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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 64
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Quote by JamesLlewellyn

On my way, kiddo…Anyone else wanna join us? I'm into group cuddles.

BTW, I'm dabbling my tootsies in Micros with a modest effort. Not sure if it sucks or not, but since everyone ELSE is doin' it…

I'll let you know if it gets bounced or published.

Dabbling in micros... Interesting phraseology

I know that I recently wrote a micro, but I didn't realize that I was being trendy, I simply did as usual and wrote what came to me. My last story wouldn't work as anything but a micro. At least I don't think it would. James, if you think it would work in a longer format then please write it for us.

Hey Rumpies,

My latest story "Rodeo" was just approved. Its only 102 words. Check it out, Kimmi says it made her laugh.

Quote by techgoddess

Aloha from a magical getaway with my hubby as we celebrate life. Pardon my absence lately as I was involved in a bit of a pity party after finding out my cancer has returned. Several treatment options this time around. Starting with the least invasive, immunotherapy, after we get back from our trip. If that doesn’t work we will try oral chemotherapy. Last resort surgery. But I’m feeling optimistic. And I’m enjoying the hell out of Hawaii until then. Hope all y’all are enjoying the weekend.


With all that going on, no apology is needed. I hope that the least invasive deals with the problem. Best wishes for a speedy recovery my dear friend!

Quote by DanielleX

Evening bar tender. I've just had a convoluted conversation about time travel and need a stiff one. A Bourbon on the rocks, please. Easy on the rocks

D x

I've got some decent bourbon, Woodford Reserve. Personally though I prefer a Speyside single malt.

Good Morning Rumplations! And you too, James.

I'm so excited this morning. After a 2 year hiatus due to the plague, The Texas Pinball Festival is finally returning. The special guest this year is none other than that great Scottish actor Sylvester McCoy. He was the seventh Doctor and also played Radagast the Brown in Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit"movies. I hope that you all have a fantastic weekend!

Quote by fuzzy1954

Welcome Little Sara to the world and to all of my friends here in Rumps. May she grow and be a huntress and loving cat

What a beautiful baby!

Remember, in ancient Egypt cats were worshipped as gods. The CATS have NOT forgotten.....

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Quote by JustPassingThrough

My new micro, my first under this profile, did not make it in time for this week's list. Watch for it, though. It is in the queue which, I guess, is still perpetually bogged down.

I could use another tea, please. More of the Irish breakfast.

No huhu, cobber. Once it's posted, I'll list it here. You're faded, JPT.

Why James... I do believe that you are quoting Heinlein... from "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"... Unless I am mistaken...

Quote by techgoddess

The government taxes beer.
Advantage: Pussy.

In Texas, paying for pussy is NOw a FELONY... advantage Beer!!!

Wow... I just realized it's Tuesday!!!! HAPPY TACO TUESDAY EVERYONE!!!

No wonder I've got the munchies for a tasty treat.....

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Quote by DonnaCupcake

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Quote by kiteares

Throws raisin at Apple silly


I got tired of having to sweep all of them critters up! The next person that flicks … or throws … a raisin gets the ol' HEAAVE-HO into the dumptster hot tub out back. And it's currently empty for cleaning!


james, some of us adore raisins, in our cereal, in our cookies or just in our hands on our way to our mouth for savoring.

Hey, Donna – no one enjoys a good raisin more than me, but I like to eat them! This other lot were having WAY too much fun flicking them at one another – and GUESS WHO got to sweep them up afterwards????

So, bring all the raisins you want – as long as they wind up in someone's tummy, OK?

Some of us even like raisins in our cake.... Carrot Cake to be precise... with butter cream frosting..... mmmmmmm

Hi All. Hope your New Year has started better than mine. I've been down with Covid the last week. Finally starting to feel almost normal, but then it rears its ugly head again and I feel weak and sleepy.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

And now it's time for the Rickety Regular Recital of Rumplator's Ridiculous and Wretched Refuse – also known as Rumps Regulars Writings!

This week's PICK of Serious Smut for Sexy Smurfs and Smurfettes:

LilCoffeeLuvr111 – Santa's Little Helper (Straight Sex)

TechGoddess – Amazing Grace Part Nineteen Chapters 73-76 (Novel)

JamesLlewellyn – Coming To Get Her (Competition Entry)
(BTW, no one seems to have tumbled to the play on words in the title. Try smushing the last three words together)

MellowBugler – Will She??? Or??? (Flash)

PJH (when he comes in out of the rain) – Middle Aged Couple Give Swapping A Try (Swingers)

DarkSide – Local Girl (Micro)

KiteAres – Truth Or Dare Leads To Hard Fucking (Hardcore)

DarkSide – Isabel's Slave, Part 3 (Femdom)

Fluttered – The Wait (Erotic Poetry)

CarltonStJames – How Did We Even Get Here? Chapter 14 ( )

DonnaCupcake – Mummer's Day (Lesbian)


And I'm going to cheat and ask folks to read something I wrote last Christmas. It's one of my few RR's, and one of my favourite things I've written: The Sweetest Christmas Gift

So, there you go! This week's haul of Superior Smut!

Thanks for the kind mention James.

Have done both FFM and MFM. Would readily do either again in the right circumstances.
Gotta love the avatar! And who doesn't love a nymphomaniac? Seriously???
A lady who reads Terry Goodkind! Now that is someone I'd love to know better!
Be honest. All women, escort or not bareback someone. Even with a condom you are taking a risk. If you are OK with the added that is on you. And any of you who say escorts don't bareback at least one guy (her lover or at least one client) hasn't known very many of them.

A very happy birthday wish for you. I hope that you have a naughty, sexy experience that you will cherish forever!
