I'm a mom and a teacher and a student of transcendental philosophy. I absolutely adore writing, especially juicy little tales about lesbian love. My stories come from personal experience, with a twist of fantasy. As every writer knows, you can only write about those things you have experienced. If you've never climbed a ladder, how could you possibly decribe how the top rung presses hard against your knee?
Interests I love my husbandand I love lesbian sex. Although, it has been quite some time since I have had the pleasure of another woman. Growing families stillfe those sorts of things.
Favorite Books All time favorite book is Walden, by Henry Thoreau. It is a book that changed my life in so many ways. I urge all to read it. And read it with zest. Drink it, smell it, eat it, and become it.
Favorite Authors Needless to say, Thoreau, by he had a great deal of friends who were stunnig, as well. Emerson, Alcott, Hawthorne, oh, my!