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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 44
United States


I would love to make new friends of all types. I love fun. I love seriousness. I love depth.
Quote by avrgblkgrl

I think that I am a pure exhibitionist.

You watch...

Hmm....I'm watching. What's the exhibit?
And I'm very much an exhibitionist. I have my own museum.
It's a marvelous work of poetry. You capture so much in really just a little time, and few words.

Quote by avrgblkgrl

It may shock you a bit--or, maybe not. Yes, I'm a diehard romantic and all that notates. To know me is to know that. However, I'm a serious realist commenting and writing about real life, real sex and real love. My hair's too curly&kinky for that Disney love. Fairytales hardly catch my interest. This poem is just a facet of what love can do and most likely has at some point in your life.

Can you un-fuck someone? Hmm...

Read it and let me know.

I'm so good at giving the finger.C2eP3278vOLy1QZu Click the pic?

?A Recommended Read with Audio?

Quote by browncoffee
1. I love Scrabble but cannot play with my way-too-competitive brother.
2. I write story ideas/titles on scraps of paper which clutter up my bag/pockets.
3. I'm an excellent cook and I LOVE cleaning.

What is your favorite dish to make?
Quote by kiera

But in doing this, when you get home have you forgotten to buy items you went out to get?

On occasion. Mostly not.
Quote by kiera

Not even shopping lists? I thought all men were incapable of shopping without a shopping list, even for less than 5 items


1. I don't make shopping lists on paper.
2. I prefer the mental ones.
3. Even then, I totally disregard them.
Quote by littleduchess

A favorite? As in singular? (Eagerly grabs my list...)

Just kidding...kind of. It's hard to pick a favorite really.

But, off the top of my head I'd have to say one of my favorites is by Tyler Florence...Blueberry scones with lemon glaze. They are quick and easy and literally melt in your mouth. Plus, the top of your head kinda explodes so all the lemony freshness can escape. Try them at your own risk. (Actually if you do try them the glaze recipe that is printed isn't correct. Just a drizzle of lemon juice will do ya.)

That sounds utterly amazing! I'll be looking that one up!
Quote by littleduchess
1. I feel that unless I am watching, reading, and typing, generally all taking place while I'm on the phone talking, then I am accomplishing nothing (but talking is my favorite).

2. I read and collect cookbooks (about 500 at last count). I find them almost as fascinating as erotica. And don't make that weird...I don't like them THAT much.

3. I love anything that spikes my adrenaline-motorcycles, fast cars, roller coasters and on and on.

Has there been a favorite recipe that you've come across as a result of collecting so many cookbooks?
1. I taught myself to play acoustic guitar.
2. Mozart and Beethoven are my musical influences.
3. I love pb&js
Quote by Emerson501
I'd have to say Alaska. I went in August and life was exploding everywhere. It was beautiful.

It's on my bucket list of places to visit. That sounds splendid!
Quote by Emerson501
1. I've been to all 50 US states
2. I, too, love to cook
3. Thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail is on my bucket list

which was your favorite?
Quote by kiera
1. I've done a parachute jump
2. I hate Smart Cars and want to blow them all up
3. I love most superhero films, especially Marvel ones. But I hate Batman and would like to see him get his arse kicked by Rocket.

Oh, your number 3 would be amazing to watch! ?
Let's share 3 things!

1. I've done opera in Europe.
2. I love to cook.
3. I'm an introvert with extrovert tendencies.
If my opinion counts even a little, everyone HAS TO LISTEN! Geez, is so incredibly good!

Quote by avrgblkgrl


Some poems have to be heard. A voice reading frees it. I had a special request, so I added one to my latest poem.
If you haven't already read or listened, stop by and tell me what you think.

If you have, then kisses to you and thank you so much.


Quote by avrgblkgrl

Back to my theme... LOL


?Clique the Pic?


Got off topic. You sure it's a good thing for me to be here? the graphic!
Quote by avrgblkgrl

Hey the spice is what makes it all feel so good on the tongue.
And, you "got too much sauce". LOL ?

Lol. How would you know how much sauce I have? (It's Cajun infused)
Quote by Burquette
Hi! Welcome!

I loved this and I don't usually read poetry.


Thank you! I appreciate that, and thanks for the welcome!
Hello all!

Being new to this forum, I figured this might be the best place for me to say hello. I'm LS, and my friend,and sometimes muse, ABG, told me that I should come over here. I trust her judgement. I'm a writer. It's taken me awhile to accept that designation, but writing poetry is nirvana for me. I've been fortunate enough to have 2 poems published here so far, and I hope to be adding more very soon.

Quote by avrgblkgrl

I feel slighted. I didn't even get an invitation.UFcDGKXx4l7HAFaH

Duh! Yours is an open invite.
I came because a good friend of mine, ABG, has talked about this site for years, saying that I need to post poetry here. I finally figured that I would give it a chance. I hope to make some friends.