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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
0 miles · Washington


Quote by browncoffee
Oh yeah, happy fourth of July to you crazy yanks. Do you get a day off, then? If not, you should have a rebellion.

Thanks Hannah! I thought our Declaration of Independence was about creating a new holiday.

Happy 4th of July and a belated Happy Canada Day!

Kudos to Laura for finishing her comp entry and Hannag for writing about tonnes of sex. Thank you to all of you contribute your well written naughty tales.

I'll have a Gin and Tonic. I'm buying a round for everyone else.

I'd like to make a special toast to MostPreciousLittle.
Quote by honeydipped
um... yeah, sure. it involves me coming home and finding all my laundry neatly folded. i'm so excited by your generous gesture, i ravish you on the clothes - only to have to do the process again. let me know if you're game?

I am all about neatly folded laundry
Interesting...this kind of thing does not happen every day. I would take in the view and then heroically "rescue" Laura .
Quote by Lauradj
You all have to be nice to my friend Mustang, who after some convincing on my part, decided to stop lurking outside and join us in here.

Drinks are still on me, so whatever y'all want, then I'm paying. Rump, you accept New Zealand legal tender, right?

On another note, the man who has been appointed to the new Ambassador to New Zealand is a former nude model. He is also pro-torture. Quite a mix if you ask me.

Thank you for the warm welcome and the drink! Cheers!

Our fine oiled American machine only sends our best to be ambasssadors. In addition, I've heard he was also a disappointment as a nude model