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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 49
United Kingdom


Quote by BethanyFrasier
I think everyone who dabbles in online relationships should learn how to do reverse-image searches, to check the photos their would-be playmates are showing, to make sure they aren't fakes who just got their pics from some website. It's a valuable skill to learn, and saves a lot of trouble before things get serious.

I have been cyber-duped many times and now find it difficult to trust anybody online.

That's a good point you raised there about running images through a reverse-image search to determine whether a person's profile pics are plastered all over the net.

Following on from that, I've noticed the images on this site are locked, meaning if you right-click on them, you don't get the menu pop up with the save as option.

An easy way round that: use the Firefox web browser. Open a profile pic with Firefox browser and click the tools tab at the top of the screen. In the drop down menu that appears, click page info . A window will appear. In that window click media . You'll then get a list of image links appear. Find the image link for the relevant picture, highlight it, then click the save as option and save the image to your hard drive.

That's top-secret info, so you all keep it under your hats.
Buz is spot on here.

I had a break from Microsoft Word and once used a program called WPS Writer, and my text was totally fucked when I copied and pasted it to the submission box.

A lovely lady called Jen (Echelon) advised me to message it to myself, then copy and paste the text from my message to the submissions box. It worked perfectly, and I've not had any problem since.

I've had a bit of a thing for Jen ever since, but don't tell her I told you that.
Quote by Echelon

Personally, I usually give up on a story with bad grammar and punctuation. It normally doesn't hold my attention long enough for me to get to the naughty bits because it just annoys me. Maybe it's worse for me, because the majority of the stories I read here now are ones i'm verifying, so i'm actively looking for errors as I read. It's very difficult to switch that off now.
I find it hard to get turned on when i'm picturing myself beating the author about the head with a frozen chicken leg because they don't know a "your" from a "you're".

j xx

I agree that stories littered with errors are difficult to read. Those errors are a constant distraction and I find myself stopping every few seconds to try and work out what the author is intending to say.

Just recently, when reading sex stories, I've adopted a method that I call the "tingle test". What I mean by "tingle test" is, if a story makes my balls tingle, then it gets a permanent place on my Kindle.

There are people out there that know the bare minimum when it comes to grammar, but their creativity is incredible, a real God-given talent. More often than not, the most creative and arousing stories I read are littered with errors.

So I copy and paste those stories to a doc. file, tidy them up, edit them, iron out any errors, then convert them to mobi files and upload them to my Kindle. They're for my own pleasure, and they stay on my Kindle forever.

My point is: people who are inept at grammar and punctuation have something to bring to the table too.

Perhaps Lush could accept and have a special category for stories littered with mistakes. But then again, I'm probably just talking bollocks as usual.
Quote by Smoocher

You are lucky she didn't and then . I have permanent scars on my butt from arguing with her. I'm an now!!

That sounds seriously kinky. I'm up for trying anything at least once.
Quote by sprite

go to your room, put you nose against the wall, and stay there until i tell you otherwise.

Sorry, Sprite.

I didn't mean to cause a fuss. I'll just go a stand in the naughty corner.
Before I start this post, let me just tell you all that I am a grammar and punctuation freak. Before I started reading amateur sex stories, I was all about good writing.

But today, after spending the past three months reading amateur-written sex stories, I find myself wondering if perfect grammar and punctuation the key to a good sex story, are the two things mutually exclusive? I am leaning towards the opinion that a good sex story should titillate and entertain, rather than be grammatically perfect.

The stories on this site are great and very good with regards to grammar and punctuation.

But I've read stories that are absolutely atrocious grammatically, yet really seem to push my buttons, so to speak.

So does adding too much emphasis on grammar and punctuation take away a little of that "je ne sais quoi" from a sex story?
You could also use the simple participle form of the verb by adding "ing" at the end. Again, the participle will follow the verb and act as an adjective and I will show the verb with bold text.


Transitive: "I am laying the book down."

Intransitive: "I am lying down in bed."


Transitive: "I was laying the book down"

Intransitive: "I was lying down in bed"
Quote by oceanrunner1974

Almost, but not quite. You can't lie your head down.

The basic difference, as grammar girl points out, is that they are two different verbs with an unfortunate overlap in form. To make things worse, we are likely to use the word "down" after the forms "lay" and "laid," which out loud makes it hard to know if we are saying "lay down" or "laid down," which serves to undermine our usual "does it sound right?" check that works so well most of the time for most other things.

The best way I know of explaining it is that the verb "lay/laid/laid" is a transitive verb. A synonym of it is "put." It has to have a direct object in the active voice.* (Hard, if not impossible to use the word "put" without a direct object.)

So if the doctor asks you to "lay on the table," a smart-ass answer might be "Lay what, an egg?"

The verb lie (lie/lay/lain) is intransitive. No direct object. You can't "lie" anything, not even your head.

I lie down. But I lay my head down.

I lay down yesterday. I also laid my head down.

Sometimes, when I have lain down to sleep, I dream. Similarly, when I have laid my head on the pillow, I also dream.

There's a certain amount of memorization of the two verbs' principal parts that will have to happen (lie/lay/lain vs. lay/laid/laid), just as students of English as a foreign language have to go through lists such as "eat/ate/eaten, throw/threw/thrown" and so forth.

(*The only exception I can think of of the verb lay/laid/laid taking a direct object in the active voice is in the idea of "chickens laying." E.g., "Did all the chickens lay last night?" Even there, however, I think there's an understood direct object, viz., "eggs.")

Well observed, my friend.

The verb lie is an intransitive verb and will never have a direct object attached.

The correct transitive verb is either lay or laid.
Come on, guys. Is it not worth mentioning the participle form of the verb lay

The participle form of the verb is "lain"

Now a participle form of a verb will follow the verb of a sentence instead of acting as the verb itself.

I'll show you some examples and use bold to highlight the verb of the sentence.

Past tense: "He had lain in wait all day, stalking his prey."

Present: "I have lain in bed all day with a headache."

Future: "By then we will have lain aside our differences."
(1) George Best (footballer)

(2) Alex Higgins (snooker player)

(3) Oliver Reed (actor)

(4) Keith Moon (drummer)

(5) Ozzy Osborne. (singer)

That's gotta be my top five. I'll add some more if they spring to mind.
Quote by lovesyounger
Full length nazi style leather coat from WW11 - it makesme feel good when I wear it


We were up to number two last I heard.

How did I miss nine world wars? I know I spend a lot of time reading in bed, but still.
I moan and disagree with everything people say, but I'm right more often than not, so I don't see the problem.

Very few people speak to me now in real life. Hence I'm on the net, seeking out people to have a good debate with.

I'm never rude or hostile. I just like a good heated debate.
For me, it has to be The Human Centipede 2.

It premièred on the Horror channel a couple of months ago, and I can honestly say it was awful beyond belief. It was comical, highly unsettling and damn-right dreadful, all at the same time.
Last night, a young lady sent me a message. I've just tried to reply but it seems my private messages aren't sending. When I click"send message", nothing happens.
Quote by stephanie

Here you go...

(I GOT HAMMERED FOR THAT ONE!!!) And NOT by 'trolls' or 'trouble makers' but by people who LIKE what I write!!!

I THOUGHT the comments were WRONG but they are still out there!!!

You can tell the TRUTH if YOU CARE TO!!! (THAT would be the TRUTH as YOU SEE IT...)

(I disagree with those comments on My Story, BUT... People are perfectly entitled to their opinion!!!)

xx SF

Yeah, it's the mind control element they are taking exception to. I used to watch a TV show called True Blood and I believe the term they used for vampire mind control was glamouring.

I thought it was a great story. I enjoy that sort of story; it's different and has an element of intrigue. But then I was brought up on a stable diet of James Herbert, Shaun Hutson and Richard Laymon novels. That's enough to warp any teenager's mind.

The non-consent theme, no matter how subtle and well done, does get a lot of people's backs up. My advice: Add a forewarning at the beginning of your story warning people what to expect. That way they won't read it and can't moan about it.

I'm of the belief that story content should never be restricted to rules. Your imagination should be let off its leash and be free to go wherever it wishes. That's what makes writing great. If a person is forewarned and doesn't like what's in store, don't read it. It's as simple as that.
Quote by SydneySider

For most its this, with a healthy dose of, look at me, look at me. For most people, Lush is an escape from reality. People dont like it when you bring reality to Lush.

I appreciate that. Lush provides a means of escapism for some people. But what I object to is the hostility towards those who have done nothing but provide an honest vote or comment on a story.

A new member joins Lush, sees a 1-to-5 scoring system and, being new and naive, uses that scoring system for what it's intended for or provides the author with tips to improve their writing. As a result, that person is subsequently blocked by members, sent scathing messages and accused of being a troll. A previous post on this thread even mentions account deletion for those low-voting stories.

Trolls are vile, disgusting people who say the most awful things and, in some cases, ruin lives. They are not people who provide honest and constructive feedback on stories and use a voting system for what it's intended for.
Quote by She

Or not, maybe their life outside sucks badly and they need something like this. So all in all is good.


That's a very good point you've raised there. I can't argue with that; it's a great answer.

If people are looking for gratification on Lush that they are not receiving elsewhere, then that's all good. I didn't think of that.

I've always lived a privileged life and have never taken such things into consideration.
Quote by She

You are asking why? you know the answer too well.

And heads up, there were few different threats over the years on this subject. Some of them are still deep in the forum, most of them are deleted. People get offended if perfection isn't obvious to everyone by everyone. People get offended if you speak up against that perfect bubbly world. It's how it is, however, is much better this perfect artificial perfection than negativity. Is just how it is here.

People learn from their mistakes; it's how we improve. How do people learn from their mistakes, and improve their writing, if they are not made aware of their mistakes?

Is this a amateur writing site, full of aspiring writers who are eager to improve their literary skills, or a fucking popularity contest?
Quote by stephanie



No, the readers will tell you you what you want to hear, NOT when you're 'hitting it.' That's the problem. Everybody expects positive feedback, and if a person doesn't give positive feedback, then that person is automatically labeled a troll and a trouble maker.

I challenge you to show me one negative comment on a recent story. You can't, because there is none.

Nobody speaks their mind or tells the truth on here. That's the problem.
Quote by stephanie

Total BOLLOX...

(I'm a SIX YEAR Lush Writer... I do quite well... I've NEVER (to my knowledge) been a TOP AUTHOR... WHO WOULD EVEN CARE???)


(Just WRITE...)



I'm not saying you care about it. I'm referring to the vast majority, not everybody.

Being the Lush stalwart that you are, I'm intrigued to hear your opinion on the matter.

In your opinion, why do people take such offense to votes lower than 5?
I remember discussing this at great length on another thread some time ago.

I have to ask myself: Why are people so finicky about votes lower than five? I mean, it's still the same story, with the same amount of votes and the usual myriad of comments extolling the author's writing abilities. So why is the avg score so important to people?

I've come up with a feasible explanation as to why people on this site care so much about avg score.

I've noticed that on the homepage, on the right-hand side, there's a league table entitled Top Authors. I get the impression that many authors are motivated into writing by that league table and, subsequently, seeing their user name up on that leader board. It's a massive incentive for most people to see their name up on that honours board.

So if a vote is placed on their story which, ultimately. ruins their chances of a mention on that league table, they take offense to it, working on the assumption that that person has purposely low-voted a story just to knock them off the honours board.

I might be talking rubbish, but if anybody can offer a better explanation, I'd like to hear it.
Quote by Pedro1958
i think this might be a bug. some poems i can't vote on for some reason?

on 'it's valentines day once again' by mysteria27 (on the front page) the little drop box is grey so i can't click on it.

i haven't already voted a score on this one.
some other poems are fine and i can select a score on those.

A heads-up for you, mate.

If you score a story lower than than a five, the author of that story is likely to block you and/or send you a hostile message, berating you for your impertinence and accusing you of being a troll.

Make sure you vote all stories a five. Honesty isn't always the best policy.
Quote by Dirty_D
"you took it out of your pants and put it in a little rubber bag and hide it up my vagina."

You can't beat a game of hide the sausage.
Quote by emilybelle
I just realized I don't know a lot about erections,I have questions:

1. Does getting an erection make you feel like you have to pee?
2. Can you pee with an erection?
3 Are erection for you caused more by visual, physical, or mental stimulation?
4. Do erections hurt?
5. When you get an erection when you don't want to have one, what do you do?

Thanks Emily. Those are some great questions.


1. No. In fact, it does the complete opposite. I find that if I have an urge to pee, an erection will suppress it. Then, when the erection subsides, the urge to pee returns.

2. Yes, but it's difficult and I wouldn't advise it. If you try to pee with an erection, especially immediately after sex, the flow will be erratic and directionless, like a garden sprinkler, and will go everywhere except for the toilet bowl.

3. You never know. Almost anything can awaken the beast. That little fellow has a mind all of its own, and will spring to life as and when he feels like it. I got a raging stiffy once whilst sitting at home watching the snooker.

4. I've never had a painful erection, but my balls ache something awful when I go too long without having sex. It's a dull ache in the testicles, crippling at times, usally after a barren period of a week or two.

5. I get erections sometimes at the most embarrassing of times. I get a bulge at the front of my trousers and everybody looks at it but they are too polite to say anything. I usually slip my hand in my pocket and pin my stiffy to my thigh, to keep it from tenting my trousers.
Quote by kiera

Thank you.

It hasn't ever personally happened to me thankfully.

Had a few men pose as women, though to my lesbian friends, which just isn't right.

I personally am honest here. My pics are me and I'm friends with SJ, who has met me as we are friends I wouldn't get away with lying, but I wouldn't do anyway, as I am who I am but I don't lie about it or try to deceive people.. even online that's just wrong IMHO.

I really like your opinions -- you always have something substantial to add to the debate.

Yes, men posing as women to dupe women into online sexual encounters is dishonest and I don't condone it. People have fooled me online before, but I stay vigilant against that sort of thing now. People have to really earn my trust before I correspond with them.

You seem like a genuinely nice lady, but I can't see any pictures of you on your profile page, Kiera. I'll send you a picture of me if you like.
We've gone completely off tangent now. I think we've had a few too many sherbets and are getting a little over excited.

I don't know what you guys are on, but I'm knocking back lager and cider, and that's strong enough for me.

Does this sort of thing usually happen at the end of a thread?
Quote by sprite

don't mess up your head of the wall - do what i do - i have a punching bag up (i'm serious, btw, i really do) that i work out on regularly when the crazy starts to get to me here. smile

A punch bag? Bloody hell. I won't be getting on the wrong side of you.

I envisioned you as a sweet little princess, sitting up on your throne with a tiara and a wand, sprinkling fairy dust all over Lush, making everybody feel all horny and happy.
Quote by sprite

in all seriousness, the voting system has been kind of broken for ages - it's been talked about. the one thing that has been agreed on is that we prefer it to be broken in a positive way (people getting high scores and feeling good about themselves and encouraged) than negative ways as i've seen on other sites, where writers get hateful comments and low scores leading to being discouraged. is it, in the end, representative of the quality of everything posted here? probably not, but it does create a better and friendlier atmosphere for the writers who are, in the end, mostly amateurs still learning their craft. smile

Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up. If it works well for this site and people that frequent it, then it's all good.

Before this all went off tangent and into improving the voting system, my point was this: The OP asked, " Readers that don't write. Do they give lower scores?" Now people were actually debating that topic, so I simply said that this was simply undebatable because nobody gives low scores, whether they be writers or non-writers. And I don't see a 4 vote as a low score.

Anyway, I'm sure people can see where I'm coming from.
Quote by sprite

i thought we were talking about cat videos... sorry, my bad. don't i feel silly.

I wish we were talking about cat videos. This thread's driving me to distraction. There's nothing wrong with the voting system. The voting systems great, couldn't be better. It's a good job you're here to put a smile on my face, otherwise I'd be banging my head on a wall by now.