No. A group of us were playing spin the bottle while high. I went in for a peck on the lips, she wanted more. To the delight of the boys we made out for quite some time. When she went to her room I followed and had the best sex EVER. She ended up not liking me cause I started a casual thing with a guy she liked. She never spoke to me again. I still think about that night though.
I've tried. But I'm a short, thick girl who likes tall, skinny guys. It just does not work.
I still love reading and hate people picking on others.
Tits, sense of humour and eyes. Tits come first. Kinda big for a gal my height.
Yes. I've fallen. But he doesn't know.
I'd never get any sleep! I love my body too damn much.
Yes. I want 3 seperate threesomes. Fff,ffm and mfm. Finding a third has proven to be a real pain, though.
I had one dude request to be my friend by telling me he has a 9 inch cock. I'm not a walking pussy. I have a mind. Stimulate it.
Honestly, I was drunk and he had a small penis. It was his first time, too.
I'm a little gun shy. Met someone I was chatting to for months and he misrepresented himself. But if ever I get my balls back, there is someone I would like to meet.
Yes. I still think about her. She's married and happy though. Can't ask for more than that.
Okay, my friends say it's weird but I don't like cuddling with men, only with women. I think it's the tits.
I'm going to the doc and I'm gonna get awesome meds! Yay!
Lips and eyes. Oh, and voice.
A favour for a favour. If he promised to play with me in public, I would. For sure
YES! And the fact that I got a friend to agree to bringing a dude in our mix makes him even hotter. I watch gay porn on the regular. Just as hot as lesbian sex to me.