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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 44
United Kingdom


We always shower together, which starts of as playing with each other, then leads to full blown (no pun intended smile ) sex !!!!!

Melissa xx
This Morning !!!

Actually, we didn't get out of bed till after 11am...........

Melissa xx
I was always brought up "not to play with your food", or "talk with your mouth full".....

Never did like to do, as i was told ;)

Melissa xxx
What attracts me is...............................................

His big feet smile

Melissa xxx
There already is a "sex pleasing device"

Using their "credit card" smile

Melissa xx
Quote by Mazza
About 8 or 9 inches...

Damn.. distracted too...

Oppps sorry

Mazza, we think alike

Ummmmm he was married, early 40s

and i was their babysitter (not allowed to mention age), but.............. ;)

Melissa xxx
I Luv this country, the Royals and everything to do with Great Britian.

I've travelled to a few other countries and nothing feels better, than when you get back home.

Also, there's no other country that can compare, with putting on a pagant and parade.
The only thing other countries can parade, are their tanks, guns and soldiers!!!

Melissa xx
This morning !!!

Actually it was a combination of a "handjob", "blowjob" and then he fucked me ;)

Melissa xxx