We are typically naked at home. To be clear, it’s just the two of us. We prefer it though.
My fetish actually snuck up on me. I mean I honestly had to think it through before I realized it. I love to be manually stimulated by someone with tattooed hands, especially fingers. It’s totally visual. I mean, having someone who turns you on, pinching your nipples can feel wonderful. But when I look down and see tatted up fingers, rolling my nipples around, cupping my breasts, sliding into me or what ever, I reach climax almost instantly. It’s literally crazy.
I give my partner huge credit in this regard. She had two small tattoos and when this came out in a conversation, she went out and had her right index finger tattooed.
Her index finger is tattooed with the word “satisfaisante” is an elegant manner. It is French for satisfying. She tells everyone it’s because she can see it while writing and she loves to write.
She does love to write, but it is truly only there for my benefit. I was way beyond honored that she did that. And it continues to be magical for me.
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
"Hey, I know you don't know me too well, but I'm a med student and I have this big anatomy exam coming up tomorrow on the female reproductive system, and my dog ate my text book so..... Can I see your vagina? It would really help me out"
Quote by HeraTeleia
1. Old enough to know how to spell "truthfully".
2. A large city with a lending library with offerings including English For Dummies.
3. Breast size, incorporated? What now?
4. No. There are other options. Use your imagination.
5. Why would I swallow toothpaste?