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2 days ago
Straight Male, 43
United States


Quote by utterchaos

Human size in total height? That'll be taller than a wolf which I wouldn't want to be in a room with in the first place plus the addition of the small dog syndrome that comes with chihuahuas, jack russell terriers etc. Noll is fucked.

Human size in total weight. Yes, the chihuahua is aggressive but it is not horny, and noll has a wiffle ball bat.

Noll vs a human sized chihuahua in a small room. Noll has been intensely training for a year and has a wiffle ball bat as a weapon. The chihuahua is very angry and hungry. Noll is naked.

Quote by Dani

WMM does not have weapons, and he is dressed for brunch.

Then I think the moose would win but WMM would fuck the moose’s human wife for revenge.

Quote by noll

How would I know? I've never seen the world from a chihuahua perspective. I'm Dutch remember? We're one of the taller people around.

Is there some socialite/influencer, or wannabe, who'll carry me around in their purse?

Sounds like you wouldn’t even last 24 minutes, snake food.

Quote by Dani

Fully grown moose (male) in his prime vs a fully grown male moose-sized WellMadeMale in his prime.

Does Wellmademale have any weapons and is he naked?

Quote by noll

How's that fair?

Because the python has a fucking snake brain, noll.

Now would you survive 24 hours or not

Quote by noll

So the python is also shrunk to chihuahua size then?

The python is full size. Larger than average.

Quote by noll

3 questions:

  • When was the the last time the python had a proper meal?

  • What's your obsession with me being naked?

  • Is one of those baths a standalone bathtub?

The python is ravenous.

The python is naked too. It's about fairness...

No, it's all walk-in showers. Doors removed.

You start out in a large house, 6 rooms, three baths, all the entrances are sealed. The doors in the inside of the house have been removed.

You have noll, shrunk down to the size of a chihuahua, trapped in there with a Burmese Python. No weapons. And noll is naked.

Will noll last 24 hours?

Quote by PrincessC

I’m surprised the Americans aren’t protesting this refugee status thing for the Afrikaners, I certainly wouldn’t want them.

They’re white right?

Quote by LYFBUZ

Since he's always crowing about winning in 2016, 2020 and 2024 he should immediately step down as his current 'presidency' violates the Constitution according to his own words.

No it’s a do-over now. You have to read the constitution with alternate interpretation. He can serve 8 more years. Or if he declares war on “woke and transgender” then he can dictate, I mean serve until the work is done.

Quote by WellMadeMale

I've managed to live my entire life without murdering anyone.... But I might have to reconsider my choices this year.

You better be careful… Kash going to put on his windbreaker and pay you a visit.

Trumps ex-VP openly defying him, several times now, isn’t talked about enough. Sure, Trump tried to get him killed… but it’s still one of the biggest red flags about Trump, but it doesn’t seem like a big deal to anyone. Weird.