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1 week ago
Straight Female, 51
United States


Quote by Grace

why i play the blues:

The Band - Mystery Train (with Paul Butterfield) - 11/25/1976 - Winterland (Official)

I could listen to this all day. Reminds me of my time in Memphis. Great choice Grace! worship

Hi my lovely fam. Hope everyone is well. I have been super busy and neglecting lush land. But things have slowed way down so you will see my smiling face more often again.

James, I mean best Bear ever, can I have the biggest glass of moscato you can muster up.

Sending everyone big hugs!

Peeking in to say hi and send hugs. Been a bit under the weather the past couple days. Blah  

Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend and that your week gets off to a phenomenal start!!

Hot chocolate with some Baileys please. 

Quote by AppleByBoom
Quote by Fluttered
Quote by AppleByBoom


Harley is a Zombie without coffee.... 


Spank, one spank for every flick 

Is that supposed to deter me? 

That just makes Boom wanna Flick more! 

Hi fam! Just peeking in. Nice to see the place so busy. Don’t mind me I am just go over here and line up some raisins. Where oh where is my partner in crime!!

Squishy hugs to all! 

Ninja Flick. 

Hope everyone is having a great night, sending lots of squishy hugs. Making myself an extra steering hot toddy and marking it on the sheet like the well behaved girl that I am. Flick

Quote by AppleByBoom
Quote by nicola

Please keep reporting issues. 

I have a 4 page long shared document with them listed, which are rapidly being worked through based on priority. 

Most of the site is now as it was in terms of functioning and being useable. 

Let's applaud the efforts of the Dev Team please. They are working their socks off.

Absolutely!! They've done a fantastic job! 👏

Boom, got our fort built now we can hide in the fort with our raisin launchers. Flick! Now all we need is Jeff to aim at! smile

Quote by nicola

Please keep reporting issues. 

I have a 4 page long shared document with them listed, which are rapidly being worked through based on priority. 

Most of the site is now as it was in terms of functioning and being useable. 

Let's applaud the efforts of the Dev Team please. They are working their socks off.

I can tell all the work they have done. The chat room improvements alone are fantastic. Dev Team worship

Now onto my important mission. Setting up a fort out of raisin boxes. Coma and Tose you two don’t mind a fort over hear, do you?

Quote by AppleByBoom
Quote by Lilly
Quote by AppleByBoom

I will have coffee please and thank you. 


Yay! Boom is in the house. Flick! 


Hells yeahhhhh! There's my partner in crime! Come here you! kiss 

I am here! Everyone needs a partner in crime! worship Let the flicking commence. Flick!!
Quote by AppleByBoom

I will have coffee please and thank you. 


Yay! Boom is in the house. Flick! 

Good afternoon fam! Just watched my Chiefs finally put up a decent showing. AFC West is competitive this year. Flick!

Thanks for the sweets James! I shall attempt to behave but it’s not off to a great start. Can I have a margarita please? 

Exciting news Nicola about Rumps and about the new competition. Good morning Fam!! We are headed back out from vacation and I think I need about a week long nap after toddler sitting for a week. It was a blast though.

Michelle, my flicking finger really is jonesing for a flick. I am trying to behave but I am not responsible for that finger as it has a mind of it’s own. Now I really wanna flick just to see raisins turn into dragonflies. Sigh

Where oh where are my partners in crime?

Hope everyone is having a fantastic caffeine fueled Friday. worship

(Ninja Flick) sending hugs and flicks from vacation. ❤

Hi family! Sorry I have been MIA FLICK but I am keeping my grandson for a week. Crazy how sleep deprived I am after two nights. Flick

Boom and Jeff I have missed my partners in crime. 

Bear I have missed the sweets for sweets. 

Can’t wait to see our missing features slowly coming back! How exciting! 

To everyone else I have missed you and will be back more active in a few days. Flick 

 Morning my Lush family! worship

James, for goodness sake I can’t believe you can’t see that Jeff had a moment of clarity yesterday when he explained we are really doing the bar a favor by creating raisin carnage. Flick. 

Angel I am glad you are safe and sound. The yummy treats look amazing. Do raisin flickers get to partake in the glorious goodness of iced donuts?

Boom, what shall we get into today? I mean what trouble is going to find us. We would never go looking for trouble. Honest. innocent 

Quote by AppleByBoom

Um, James, why am I always the one in trouble!? 

Jeff started it! 

I can’t believe anyone would ever accuse us of not behaving.  I am pretty such I can detect the glow from your halo. Can you see mine? Jeff never gets in trouble!! Flick in an effort to knock over Jeff’s stacked raisins!!

Hi Fam! wave

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. Flick Lot’s of good NFL games today. My Chiefs play tonight so I am anxiously waiting. Flick

Sprite and Boom, what’s with all the growling? lol 

Okay back to watching football, just had to get a little afternoon flicking in. kiss

Good afternoon everyone! The treats look great today James!! cake 

Flick!! Boom what’s the orneriness of the day? 

Quote by sprite
Quote by Ensorceled
Quote by sprite
Quote by Ensorceled
Quote by AppleByBoom

Alone? Not at all, I've just been, er, otherwise engaged... 


How is everyone today? 

  Then fire up Reservoir Dogs. 



oh, good choice. been a while for that one. Last Tarantino I've watched was Jackie Brown (for the 5th time). Hateful 8 is the only one that i haven't actually seen at least once. smile 
Jackie Brown is my fave Tarantino! The Elmore Leonard pedigree, that amazing cast, and my decades-long crush on Bridget Fonda made the decision for me. Of course, RD odes have Steven Wright as the DJ at the station "where the 70s never died." 

He really need to make a horror movie. 

have you seen From Dusk to Dawn? 

Oh I love that one! I have watched it several times. 

heart Morning Jaymal, Michelle, Elyse, and Boom. 

(Casually walks by and Flicks one of Boom’s raisins she lined up) yes

We are having a crazy disorganized couple of days, hope everyone is fairing better than we are. Getting used to the changes over here at Lush 2.0. Still several features that I miss and I am having faith those will slowly work their way back into the new version. But there are also several changes I quite like. They say patience is a virtue.

Let’s start the day with coffee, strong and black please. coffee 

Okay gotta go do grownup things but I will pop back in bolt 

Quote by AngelWorthy

😇kiss To Everyone. Wandering in after an extra long, but extra disrupted sleep. 😴 I still feel like I am asleep.

Looks like the Flickin' War is still on. Ok. Ok. I'm not part of it, so don't aim at me... As I hear one whizzing past my ear. WOW that was loud. I think I want my ear blocked again. That was a scary sound.

BarKeep, if your not to busy, Please with a mini marsh mallow on top, may I have a Hot Chocolate.

I would offer big squishy hugs to anyone who wants one. However I am a little too tired at this point in time. I'll give them after I have woken up some more, a bit later.

Seeing as Bossman, Bill still has not found his way back I'll go & join Coma and Tose over in their booth & listen to all that they have to say on the matter of Flickin'.

 .......... Walking over to said booth, avoiding incoming flicks, but most importantly avoiding Sprite's Throne. Really Terrence, I try my best not to knock her Throne. 😘

 Angel, sorry you are tired but I am sending you air hugs and I think I will join you in a hot chocolate and sit here raisin free being a good girl. :kiss: 

Kis your posters are amazing, innocent I will have to check it out. 

Alight everyone I will going to sit over here and try to behave but Flic….. I am not making any promises. cool

Flickity, Flick, flick. lol silly

Hi everyone whose in this fine establishment. kiss

Anyone drinking tequila with me? I am likely to be a safe drink if drinking alone. Flick 



Quote by AppleByBoom

Alone? Not at all, I've just been, er, otherwise engaged... 


How is everyone today? 

My Flicking Buddy Boom!! lol To tequila or to Flick? Or as Jeff said to Flick or to Fling…… So many questions.  I need tequila!! Boom, lets get dance on the bar kinda happy!! worship

wave Morning Michelle, Angel and Gracieanne and anyone else I missed!!

James, that coffee looks um.. potent. Perfect for my busy morning! Thanks for always knowing what we need.  

Boom am I alone in my flicking this morning? Flicking with friends is always better!! silly 

Thanks everyone for all the Lush 2.0 advice. The more we know the more we will enjoy it. Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!! worship 

lol I thought that was the perfect song for today. Just for you, Boom & Jeff!! Inspiration for the day. Flick =)

Thanks James! Note, I have rested my flicking finger all day. The picture of well behaved lol Flick. Err. I was behaved for a while. Does that count? Flick 

Quote by Ensorceled
Quote by AppleByBoom

*Stuffs raisins in Jeffers pockets* 

Oh my GOD the TEQUILA is necessary.  


I appreciate your sense of total anarchy, Ms. Boom. 

*ominously sets up miniature catapult made of popsicle sticks and rubber bands next to raisins*  

I see your pile of raisins and miniature catapult and I raise you a sling shot, even brought a sling shot for Boom. A girl has to protect our flicking finger. innocent 

So Boom it sounds like a tequila Friday!! I am game, totally. lol I will even get the ball rolling. James, two tequila shots with salt and lime, Jeff said he was buying. I am sure of it. drinkies 

Hope everyone is having a fantastic Friday!! worship