cheerleader, school girl, or just a nice pleated skirt for sunny days.

That will do it yes, but to he honest... normally with a guy if I make the effort to dress up in anything I get immediate results. Some guys like certain things, others... others.

One guy I knew loved me to dress as a school girl, the more innocent looking the better. Then I would do something wrong and he would spank me over his knee with his hard on pressing into my stomach. Another loved stockings... it all depends. What about you?
Quote by elijahbaley

So based on your inclination to share your sex life with others, you have determined most guys do, but deny, and most women lie about it.

Have you considered the possibility most people prefer not to discuss details of their sex lives?

Yes of course I have, I was commenting on the people that I know DO talk about things.
Quote by RavenStar
Here's a thought. Since he's cheating on you and you want to cheat on him, how about you talk about it like adults. Either you'll agree to an open relationship, or you'll end up getting a divorce. Either way, you don't have to worry about getting caught.

Way to go Raven!!
Yes I have, male and female. In fact this was at a very tender age. I used to dance ballet and backstage at a performance or rehearsal we were often in places like a concert hall or cinema with no real changing rooms so everyone would just strip off. When you have seen everyone doing it from a young age you think nothing of it.

Now I am older I also like going to a nudist beach I know of close to where my parents used to live. It is great because no one goes there but sometimes there are people. When you are all naked who cares. Of course remember this is Spain so you will see topless people at any beach, women of all ages too. This year I was at a beach I like and I could have mistaken it for a nudist one, everyone was stripping off completely!
I haven't had this, I think most guys do talk about their sex lives with other guys even if they deny it.

I do talk with my friends about my sex life, girlfriends that is, but I have the feeling that a lot of them are lying and also that a lot don't like to talk with me because they are married and I am single. As a result my experiences always make them feel they are missing out.
Quote by Nikki703
I have "rimmed' guys and I really dont get that much out of it except knowing I am pleasing him. I thoroughly enjoy doing it to women but it just seems nastier (not that nasty is bad) doing it to a guy. But as long as he is clean, I will do it as long as he is willing to return the favor!!

Curiously I agree with Nikki about girls, I adore doing this with another girl but with a guy... well if he really loves it I will but...
I like face down, pillow under my hips so my ass is slightly raised then he just powers into me.... mmmmmm I love it.
Quote by stephanie


(Actually, TURN IT AROUND... YOU are struggling WITH THE TERRIFYING FEAR OF DEATH and your WIFE says, "Yeah I know you're busy with your own deal but do you mind if I go get FUCKED in the meanwhile?")

Jesus LOVE your wife.


If I was holding my wife's hand while SHE WAS FUCKING DYING I think I'd have BIGGER concerns than my LIBIDO... ("MIND if I get a QUICK meaningless fuck while YOU die?")


You should HAVE SEEN the ORIGINAL post!

"In Sickness And In Health..."

Good GOD how HORRIBLE some people are!


(But I Call It As I See It...)

I agree with this and yet at the same time I don't.

It can take a long time for someone to die, yes that is incredibly cruel, and the person doing the dying needs to have their partner there. If that person's "sanity" suffers from a lack of sex then they should solve that problem. In the same way when a family member of mine was also dying from cancer sometimes we would all go out for a meal and have a great time, she was still dying but life DOES go on.

I wouldn't tell the person though, if they recover then they don't need to know what has gone on and if they don't it won't help.
Quote by Crazy_Girl
I have many friends in relationships with big age differences and sometimes it just works. Age is just number.

Ah come on, this is so unreal. Age is not a number. I have a friend who is married to a doctor... because he is a doctor, and there is 19 years between them. That was eight years ago and whilst he tries the difference is really starting to show. They have kids and have already been asked if he is their grandfather.

It doesn't matter, it really doesn't.... but at the same time don't kid yourself. It matters and a hell of a lot.