Hello Lush family.My name is Lex 26 years old and I have returned to Lush after a few years,but I can honestly say I have more X-rated experiences under my belt.
So to the topic.I have been in love with my best friends mom for a long time since I was in middle school.I'm really close with my best friends family.his mom is one of those moms that had my friend at a young age.So she is about early 40s I think? I forget but besides that shes a short petite mature women. She says that she is old,but I beg the differ to me mature women will always be young to me,the apples of my eyes,they are aged like a fine wine,the ripest fruits with the sweeties juice.lol
I always wanted to see her naked I always imagined what she looked like without cloths.But like most she stayed fully clothed most of the time.Like my mom always said when I was younger a man wants to imagine what a women looks like naked,if she dresses too loosely were is the challenge.Now I'm not saying I don't like women that choose to show some skin when they dress,I fucking love it!!But I do appreciate a challenge every now and then.I though I would never see her naked until about 3 years ago when I was 24 I got my chance.
Okay so I was staying the night at my friends house,his mom had remarried at the time.So we were in his room playing video games,and out of no were I heard moaning.It caught me guard,so I was like,"What the fuck was that?",to my friend.He was not even concerned about it.He was all"Oh that's just my mom having sex". He told me that his stepdad and his mom were having a lot of sex lately. Alarms went off in my head,and there was a twitch in my pants. I was shocked and excited at the same time,I honestly felt a smile form on my face by itself.This was my chance so i got up and went to the living room,my friend already knew I was going to peak because he already knows to this day I'm still in love with his mom so he is fine with it.
It was night so of course it would be dark.So I peaked out of the patio blinds,and instantly had a rock hard boner.My friends mom was on her back with her legs in the V position masturbating with a glass dildo,well I assumed it was glass because it was see through.I was so happy I had a front row set with full clear audio of the pleasant sound of her moaning.Her husband at the time was standing over her jacking off while showing her a porn video on his phone.My wish had finally come true.THANK THE LORD!!!I pulled out my dick and started jack off.I slept especially good that night.
There were other days were I saw more on occasion around that time,once I saw them having sex in the pool and bathroom when the door was cracked open.
I know you guys and girls are going to say I was being a perv.And I honestly yeah I was,but it was worth it.
Thanks for reading my little story about this I might post it on my page.But let me know what you think and if you guys have any stories about a crush you may have or had on a friends parent.Love you all,take care.CEriJqkZsw1rFOnH