Quote by RejectReality
I'm a mainstream fantasy reader, so I trend toward higher degrees of story and world-building when it comes to reading things like that. Otherwise, it depends upon the day, whether I'm reading or writing. I may dash off a quick fantasy story without much setup like "Little Fuckers" or I may be working on a 50-60k story with minimal and sometimes even weirdly dispassionate sex about a prostitute setting out to start her own brothel and running into dangerous competition from the local whore in "One Whore's Town".
I like to have interesting characters, but it doesn't take 5k words to set that up. Someone can be interesting in a couple of sentences. The situation leading to the sex can be the same. While I prefer to write extremely detailed sex scenes ( also one of my calling cards ) I don't necessarily need them in what I read.
Really impossible for me to answer either writing or reading. I'm all over the map.
Can I recommend one of my stories, relatively new, but have touch of fantasy and world building, but there is also the erotic aspect that we all enjoy, so I recommend to give it a read and share your thoughts and ideas on how to move it forward, I would really like some pointers on how to flesh out this new world I’ve created