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22 hours ago
Straight Male
0 miles · Queensland


Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
I've been missing in action
But Xmas and New year
Have been quite a distraction.

It seems nothing has changed
It's till "No Men Allowed"
Though there's many a furrow
That ought to be ploughed.

It's a brand new year ladies
And it's time some things changed
It's a simple request
It can soon be arranged.

Would the girl pile feel threatened
If a man wandered in?
Is there just one brave female
Who will say "Lets begin."?

Each request that we make
Seems to cause such confusion
Yet they tell me each day
"It's the age of inclusion".

So for once, just say yes
You might just change your view
You might even enjoy it
And you've nothing to lose!

The girl pile will still be there
They would welcome you back
You might develop a taste
For a new kind of "snack".
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
So are Lorna Doone's cheeks
For the rumour mill here
Has been buzzing for weeks.

Did she stray from the girl pile?
We have always suspected
That her cries of "Girls only"
Had been merely confected.

Is this two now for Rob?
He's no reason to lie
He's an honourable man
He's the Dicalguy!

Come now ladies, admit it
It is well passed the time
That you bravely crossed over
The hetero line.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
And Rob's secretly taking
Some time out with Heidi
And such sweet love they're making

Who would have realised,?
Who would have guessed?
Who would have known
Unless Rob had confessed?

Good luck to you both
And it's not before time
Heidi's leading the girls
To the hetero line.

No, I won't say a word
And I won't inform Lynn
She'd be speechless for once
Won't know where to begin

Raise your glass to our Rob
And his long fought campaign
But how loudly I wonder
Will the Girl Pile complain?

They will rant and they'll rave
And they'll even deny it
But I won't be surprised
If they're tempted to try it.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Please let history show
With their vaccine aplenty
The girl pile said "NO".

"Let the men take their chances
This is only for us!
We don't care about men".
It has been ever thus.

Now refusing us access
Is hardly a crime
But it raises the question
Are we wasting our time?
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
And at last there's a cure!
"Girl juice" Lorna tells us
Will save you for sure.

Now I hope that that's true
But I'd like to discuss
That's just fine for the girl pile,
But what about us?

Can we too not join in
Twixt your life saving thighs?
Have a thought please I ask you
And help save us poor guys.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
And now Lorna it seems
Is joining the girl pile
To live out her dreams.

She's afraid of the virus
So she keeping her distance
Which raises the question
Of ongoing resistance.

In the midst of the girl pile
I do have to ask
How much kissing and licking
Whilst still wearing your mask?

Does the virus perhaps
Understand it can't go
Where the girls are all playing
It just can't even show!

I suppose I must say
That I wish you good luck
But whilst wearing a mask
We can still at least fuck!
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Alas poor Lorna Doone
Seduced by the girl pile
Seduced way too soon

She has gone to the dark side
She has drunk Lynn's cool aid
Now she'll never enjoy
Other games to be played

When she first came to Lush
And this whole thing began
She claimed she had a quest
She was after a man.

Then she published her price list
In search of some custom
But then switched to the Dark Side.
Seems you never can trust 'em.

Now it's girl pile or nothing,
Giant strap-on's and vibrators.
But the size of some of those
Seem more like cervical dilators.

So be careful Lorna please
Think of all you leave behind
Rob and I are not that awful
We're just sadly much maligned.

If they're honest then this girl pile
Would at least make the admission
They're not really anti men
They just can't stand the competition.

So if in time you tend to find
The girl pile suffocating
Then please don't hesitate to call
It could prove exhilarating.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Not a moment too soon
To encourage we men
Comes the sweet Lorna Doone.

If she's saying a shilling
Will get you some pics
Then I wonder what else
If you pay two and six?

I'll be saving that tenner
It should buy lots of fun
But I doubt we'll combine
Poor old England and sun.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
But can this be the day?
Lynn has posted a picture!
What more can I say?

I suppose the words "Thank you"
Are all that are missing
Can you say which one's you Lynn
And who's doing the kissing?

Am I asking too much?
Am I just too persistent?
Well you can't knock someone
Just for being consistent!
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Lynn's closed circuit T.V.
Might be a success
If the girls all agree

If it happens of course
We would all be delighted
At this moment however
I'm not that excited.

Rob and I still remember
Lynn's last promise to show
Her adorable self
In a "bare all" photo.

We're still waiting of course
And there's no surprise there
Like the rest of the girl pile
She refuses to share.

It's a pity of course
And an obvious loss
But perhaps one fine day
She might yet come across.

We could log on one day
And find photo's galore
And a brand new T.V.
Sitting there on the floor.

Though we doubt it will happen
Rob and I live in hope
And feel sure if it happens
We'd be able to cope.

So it's over to you Lynn
With just one little fear
Rob and I might die laughing
At your next "great idea".
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
And Robs given advice
To a horny Amelia.
But will it suffice?

And once more it would seem
That the girls are all "piling"
It's no wonder that Heidi and Lynn
Are still smiling.

If Amelia's frustration
Becomes too much to handle
She can drop me a line
And we'll start a Lush scandal.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Seems viola sororia
Sends the ladies on here
Into states of euphoria

Way down south I'm afraid
In our State of Victoria
The people are more
In a State of dysphoria

So let's ignore the risk
Of advanced heterophoria
And argue no more
About Viola Sororia.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Rob has offered advice
If Amelia's takes it
Will she just roll the dice?

Will she smile on us all
Or just choose only one?
The excitement will build
Now the game has begun

I shall keep fingers crossed
Just in case she picks me
Though I doubt that she will
But we'll just wait and see.

I suspect she'll choose Rob
Most deserving of men
She might even choose Lynn
For a change now and then.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
A new Girl Pile is forming?
My thanks go to Lynn
For giving fair warning.

But sadly it's strange
And we can't understand
Why the Girl Pile is still
A complete "No mans land".
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
It seems Lynn wants to know
If Amelia and I
Are at "All systems go!"

They say curiosity
Killed the poor cat
So I'll smile and say nothing
And just leave it at that.

Sorry Lynn, not a word
To confirm or deny
Information withheld
Is my only reply.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
And perhaps it's a dream
But I'm sharing Amelia's
Cookies and cream.

Lynn seems to think
The girls might be invited
But the answer is no!
(Hope she doesn't feel slighted.)

Could this set a new precedent,
With Amelia sharing?
Is she leading the way
In both sharing and pairing.?

Now it's just and idea
It might all come to naught.
But you have to admit
It's a wonderful thought.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
I should take Rob's advice
But perhaps I'll just try
One more roll of the dice.

Amelia says
That she's happy to share
It's impressive one lady
Is accepting the dare.

Sadly though Amelia
Unless 'twer done in private
This thread and all your "sisters" here
Could not I fear survive it.

So Rob it seems has called it right
But there might be a solution
Now Amelia has shown the way
It might start a revolution!

Viva la revolution!
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
There's no place for the blues
For finally Lynn
Has provided the muse.

Does this mean we're invited
To join in "the girl pile"?
No objections I hope.
Wouldn't cramp up Lynn's style!

Some might think this contentious
Some it might just amuse
But it could get explosive
Now Lynn's lighted the fuse.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
And Lynn waxes poetical
Describing alas
All things just hypothetical

Yes, teasing is fun
Lynn has made it an art
But now surely it's time
For the men to take part.

We have patiently watched
As the girl pile has grown
And imagined perhaps
Every sigh, every moan.

Come now Lynn, no more promises,
No poetical spin
Just admit that at last
Men should also to join in.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
But where to begin?
So much has been written
Since last I looked in.

Heidi confirmed her attraction to toys
And made it quite clear
She prefers them to boys.

Dee placed herself gently
Across seated Lynn's knee
Receiving those spanks
That were offered by me!

Lynn then remarked
That she did enjoy men
Though she only indulges
At best now and then

And Amelia offered
A share of her candy
Though I'm not sure to whom
But the ideas jimdandy!

Whilst I've missed quite a bit
Of this mad, crazy mixture
I'm still waiting, off stage,
To see Lynn's famous picture!
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
I am just looking in
To see if perhaps
There's that picture of Lynn

I guess she's too busy
With all of her girls
Her head perhaps buried
Twixt their soft pubic curls

Throw out those vibrators
They are poor imitations
Ignore those seductive
Man made noisy vibrations

The next time you're feeling
The hint of frustration
Come back to old fashioned,
Still great fornication!

Get rid of those copies
Of men so "well hung"
And remember that men too
Have talented tongues!
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Seems Dee wants to be spanked!
I will gladly oblige
With no need to be thanked.

But it seems if I did
It would not go down well
For young Dee I believe
Is quite under Lynn's spell

It's just girl upon girl
Which is really a shame
And no men are allowed
In this one sided game.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Lynn is "pleading the fifth"
Seems that tales of her pictures
Are merely a myth.

Once again we mere males
Have to swallow the lie
That "Persistence is all
Give it just one more try".
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
More promises from Lynn
It's not time for more promises
It's time for some skin.

Lucky Rob, so you say,
Has been shown some before
History does repeat itself
So show us some more.
Discretion of course is an unspoken must
So help us assuage this unstoppable lust.
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Red means "Men, be aware"
There lies danger ahead
And the girls never share.

Just a smile, on occasion
Or a kiss on the cheek
Despite all your persuasion
You'll not get what you seek

Is it asking too much
For the men to join in?
Come on girls, no more teasing
And I'm looking at Lynn!
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
And I'm not here that much
Other things, other interests
Other places and such.

But Lynn's still playing games
And suggesting some more
But she excludes us men!
Sounds a bit like Lynn's Law.

Though she constantly teases
Says she could change her mind
But to all our entreaties
The lady is blind.

Come now Lynn, it is time
To come through as you promised
No more teasing, no more games
Surely you're not dishonest?

You are chased but not chaste
Though you claim to be pure
Now's the time to find out
Is your claim premature?

There are times in your girl piles
When you're all of a quiver
Now it's time you changed sides
Now's the time to deliver.
Active Ink Slinger
Her boyfriend gave her a dare
That made her blushes flare
The next man that she met
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Please Lynn, say it's not so
Don't say that Roses are Red
Has to go.

I'm sure Rob and I
Will continue our quest
In the hope that at last
We might fondle a breast

Yes it's Mission Impossible
And we know we might fail
But we push on regardless
It's our own Holy Grail

It might be "Ladies Only"
When you jump into bed
But you should, on occasion
Invite us instead

Skin to skin's so much nicer
Than mechanical toys
So the next time your playing
Invite one of the boys.

Lynn might think that this thread
Needs some more contributions
Asking us to join in
Might just be the solution
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Yes, just as Rob said
This mission is destined to fail
But it might set Lynn thinking
And give her an inkling
And a reason at last to unveil.