I would love to make new friends of all types. I love fun. I love seriousness. I love depth.
1. I taught myself to play acoustic guitar.
2. Mozart and Beethoven are my musical influences.
3. I love pb&js
Let's share 3 things!
1. I've done opera in Europe.
2. I love to cook.
3. I'm an introvert with extrovert tendencies.
I think I like it here. It's quiet. I'll reasses after I meet more people.
Hello all!
Being new to this forum, I figured this might be the best place for me to say hello. I'm LS, and my friend,and sometimes muse, ABG, told me that I should come over here. I trust her judgement. I'm a writer. It's taken me awhile to accept that designation, but writing poetry is nirvana for me. I've been fortunate enough to have 2 poems published here so far, and I hope to be adding more very soon.
I'm pretty sure I'll be knocking no one dead, but hey...variety is the spice of life!
So this is where you hang out, love? Very nice.
I have. Several in fact. They are a smashing way to pass the time!
I came because a good friend of mine, ABG, has talked about this site for years, saying that I need to post poetry here. I finally figured that I would give it a chance. I hope to make some friends.