Older gentleman that travels the world for business, in some way my job has a hand indirectly in everyone's daily life. Looking for stories that can be done in real life, peeks into others sexual lives. Love true stories more than fictions, cause the situation could happen again and I would be involved. Writing out a sexual story gives the reader a glimpse into your being and how your mind works.
Interests What to say here? Humm... From a sexual side, have found that being watched while masturbating or having sex has become a turn on for me, outdoor/camping sex where someone could see you and they just enjoy the show. I have been asked if I'm bi from more than one person and it is something that I having a relationship with a dude is a thing for me but if I was in a threesome or group sex and his cock was there, would I suck him off? Believe I would. I enjoy erotic tension in my relationship, as much as sex is fun the build up of it through the days or weeks makes it much more enjoyable. Nude B&W photography I see as erotic.
Favorite Books Executive orders, Without Remorse, Sookie Stackhouse series
Favorite Movies The Matrix, LotR series, Ready Player One, Jason Bourne series
Favorite TV Shows Game of Thrones, Good Eats, Holmes on Homes, Red Shoe Diaries
Favorite Music Rob Zombie, Eagles, Korn, Slipknot, Marilyn Manson, 60's to 2000 rock and alt rock