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14 hours ago
Straight Male, 42
United States


Wild at Heart

Quote by noll

You follow Chryses on Twitter?

When the Trump shooter was revealed to be a republican I honestly thought it may be him.

Wild at Heart

Quote by WellMadeMale

The same people decrying Project 2025 are those who insisted on wearing facemasks for 3 years while sitting alone and WOKE in their cars while driving.

An actual comment/meme I saw on facebook yesterday - posted by my 26 year old MAGA niece in redneckville Missouri.

26 is too young to be that deluded already. Imagine her when she’s 62.. damn

Wild at Heart

Quote by RowanThorn

Yes, Gridlock. When both parties will sell you out on a whim of their lobbyists gridlock is better than wholesale support of corporate interests.

This is the worst online revolution ever Rowen

Wild at Heart

Quote by RowanThorn

Why would I be upset? Honestly, this has proven exactly what I was saying for weeks. Watching you flounder is just a bonus.

I'm not speaking as to what I want or not. I'm speaking for the Democrats chances of winning. My ideal scenario would be split power (congress is Dem, President is Republican) because it creates a blockade of bad policies from either side going through.

Democrats are more than willing to back war, oil companies, and the billionaire class so long as they control the presidency. They will performatively fight many of these policies when a Republican is calling the shots. When Dems control congress and executive they create as much destruction as the Republicans.

The way things were going, Biden was pulling down all chances for Democrats to have control of the House of Senate.

I haven't changed my current choice of Cornell West, but California ballots are still not finalized. I'll see who I've got when that happens.

lol what… so gridlock..

Oh ok you’re in California. well it doesn’t matter what you do then Cornell west haha

Wild at Heart

Quote by RowanThorn

Omg, it's like they had a huge team of people ready for this extremely likely scenario and had a prepared statement ready to try and spin it. Oh wow. So surprising.

Does your clown nose honk when you hit the submit button?

You sound upset..

Anyway, I’m still confused since you said you wanted the democrats to lose. Not sure why you say this is good for dems if you want them to lose or are you now changing your mind on that?

Also who is the nominee of the third party you are voting for (if you’re still doing that, sorry you have a very confusing stance)

Wild at Heart

This is who is happy by the way. To the normal person who has a life and only sees the sanitized version of Trump on the cable news, Biden dropping out makes it look like Trump was right the whole time.

Wild at Heart

Quote by RowanThorn

Democrats are happy. The revolt has quelled instantly, and they all are happy to coalesce behind Harris. Harris (with no vast campaign for months backing her as president) polls better than BIden against Trump by 5% with likely voters. That's absolutely huge.

The Republicans are furious and still attacking Biden instead of Harris. They had an easy win. Some of them are trying to call the swap illegal and saying that Biden has to run from fringe, unhinged legal theories. Their #1 campaign issue and tons of their already paid-for advertising attacks Joe's age. It's literally money down the drain at this point. This is actually their worst-case scenario.

Harris is actually a really strong debater as well. She's performed well in the past, so much so that the Vance camp released a statement 3 days ago that he refused to debate her.

Completely backwards.. chronically online listening to dumbass far leftists.

Polls… how was Hillary doing in the polls.

But maybe you’re right… Harris will inspire everyone for the first time.

Still confused since you said you wanted the democrats to lose. Not sure why you say this is good for dems if you want them to lose or are you now changing your mind on that?

Also who is the nominee of the third party you are voting for (if you’re still doing that, sorry you have a very confusing stance)

Wild at Heart

Quote by RowanThorn

I would say they more fucked it up by sponsoring a sundowning old geezer unopposed through a primary process when he had terrible polling numbers. But I guess I'm not tapped into the self-insert BIden fanfic crowd like you are. I'm sure it's angered the octogenarian-lovers like yourself.

So what you're saying is Biden voters will not vote for Harris?

You’re chronically online.. that’s why you’re brainwashed into thinking that a third party will rise out of the ashes after a trump presidency lol

most people are going to be like “wait what… we voted for Biden but now the nominee is going to be someone we didn’t vote for? It’s going to be Kamala???” Most people have heard her speak a couple times in 2020 and that’s it.

Look at who’s the most happy about this, and you’ll see who were the ones who really wanted the democrats to shoot themselves in the foot.

Wild at Heart

Quote by Dani

I think the concession would have been far more impactful if Biden conceded the presidency to VP Harris now. Let her take the reins now and rally the people that way.

Either way, we’re still fucked, but let’s see how it pans out.

Harris is too easy of a Target, she’s from one of the biggest shitholes in the country and San Francisco has become a place any American that’s not from San Francisco doesn’t like going because of the insane crime, filth and high prices anywhere in the city that’s not bordering on dystopia. That’s all they have to attack her on. Too easy. The being brown and a woman thing they don’t even have to waste time on. At least she’s not gay, and I guess she can do so photo-ops in a church.

Wild at Heart

Quote by RowanThorn

What’s dumb is I think Trump could have been soundly defeated had the Democrats not insisted on pushing their broken puppet through an unopposed primary.

Harris probably had a good chance of winning a legit primary, but now they’ll have to deal with some backlash of a process with no public input at all. The Democrats will put forth a Presidential and VP candidates who have gotten not one vote from their base. It’s still a better gamble than the March to oblivion that Biden provided.

Next couple of weeks will be interesting. Hope Felix can call get a refund for his Biden 24’ tattoo on his neck.

But this is good remember? You said you wanted Trump to win so that things get so bad that people will vote for the Green Party… that’s what you said.

The democrats panicked because the conservatives and leftists podcasters criticized Biden for fucking up the debate and not like you know, Trump and his dictatorship plans.

But like you say, maybe it will get so bad we’ll have have to live through ruin for 30 years and then the Green Party will win and legalize weed or something.

Wild at Heart

Quote by PrincessC

I wish they would drop the links like the beauty gurus online have to, the first guys bronzer looks so good.

They’re the same guy 😬

Wild at Heart

Trump will for sure win now.

The democrats have conceded. Far right (and Rowan) will now make America great again.

Wild at Heart

Quote by RowanThorn

Biden is falling apart. He’s old, amazingly so. He’s confused on stage, he fumbles every interview. No one is excited for him. He barely beat Trump when he was coherent and Trump was at his lowest. He cannot win and he’s pulling down the Dems chance at the house and senate.

It was not one bad night, it’s a consistent pattern. Another candidate may get people to the election halls because Biden does not excite anyone. The Democrats shot themselves in the foot when they quashed all opposition during primary season. They refused to let Biden debate then and his his failings. But they can’t do that anymore. If they don’t want Trump to win, or at the very least if they want a chance to stop the Republicans from controlling all three branches they need someone else on top of that ticket. Biden is a rot for the party.

But you said you want Trump to win.. so by you saying you want the Dems to switch candidates is it because that’s a dumb move (it is) or do you just not want the Dems to win with Biden? Because whoever they put is going to be the same policy. You’re just not making sense Rowan.

Wild at Heart

Quote by noll

Crowds cheering "USA! USA! USA!", right after gun fire left two people dead and seriously injured two others, must be the most American thing that happened this year.

Did you see them chanting FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT while pumping their fists at the RNC? Looking like Nazis for real.

Wild at Heart

Quote by Georgia_27_8

You mean to say that Felix cropped and shared an image out of context to suit his trolling nature, and bait people into another response? There is absolutely no way. I dont believe you.

Also, it doesnt even look like a cropped pic. Looks like he googled the pic on his laptop, took a photo with his 2011 Blackberry Curve and then posted it here.

WTF I have an iPhone 15......