I agree with BB, I like the gay male section, but more stories need to be posted...
ima take my "BIg Green Tractor" (jason Aldean), to "downtown" (Lady A) "Paradise city" (guns and roses) so i can "Party Rock" (lmfao) because i have a "Superstition" (stevie Wonder) that it will get me some "Peace of Mind" (Boston). I might even find a "Simple man" ( leonard skinnard) that will "stand by me" (John Lennon) in "small town USA" (justin moore) until we take the "stairway to heaven" (Led Zepplin) and meet the "Spirit in the Sky" (superstar). Was that enough ;)???
Has some of the hottest pics on the web!
Has anyone had sex with their teacher or at least had a teacher that they wanted to have sex with????
SHare your stories her (girls and guys)
Random Chat (since i cant delete) i realize that my previous questions were somewhat self centered and akward.