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Over 90 days ago
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I've ALWAYS loved a bit of OTK - EROTIC SPANKING. Nothing too intense pain-wise and it can be mutual too.

For anybody who has tried the GSpot technique and found that it works AND likes a spanking now and then - COMBINE the TWO. (( ))

A good OTK and every 10 swats or so give her two to five rapid G-Gasms and then 10 swats. Alternate that back and forth. Keep it rapid and frenzied, pull her hair, lock only one leg down so she can kick the other around, keep one arm firmly over the small of her back so she feels
(and IS ) trapped and can't get away. MAKE her submit just a little longer than she wants to. She'll be screaming and begging you to stop. Don't. Part of the thrill for her is NOT knowing if you'll just keep going until she goes completely nutz or passes out from the intensity. I don't think most women can continue this for more than two or three minutes once they start having G-Gasms. It is just too intense. The spanking combines the kinkiness and submission AND the GSpot orgasms can be administered almost like spanks..."WHAT did you call me? OK - That's TEN more!!" It is awesome.

Afterwards reward her with a COLD cold cream bum rub. Aloe Vera based
body lotions are great. Put it in the fridge for a while first. When you start spreading the COLD cream over her red cheeks she'll melt. Give her a few more (slower - softer) G-Gasms while you're doing the bum rub.
I just wish I'd known about this in my teen years. I would be Emperor today!!

Dumb site won't let me post a link.

GOOGLE : Try This & Report Back ... Look for the Literotica site. It usually pops up as #1 .

It's always struck me as incredibly petty (and indicative of the poster) when these threads are criticized or just cut to ribbons buy people who have NOTHING TO ADD or CONTRIBUTE to the theme of the thread but for some reason need to add their worthless 2¢ anyway.

So, yup, as I stated in #1 ... many already know. This isn't for YOU or them. It's for those who don't or haven't discovered it themselves. Sharing is good ... except for those who for some reason feel others have no right to know this. Like it's a secret or something. DUH!!
From my TRY THIS thread on LIT:


Quick Backgrounder

The G&A Spot(s) are a bunch of nerve clusters which trigger endorphines (natural painkillers) during child birth. These nerve concentrations are below the surface and protected. The clit is not protected and the nerves are right on the surface. Any guy who tries to handle a clit roughly usually gets a heel up the side of his head. The GSpot is different. Once it has been triggered you can NOT treat it like a clit. Beat it up! Guys have been taught to be gentle with "that " area. Yes for the clit. NO for the G&A's.

Basic Technique ideas:

#1: Make sure she goes for a tinkle (urinates) just prior to this. The best way to “experiment ” is for the woman to relax over a bunch of pillows, face down, bum up in the air and legs comfortably wide apart. In that position with her guy either at the side, straddling one leg or sort of in the middle, the best way is with his thumb - inserted and pointing down towards the bed. If you press the thumb into the vagina until the heel of the thumb is pressing into her lips the GSpot will be right under the fat part at the end of your thumb. It’s no harder to find than that. It is a small bump roughly the same size as that fat part at the end of your thumb too so it feels a little like there’s another thumb pressing back. (ALL women have this - all women may not react the same way) Start to rub it. You can rub like you’re trying to get a spot out - back and forth or sideways or in a circular motion - it doesn’t matter. DO NOT do it too hard at first but once it puffs up and gets a little hard, that's when you can get rough with it. She'll feel like she has to go for a pee about then. Ignore her. Hold her down. Tell her to go ahead. Ladies you aren't going to pee. It just comes from some kind of build-up and "about to release" feeling. Just hang on and tell him harder or faster to increase that feeling. The first time or two it takes a few minutes. Once you've done it a few times you can usually get the first orgasm in under two minutes - no matter what and then repeats every 30 seconds to a minute for as long as she can stand it. An average night means between 8 and 15 giant "O's". A marathon brings between 35 and 50 !!! Trouble walking the next day but Man) Man is it worth the shakes the next day.

#2 is: when you've triggered an orgasm, wait about 30 seconds, maybe a minute (no more)and then start again. Just as hard. Right away. It'll happen over and over as many times as you repeat it. DO NOT BE GENTLE !! Depending on what kind of shape she’s in, a slightly longer wait between orgasms is wise(ie. let her start to breathe again). My friends described those orgasms as like being hit by a train. It seems to involve the entire body. If they’ve never had a GSpot orgasm they are going to be amazed. When you do it to them again and again they will be astounded.

At that point an option that they all seem to enjoy is once she knows “that feel” she can climb on and ride you and position herself so that the end of your erection is hitting the same spot your thumb was hitting. She can then have a huge orgasm about every 10 to 20 downstrokes and keep that up until she melts or passes out. Then it’s time to cuddle.
""Are you serious? "On the net". Where do you get your stats and clinical reports from? ""

Ya. On the net. Why don'y you try reading some of the clinical stuff I've found and posted? In ALL the research I've dug up and posted not one ever suggested that with proper stimulation you can either prolong ONE orgasm or keep those G-Gasms happening over and over and over again. From Grafenburg to Whipple, from reports where they went looking for the G-SPOT on 13 CADAVERS there is very little REAL info that couples can actually USE. There are however several thousand posts from readers who discovered it due to the TRY THIS thread or they already knew about the moves needed and CONTRIBUTED to the thread so ALL the readers could take advantage of the info ... sort of what I'm trying to do here. With no contribution and only criticism all you're doing is hijacking the thread for no reason ... done MANY times before and it IS frustrating when I've only posted to share so others can have fun with this too.

""I don't know why you've taken exception to what I posted, and you're getting a bit aggressive over a one line forum post dude. ""

Oooo because I BOLDED a few words? I've got the same nonsense from the same snowflakes in other threads for years .... Critical of my credibility, my medical qualifications, my claims, my wording, even my RIGHT to post or state what I've posted because I'm a guy and some women have never heard of this before and if THEY don't know about it HTF could I know about it?

Instead of contributing to the thread.

Like I said. If you all knew about this before why haven't YOU posted it for the newbies or for the oldies who never discovered it themselves?
Have you tried this? I've never heard of any couple being BORED after they've discovered this. So many variations too.
Quote by GoNE68
Give the boy a break. He's trying to help people develop a better sex life. He's not asking for payment.

Not everyone around here has a brilliant sex life, no matter how good a writer they are.

And if you know the technique already - lucky you, I hope it works for you.
(Btw is it true that squirting is just girls pissing everywhere? ;) )

Pass it on to those it helps - life would be a whole much nicer place if everyone smiled all day cos they had mind blowing sex.

Thanks Go. I've only ever SHARED this. Some sites will divulge the "secret" for $89.99 plus postage and handling. My thread on LIT has been described as THE best
info and instructional site on the net partly because I post clinical trials and research studies too. Thousands have posted and I've learned lots form those posts too!!
I'm not claiming to be the world's biggest stud. I'm 64 (ya .. thanks for the BOY designation) and just sharing something that I've had a blast with and despite
"everybody knows about this already" ALL the women that I've been with since the wife died have HEARD of the G-SPOT (who hasn't) but none of them had ever
managed to figure out how to stimulate it properly and repeatedly or had been with a partner (male or female) who knew either.

Having read / scanned several hundred posts in the LUSH site I saw NO other similar information so my question to the others is: If you already knew about it

""(Btw is it true that squirting is just girls pissing everywhere? ;) ""

Anybody who has ever caused a woman to SQUIRT / EJACULATE doing this KNOWS it is NOT urine. The liquid (sometimes there is a cup or more and sometimes
it squirts across the ceiling) changes in texture and taste over the course of a month but it is NOT urine. The combination of a good tongue lashing AND a massive
G-Gasm pretty much assures a mouthful when it happens (at the very least a face-full) so NO. No pee there. Furthermore actual analysis of the liquid shows it contains
less than 5% uric acid - pee. The combination of clitoral and G-Gasm also assures an orgasmic intensity that is described as a RELIGIOUS experience - out of body even!
And as I'm trying to explain here. The difference between clitoral and G-Gasms is that if you give her a 15 to 30 second break and then start the stimulation again - she will cum again. And again. And again.

"life would be a whole much nicer place if everyone smiled all day cos they had mind blowing sex"

Again, from my limited experience ... take a woman from ONE O a night to a dozen or more and she's doing a LOT of smiling.
Quote by BethanyFrasier

...and that 17% pretty much constitutes the women who join Lush! We're here because we LOVE sex and already know all the tricks!

So does this mean women (and men) who would LIKE to enjoy sex by learning new stuff or enjoy sex MORE are banned or something??

TRINKET is "correct" in stating that SHE already knows about this. So do you. GOOD. I'm not posting to or FOR you. I'm posting for the
large % of women who do not. Even women who do frequently orgasm during sex find the prospect of having a dozen or more a night
kind of appealing. But YOU guys KNOW already ... so certainly join in but simply stating that you know about it already is sort of irrelevant
to those women who DON'T KNOW ABOUT IT - YET.


and BTW you NEVER know ALL the "tricks" I'm 64 and still learning (and SHARING). You can NEVER know ALL the tricks because the women we
meet are all so different individually and even the ones we know well change constantly - time of the month (for the younger crowd), stress, fatigue,
injuries, medications, etc etc What I've found is that the more "tricks" we know the better our partners feel and that generally is a GOOD THANG.

NO need to get into a pissing match but I got TWO main arguments a million hits back on LIT. #1. "" THAT is BULLSHIT. I'm a woman and have never heard of such nonsense ... a DOZEN orgasm or more. Stop posting such crap!"" and #2. I already know about this so WHY are you posting this here?

It IS a sex site. That's why I posted. To share some info with people who come here to learn new stuff. Just because people have sex in no way guarantees they do it well or they know ALL the little tricks that can take it from good to GREAT or even from ho-hum to good.

FACT : Around 80% of ALL women report that they either NEVER or RARELY orgasm during intercourse. Only 17% report that they always or often do. That's pretty piss-poor stats if
you happen to be a horny woman who loves sex, does it routinely but often or always also have to quietly finish herself off after he's finished and rolled over to sleep. I won't even get into the stats on men who can't get it or keep it up due to medical conditions and people with disabilities who can't perform like they once did. One of the problems is these stats are NOT widely known so women, especially younger women, who do not have crashing O's during sex start think there's something seriously wrong with them and emotionally withdraw without saying anything and THAT can persist their entire married life. I've received literally HUNDREDS of emails from women who are in their 40's, 50's and older who tell me they have been married for 35 years and NEVER had an orgasm during intercourse but when they tried this KAA-BOOOM and NOW in their 60's she reports enjoying it for the first time in her life.

So, yup, as I stated in #1 ... many already know. This isn't for YOU or them. It's for those who don't or haven't discovered it themselves. Sharing is good.
To clarify ...

The instructions are, basically to begin to rub (back&forth, up&down, round&round - whatever) and as you feel her begin to react I say rub harder. Well that is true but more important but perhaps I wasn't clear about this, as her reactions indicate increased levels of arousal not only rub harder but FASTER too.

The position of her face down over the pillows leaves your arm in a unique position to move about as fast as it possibly can and maintain that speed for as long as your stamina holds out. When you tire - SWITCH ARMS !!

The most important message though here is the SPEED at which you are prodding her G. The FASTER the BETTER. The FASTER the CRAZIER she'll get. Slow down and the G-Gasms will feel very different and THAT style may be more to her liking - SOMETIMES. The intensity WILL increase as the speed of your thumb increases.

You HAVE TO gauge her reaction though. Very important. Don't just slide in and begin to jack-hammer her unless you have done this before and she is "advanced" enough that she will begin to orgasms almost immediately.

Starting out you MUST build up PRESSURE AND SPEED as you feel her become more and more aroused, OK. Pay attention (you young bucks need to start that now) to what SHE is doing. If she seems in pain and you know the diff between the turned on faces and body moves and the "This is starting to HURT" faces and body movements, then you need to back off and do something else for awhile. Try this another night. Don't continue if her reaction is really negative. On the other hand if she has never come this way before she may feel it is too intense and try and pull away or get you to stop BEFORE anything too much happens. It is up to you to gauge where she is on that scale. A little scared at how fast and intense the feeling is OR this hurts. If she is just nervous then that's where I suggest HOLD HER DOWN and continue. She'll be glad you did.
Just use some common sense and as YOU (the doer) are NOT in a mad rush to cum yourself during this technique it is up to you to keep a clear head and watch for her reactions - good OR bad and act appropriately.

Many women report that using this technique they have completely LOST IT in a way they never have before. Sexual intensity with a trusted lover is typically a nice build up and on those wild nights a bit of extra stuff as the build up to orgasms happens. With this TECHNIQUE you can drive her right out of her fucking mind and keep doing it until YOU decide to stop. This really does FREAK a lot of women out so be CAREFUL with your new POWER. You've got a back up arm/thumb and she only has one rather tender little twat so again when I say SPEED AND PRESSURE remember WHAT you are bashing. Take her to that magic place where, it seems her entire body is in a whole orgasm mode but don't abuse the trust or go overboard with the pressure. She WILL feel beat up the next day if you're too rough. You want her remembering the constant G-GASMS and not having to walk around bent over in pain the next day because she is bruised and battered down there and IN there, OK? Also be careful around her period as the uterus is a little more sensitive at this time of the month anyway due to all the contractions and cramping going on in that process.

So remember when you get this going and she is trying to thrash her way out of her skin and neighbors two blocks away are calling 911 because it sounds like a murder in progress .... you can PLAY with her G-GASMS. You can (once she has cum once this way) slide her into the next one slowly buy using a SLOW RUB or you can BANG her into the next G-Gasms by starting your thumb again HARD AND FAST. You can bring her off in waves of FAST INTENSE series and then slow down a bit. Change arms, nibble the back of her neck, smack her bum, suck slowly down the backs of her thighs and inside her knees - do everything and anything you can think of do increase the OTHER sensations she is feeling either while you are G-ing her or in those few seconds or minute that you're not and allowing her to catch her breath. Don't forget she is WOMAN so as you drive her crazy one way be gentle and tender in those other ways so that she is feeling completely loved and adored. Despite what you SEE her doing when you are G-Spotting her she IS still aware of her surroundings (a little anyway) so keep up the kisses, nibbles, licks and sucking so she feels "devoured" - inside and out.

By using a Variety of moves, speeds, pressures and positions you can make this unique and utterly mind-boggling technique an adventure each and every time you do it for (TO ?) her. Not only each time you do this can be a series of different sensations for her but each time she CUMs can be a different sensation from the last. Apparently just changing thumb angles can change the "feel" of the G-Gasm so you have the options of experimenting in an almost unlimited way here. Variety is THE spice of life. Not only do ya'll have the greatest technique known to human sexuality but you can mix and match according to her moods, time of the month or just do the S&MB&D thingie and do 'er any way YOU want. Either or ANY way you do do it will be awesome for HER and will bring you closer together - or your money back !!
Quote by trinket

Sorry to be the bearer of good news but most people already know about this technique. It's how you make her squirt. Never heard of anyone getting a busted nose though. LOL.

I wish that were the case. 15,000 posts, emails and IMs from my other thread/blog would suggest it is a mystery to most still. Even the so called SEX EXPERTS have trouble stating the obvious - the the G-SPOT actually exists. When they write articles in women's magazines and discuss the POSSIBILITY of a zone of increased sensitivity but there are NO clinical
or anatomical evidence to "prove" it does or does NOT exist then your claim that "MOST PEOPLE ALREADY KNOW" is just wishful thinking. One recent article in a well known women's mag suggested that claims of the G-SPOT's existence was simple and no more than an attempt by some women to make other women feel inadequate. No! Seriously. That was their claim!!

And it is THE most effective way of causing female ejaculation but needn't happen when she is experiencing multiple G-Gasms. Even the experts who do believe that the G-Spot exists and write articles and I've read almost everything ever written on the subject ... even those articles never suggest continuing the stimulation to cause the G-Gasm to REPEAT over and over and over again. If ""MOST"" knew about this I wouldn't be getting the feedback from my other thread/blog - so far well over 15K of them.


I am so happy now I finally can enjoy sex.  li'll lego.
It has definitely helped our relationship. It was originally intended to just spice things up a bit, but for me it has changed my whole outlook on sex. It used to be that it was all about his pleasure and now it is about mine too.
This thread is the best thing ever, cause in my 25 years of having sex I have never felt like this.
My relationship with my DH has changed for the better, we were always (23 years) close, but now it's like we've hit a new level.
Thank you soooooo much! Not really sure how I found this site but I am so thankful. My husband tried this last night and these were the best orgasms I have ever had.
I will have to say that is was way more intense than I ever imagined!! THANKS again!!! 
It has definitely helped our relationship. It was originally intended to just spice things up a bit, but for me it has changed my whole outlook on sex. It used to be that it was all about his pleasure and now it is about mine too.
This thread is the best thing ever, cause in my 25 years of having sex I have never felt like this.
It was OVERWHELMING!! I was just cumming nonstop ... My husband said that I went from moaning and saying "Oh my god, I can't take it" to screaming all sorts of gibberish. That must of been when I thought it was quiet... I literally was out of my mind!
I believe Mr G is onto something here....tried this last night...had more than I could count!! THANKS so much for the advice!!! Gonna try it again this weekend!! I will have to say that is was way more intense than I ever imagined!! THANKS again!!! lizabella02/02
The feeling is almost indescribable. Out of control feeling. Blackness and stars and time stands still. WHEW!!! I was butter afterwards....couldn't stand up....couldn't think....couldn't move. Felt like crying but never did...I was too amazed as was he. The entire process took less than 5 minutes.
Definitely the most mind blowing experience of my life... 
Thank you!!!!
This technique works. I've used it and the results it produces are absolutely fantastic. The only thing better than a G-Spot orgasm is the combined orgasms from stimulating both the clit and the G-spot at the same time, and timing the sequential climaxes.  Incredible.
My relationship with my DH has changed for the better, we were always close, but now it's like we've hit a new level.
Yup! it works juuuuuuuust fine......
My wife and I had tried for *years!* to get that lil sucker revved up... no luck... but with this technique.....NO PROBLEM! We lost count. - we're scientific failures. (But I'm a GOD in her eyes!)
she rolled over as to just cuddle and she was lying on her stomach. I slipped my thumb in and she moaned a bit and then i went for Mr G's technique. I tried to do it before with her on her back and i could reach it but it was hard and didnt work so well. This way, with the thumb was so easy i just applied some pressure, moved my thumb in a circle and pushed harder and bam. She kept coming and coming. Took her about 15 secs to cum each time, 15 sec break and then I would do it again. After 17 (yes 17 orgasms!) she finally said "Phil, I just can't take it anymore" 
If you are the person I think you are, you've done enormous things for me and the women I've had in my life. I personally thank you, and I'm sure the women that were in my life do as well. I read every word of that thread over the years on Lit and its incredible. I've been with three women since first reading that. With two of them, the technique worked incredibly on. I'm talking 20-30 orgasms in about an hour.
I would recommend using FINGERS ONLY to start playing around down there. You can FEEEEL the proper pressure - something you can't do with a dildo or similar pokey thing. VERY sensitive membranes down there so be careful. Use surgical gloves if the YUCK factor bugs you. Always wash your hands well afterward.

My first experience with prostate manipulation was during a rather violent BJ. 30 seconds before I came she shoved a small dildo up ma butt - BIG surprise.
I was standing and she was sitting and the dildo went in horizontally - bANG - right into my prostate. Wasn't expecting that at all and Augustus reacted appropriately. Had more of what I'd describe as a SNEEZE than an orgasm!!

Experiments after that showed that a SLOW teasing manipulation of the prostate produces a HUGE amount of seminal (?) fluid. My guess is there are other glands down there that assist in the production of those fluids because during the course of a 90 minute BJ with very slow gentle prostate rubbing, my prostate would have to be the size of my LIVER to produce that much fluid.

They have just discovered that women have SKENE glands and they likely produce famale ejaculate during violent orgasms so - do men have the same ? They must. Maybe called something different. Don't look to the medical researchers for help on this. They're still confused about the existence of G&ASpots to begin with.

The prostate seems to "bleed" seminal fluid when rubbed gently during a BJ / handjob and during times like that the fluid goes from clear to milky making it appear to produce one very long orgasm. Certainly it feels good all the way through and it could (for me anyway) be described as a long milking orgasm but at the end the normal orgasm seems to be the fireworks at the end. With the buildup those orgasms are enough to make me pass out for a sec but for me there is a distinct difference between the milking style and the full blown (sic) normal male orgasm.

This from another similar thread:

The one question that seems to be repeated in here is , "Where in the rectum is the prostate?" Well kiddies it ain't In the rectum. It surrounds the urethra but it is best reached by rubbing the rectal wall towards the other words if you are on your back the finger has to aimed at the ceiling. The best way with a finger is a come here motion. Once found it can be a circular, up&down or back and forth movement. That doesn't matter. The most important points are NO LONG FINGERNAILS! and of course wash afterwards because yes, inside the butt is full of nasty bacteria. Any manipulation of the prostate should happen when you are very aroused and it should be slow and light to start. If you (speaking to women) have him in your mouth and you JAB his prostate expect his dick to punch out through the back of your neck! It is extremely sensitive until it is aroused.

Once it is aroused and whatever stimulation is being done to the penis then the speed and intensity will determine if he cums in one huge O or whether you can milk him over a period of time. The "milking" is a unique experience which is hard to achieve on the first attempt unless you know your partners responses REALLY well. You have to bring him to the point where he is about to blow his load while rubbing the prostate and then just hold him there at that point of arousal. His orgasm will then be stretched out over several minutes or longer. It is NOT the orgasmic feeling of cumming normally. It is different. Women can cum HUGE over and over. Our ability is to
stretch that feeling out over a long time IF it is done just right. It is a GREAT feeling but kinda weird at the start so hang in, experiment and let it happen. Try it a few times to get it right or do it better. Give her lots of feedback. It IS a technique that is worth getting it right.

The plus side to experimenting is that the prostate is massaged and that is a VERY good thing because prostates tend to go cancerous due to lack of stimulation. "MILK" your SO's prostate and he'll never have that problem!
Try this. Give it to him to read.


Quick Backgrounder

The G&A Spot(s) are a bunch of nerve clusters which trigger endorphines (natural painkillers) during child birth. These nerve concentrations are below the surface and protected. The clit is not protected and the nerves are right on the surface. Any guy who tries to handle a clit roughly usually gets a heel up the side of his head. The GSpot is different. Once it has been triggered you can NOT treat it like a clit. Beat it up! Guys have been taught to be gentle with "that " area. Yes for the clit. NO for the G&A's.

Basic Technique ideas:

#1: Make sure she goes for a tinkle (urinates) just prior to this. The best way to “experiment ” is for the woman to relax over a bunch of pillows, face down, bum up in the air and legs comfortably wide apart. In that position with her guy either at the side, straddling one leg or sort of in the middle, the best way is with his thumb - inserted and pointing down towards the bed. If you press the thumb into the vagina until the heel of the thumb is pressing into her lips the GSpot will be right under the fat part at the end of your thumb. It’s no harder to find than that. It is a small bump roughly the same size as that fat part at the end of your thumb too so it feels a little like there’s another thumb pressing back. (ALL women have this - all women may not react the same way) Start to rub it. You can rub like you’re trying to get a spot out - back and forth or sideways or in a circular motion - it doesn’t matter. DO NOT do it too hard at first but once it puffs up and gets a little hard, that's when you can get rough with it. She'll feel like she has to go for a pee about then. Ignore her. Hold her down. Tell her to go ahead. Ladies you aren't going to pee. It just comes from some kind of build-up and "about to release" feeling. Just hang on and tell him harder or faster to increase that feeling. The first time or two it takes a few minutes. Once you've done it a few times you can usually get the first orgasm in under two minutes - no matter what and then repeats every 30 seconds to a minute for as long as she can stand it. An average night means between 8 and 15 giant "O's". A marathon brings between 35 and 50 !!! Trouble walking the next day but Man) Man is it worth the shakes the next day.

#2 is: when you've triggered an orgasm, wait about 30 seconds, maybe a minute (no more)and then start again. Just as hard. Right away. It'll happen over and over as many times as you repeat it. DO NOT BE GENTLE !! Depending on what kind of shape she’s in, a slightly longer wait between orgasms is wise(ie. let her start to breathe again). My friends described those orgasms as like being hit by a train. It seems to involve the entire body. If they’ve never had a GSpot orgasm they are going to be amazed. When you do it to them again and again they will be astounded.

At that point an option that they all seem to enjoy is once she knows “that feel” she can climb on and ride you and position herself so that the end of your erection is hitting the same spot your thumb was hitting. She can then have a huge orgasm about every 10 to 20 downstrokes and keep that up until she melts or passes out. Then it’s time to cuddle.

One word of warning. NEVER have her squat over your face, suck her clit and poke her GSPOT with your fingers. She will cum so hard and her pelvic thrusts will be so out of control that she will BREAK YOUR NOSE. Trust me on this. To combine the two (oral on the clit AND Gspot) she should be on her back and your face should be sideways to her.
LIZ .... RE: 13. Some women orgasm during childbirth.

(Just found this site and posted THE TECHNIQUE)

Several years ago I asked that question on my TRY THIS thread on LIT and got skewerred!! I had a bunch of women pounce on me for being an idiot... how could I even suggest that in the middle of all that pain a woman could orgasm.

Then I started getting IM's and emails saying, "I DID!" It turns out a LOT do but having never heard of such a thing they were embarrassed and ashamed - associated it with something SEXUAL and never said anything. A few said the doctors
thought they were having a stroke or some kind of seizure which mean even most doctors have never heard of an ORGASM DURING CHILDBIRTH.

Since I wrote that piece there have been several papers written detailing the possibility that some women (NOT on epidural) MAY be experiencing some kind of deep vag orgasm during the birthing process but nobody I've ever read seemed to
put 2=2 and realize that the G and the A SPOTS are endorphine triggers to make birthing easier and they just happen to be wired into the orgasm center of the brain too. BONUS!!!
I posted this in the ASK GIRLS. Probably a mistake so if there is a moderator if they want to get rid of the other post I'll leave this one here if that's OK.
I stumbled on this a few years ago just before the wife died. I posted the technique and one site has close to a million hits (so far) and a LOT of feedback, posts, IM, and emails so I know it works for MOST couples. Of course some already know about this. If you don't try it. It'll blow your minds and change your relationship!!

Try it and let everybody know if it worked for you. If it didn't - keep trying.



Quick Backgrounder

The G&A Spot(s) are a bunch of nerve clusters which trigger endorphines (natural painkillers) during child birth. These nerve concentrations are below the surface and protected. The clit is not protected and the nerves are right on the surface. Any guy who tries to handle a clit roughly usually gets a heel up the side of his head. Right after an orgasm they are even MORE sensitive! The GSpot is different. Once it has been triggered you can NOT treat it like a clit. Beat it up (you can be a LOT rougher with it-don't take that literally!)! Guys have been taught to be gentle with "that " area. Yes for the clit. NO for the G&A's.

Basic Technique ideas:

#1: Make sure she urinates just prior to this. The best way to “experiment ” is for the woman to relax over a bunch of pillows, face down, bum up in the air and legs comfortably wide apart. In that position with her guy either at the side, straddling one leg or sort of in the middle, the best way is with his thumb - inserted and pointing down towards the bed. If you press the thumb into the vagina until the heel of the thumb is pressing into her lips the GSpot will be right under the fat part at the end of your thumb. It’s no harder to find than that. It is a small bump roughly the same size as that fat part at the end of your thumb too so it feels a little like there’s another thumb pressing back. (ALL women have this - all women may not react the same way) Start to rub it. You can rub like you’re trying to get a spot out - back and forth or sideways or in a circular motion - it doesn’t matter. DO NOT do it too hard at first but once it puffs up and gets a little hard, that's when you can get rough with it. She'll feel like she has to go for a pee about then. Ignore her. Hold her down. Tell her to go ahead. Ladies you aren't going to pee. It just comes from a build-up of fluid in the Skeene glands and gives you an "about to release" feeling. Just hang on and tell him harder or faster to increase that feeling. The first time or two it takes a few minutes. Once you've done it a few times you can usually get the first orgasm in under two minutes - no matter what and then AND HERE'S THE FUN PART ... repeat every 30 seconds to a minute for as long as she can stand it. An average night means between 8 and 15 giant "O's". A marathon brings between 35 and 50 or double that if she';s in great shape!!! She may have trouble walking the next day but Man 0 Man is it worth it.

So UNLIKE THE CLIT when you've triggered an orgasm, wait about 30 seconds, maybe a minute (no more)and then start again. Just as hard. Right away. She will G-GASM over and over as many times as you repeat it. DO NOT BE GENTLE !! Depending on what kind of shape she’s in, a slightly longer wait between orgasms is wise(ie. let her start to breathe again). My friends described those orgasms as like being hit by a train. It seems to involve the entire body. If they’ve never had a GSpot orgasm they are going to be amazed. When you do it to them again and again they will be astounded. Do NOT take them to scared. Easy to do but NOT recommended.

At that point an option that they all seem to enjoy is once she knows “that feel” she can climb on and ride you and position herself so that the end of your erection is hitting the same spot your thumb was hitting. She can then have a huge orgasm about every 10 to 20 downstrokes and keep that up until she melts or passes out. Then it’s time to cuddle.

One word of warning, for the guys, NEVER have her squat over your face, suck her clit and poke her GSPOT with your fingers. She will cum so hard and her pelvic thrusts will be so out of control that she will BREAK YOUR NOSE. Trust me on this. To combine the two (oral on the clit AND Gspot) she should be on her back and your face should be sideways to her.

Let me know if and / or how it worked for you.
I stumbled on this a few years ago just before the wife died. I posted the technique and one site has close to a million hits (so far) and a LOT of feedback, posts, IM, and emails so I know it works for MOST couples. Of course some already know about this. If you don't try it. It'll blow your minds and change your relationship!!

Try it and let everybody know if it worked for you. If it didn't - keep trying.



Quick Backgrounder

The G&A Spot(s) are a bunch of nerve clusters which trigger endorphines (natural painkillers) during child birth. These nerve concentrations are below the surface and protected. The clit is not protected and the nerves are right on the surface. Any guy who tries to handle a clit roughly usually gets a heel up the side of his head. Right after an orgasm they are even MORE sensitive! The GSpot is different. Once it has been triggered you can NOT treat it like a clit. Beat it up (you can be a LOT rougher with it-don't take that literally!)! Guys have been taught to be gentle with "that " area. Yes for the clit. NO for the G&A's.

Basic Technique ideas:

#1: Make sure she urinates just prior to this. The best way to “experiment ” is for the woman to relax over a bunch of pillows, face down, bum up in the air and legs comfortably wide apart. In that position with her guy either at the side, straddling one leg or sort of in the middle, the best way is with his thumb - inserted and pointing down towards the bed. If you press the thumb into the vagina until the heel of the thumb is pressing into her lips the GSpot will be right under the fat part at the end of your thumb. It’s no harder to find than that. It is a small bump roughly the same size as that fat part at the end of your thumb too so it feels a little like there’s another thumb pressing back. (ALL women have this - all women may not react the same way) Start to rub it. You can rub like you’re trying to get a spot out - back and forth or sideways or in a circular motion - it doesn’t matter. DO NOT do it too hard at first but once it puffs up and gets a little hard, that's when you can get rough with it. She'll feel like she has to go for a pee about then. Ignore her. Hold her down. Tell her to go ahead. Ladies you aren't going to pee. It just comes from a build-up of fluid in the Skeene glands and gives you an "about to release" feeling. Just hang on and tell him harder or faster to increase that feeling. The first time or two it takes a few minutes. Once you've done it a few times you can usually get the first orgasm in under two minutes - no matter what and then AND HERE'S THE FUN PART ... repeat every 30 seconds to a minute for as long as she can stand it. An average night means between 8 and 15 giant "O's". A marathon brings between 35 and 50 or double that if she';s in great shape!!! She may have trouble walking the next day but Man 0 Man is it worth it.

So UNLIKE THE CLIT when you've triggered an orgasm, wait about 30 seconds, maybe a minute (no more)and then start again. Just as hard. Right away. She will G-GASM over and over as many times as you repeat it. DO NOT BE GENTLE !! Depending on what kind of shape she’s in, a slightly longer wait between orgasms is wise(ie. let her start to breathe again). My friends described those orgasms as like being hit by a train. It seems to involve the entire body. If they’ve never had a GSpot orgasm they are going to be amazed. When you do it to them again and again they will be astounded. Do NOT take them to scared. Easy to do but NOT recommended.

At that point an option that they all seem to enjoy is once she knows “that feel” she can climb on and ride you and position herself so that the end of your erection is hitting the same spot your thumb was hitting. She can then have a huge orgasm about every 10 to 20 downstrokes and keep that up until she melts or passes out. Then it’s time to cuddle.

One word of warning, for the guys, NEVER have her squat over your face, suck her clit and poke her GSPOT with your fingers. She will cum so hard and her pelvic thrusts will be so out of control that she will BREAK YOUR NOSE. Trust me on this. To combine the two (oral on the clit AND Gspot) she should be on her back and your face should be sideways to her.

Let me know if and / or how it worked for you.