Quote by BethanyFrasier
I think everyone who dabbles in online relationships should learn how to do reverse-image searches, to check the photos their would-be playmates are showing, to make sure they aren't fakes who just got their pics from some website. It's a valuable skill to learn, and saves a lot of trouble before things get serious.
Quote by Echelon
Personally, I usually give up on a story with bad grammar and punctuation. It normally doesn't hold my attention long enough for me to get to the naughty bits because it just annoys me. Maybe it's worse for me, because the majority of the stories I read here now are ones i'm verifying, so i'm actively looking for errors as I read. It's very difficult to switch that off now.
I find it hard to get turned on when i'm picturing myself beating the author about the head with a frozen chicken leg because they don't know a "your" from a "you're".
j xx![]()
Quote by oceanrunner1974
Almost, but not quite. You can't lie your head down.
The basic difference, as grammar girl points out, is that they are two different verbs with an unfortunate overlap in form. To make things worse, we are likely to use the word "down" after the forms "lay" and "laid," which out loud makes it hard to know if we are saying "lay down" or "laid down," which serves to undermine our usual "does it sound right?" check that works so well most of the time for most other things.
The best way I know of explaining it is that the verb "lay/laid/laid" is a transitive verb. A synonym of it is "put." It has to have a direct object in the active voice.* (Hard, if not impossible to use the word "put" without a direct object.)
So if the doctor asks you to "lay on the table," a smart-ass answer might be "Lay what, an egg?"
The verb lie (lie/lay/lain) is intransitive. No direct object. You can't "lie" anything, not even your head.
I lie down. But I lay my head down.
I lay down yesterday. I also laid my head down.
Sometimes, when I have lain down to sleep, I dream. Similarly, when I have laid my head on the pillow, I also dream.
There's a certain amount of memorization of the two verbs' principal parts that will have to happen (lie/lay/lain vs. lay/laid/laid), just as students of English as a foreign language have to go through lists such as "eat/ate/eaten, throw/threw/thrown" and so forth.
(*The only exception I can think of of the verb lay/laid/laid taking a direct object in the active voice is in the idea of "chickens laying." E.g., "Did all the chickens lay last night?" Even there, however, I think there's an understood direct object, viz., "eggs.")
Quote by stephanie
Here you go...
(I GOT HAMMERED FOR THAT ONE!!!) And NOT by 'trolls' or 'trouble makers' but by people who LIKE what I write!!!
I THOUGHT the comments were WRONG but they are still out there!!!
You can tell the TRUTH if YOU CARE TO!!! (THAT would be the TRUTH as YOU SEE IT...)
(I disagree with those comments on My Story, BUT... People are perfectly entitled to their opinion!!!)
xx SF
Quote by SydneySider
For most its this, with a healthy dose of, look at me, look at me. For most people, Lush is an escape from reality. People dont like it when you bring reality to Lush.
Quote by She
Or not, maybe their life outside sucks badly and they need something like this. So all in all is good.
Quote by She
You are asking why? you know the answer too well.
And heads up, there were few different threats over the years on this subject. Some of them are still deep in the forum, most of them are deleted. People get offended if perfection isn't obvious to everyone by everyone. People get offended if you speak up against that perfect bubbly world. It's how it is, however, is much better this perfect artificial perfection than negativity. Is just how it is here.
Quote by stephanie
Quote by stephanie
Total BOLLOX...
(I'm a SIX YEAR Lush Writer... I do quite well... I've NEVER (to my knowledge) been a TOP AUTHOR... WHO WOULD EVEN CARE???)
(Just WRITE...)
Quote by Pedro1958
i think this might be a bug. some poems i can't vote on for some reason?
on 'it's valentines day once again' by mysteria27 (on the front page) the little drop box is grey so i can't click on it.
i haven't already voted a score on this one.
some other poems are fine and i can select a score on those.
Quote by emilybelle
I just realized I don't know a lot about erections,I have questions:
1. Does getting an erection make you feel like you have to pee?
2. Can you pee with an erection?
3 Are erection for you caused more by visual, physical, or mental stimulation?
4. Do erections hurt?
5. When you get an erection when you don't want to have one, what do you do?
Quote by kiera
Thank you.
It hasn't ever personally happened to me thankfully.
Had a few men pose as women, though to my lesbian friends, which just isn't right.
I personally am honest here. My pics are me and I'm friends with SJ, who has met me as we are friends I wouldn't get away with lying, but I wouldn't do anyway, as I am who I am but I don't lie about it or try to deceive people.. even online that's just wrong IMHO.
Quote by sprite
don't mess up your head of the wall - do what i do - i have a punching bag up (i'm serious, btw, i really do) that i work out on regularly when the crazy starts to get to me here.![]()
Quote by sprite
in all seriousness, the voting system has been kind of broken for ages - it's been talked about. the one thing that has been agreed on is that we prefer it to be broken in a positive way (people getting high scores and feeling good about themselves and encouraged) than negative ways as i've seen on other sites, where writers get hateful comments and low scores leading to being discouraged. is it, in the end, representative of the quality of everything posted here? probably not, but it does create a better and friendlier atmosphere for the writers who are, in the end, mostly amateurs still learning their craft.![]()
Quote by sprite
i thought we were talking about cat videos... sorry, my bad. don't i feel silly.![]()