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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 40
0 miles · Minneapolis


Motorola Quantico. Why? Because with the type of work I do my phones never last very long and this seems to be a good phone for the basic stuff. (talking, texting) It's built to military specs, is rugged and durable, and is waterproof for up to 30 minutes in 3 feet of water. Yeah I'll admit it's a bit clumsy since it's a little bigger phone but all I need it to do is talk and text.
Yeah it's one of those days! Life is giving me lemons so I think I will just freeze them and throw them back. Some people don't understand me and that's fine but this is my life. Like this song says: I don't want to be you, I don't want to be just like you! I am who I am, accept it.
How could I forget. I was in the dvd isle of the adult toy store and you walked in with your dog. You looked confused on what to purchase so I introduced myself and your dog had to "greet" me too. Well after that encounter I suggested maybe your dog should pick something, and the rest is history!
Post anything you want within the forum rules.

I'll start: I heard this on the radio at work today and just had to find out who made it so I'll share it with you.
Quote by Magical_felix
Sounds like your 'friend' is under the influence of a pied piper of fucking. When I was younger I used to fuck my ex girlfriends too. They knew it was just for fun and your ex probably knows it too. Of course there will be deeper feelings when fucking an ex. Has anyone here not cuddled after fucking an ex and thought about the times when you were together?

What you have to think about is WHY she is telling YOU all of this. She probably knows it fucks with your emotions. Especially if she left you and she knows you still like her. I mean you're making time to take her to lunch 'n' shit when you can be doing ANYTHING else, like maybe taking a new girl to lunch. She might just be playing the victim to get some kind of odd reaction from you.

Some vampires walk in the daylight and they aren't after your blood.

Sorry to burst your bubble Felix but we parted ways before we had sex with each other, and I have never had sex with her! That is the truth. Everything I stated in the original post is to my knowledge true form what she has told me. The reason we hang out with each other is we are both from very small towns and there are not many people our own age here, so it's nice to go out every now and then with friends your own age.
Hello Olivia, you have a great advice column so I would like your advice. Here's my situation: My Ex and I have remained great friends after we have parted ways mutually as we were not compatable as lovers but better friends. We keep in contact regularly and even go out to eat and catch up on each others lives or just hang out with each other. Well over a year ago she started seeing this guy and she said everything was great for the first few months. Then he moved out of town for a different job which is only a couple towns over and their relationship kind of fell apart after that. She told me she was done with him and she didn't see him for a couple of months, then she started to see him on and off again.

This has been going on now for almost a year. This guy comes around when he wants to and doesn't want to go out in public where they might be seen or do anything with her other then just have sex with her. They have gotten into fights and she has told me she is done with him but she always goes back to him. The advice I have been giving her is to leave the relationship all together and cut ties with him. She says she has true feelings for him and can't let him go, yet she continues to have sex with him when he comes around and believes that he will change. They are both in their early twenties. Am I wrong at seeing that she is getting played? Am I over reacting and giving her the wrong advice?

Thank You
You stated in an earlier post that he put up this wall because he lost his mother and that is about the time he started to distance himself from others. This can be because he loved his mother and it was a terrible loss for him and he doesn't want to go through that again, with anybody. That may be why he has that wall and the reason he doesn't want to get close to anyone, for fear of losing them.

He may be using anger as the emotion to get by since he might see it as easier to hide his true emotions from the world. It may be easier for him to bury those other emotions so he doesn't have to confront what he is feeling. Others will tend to leave him alone if they see him as angry and not push the subject much. Also he may be feeling that he is a man and men don't cry and show emotions, so he may be trying to show everyone that he is a man the only way he knows how.

Either way this is something that he has to figure out on his own. No one can tell him what he needs, he already knows but he has to be willing to accept it. Just be there for him if he decides he needs you, he may see you as meaning more to him since you have broken that barrier before.
I agree! Parents need to take responsibility for their kids actions. I think adults are so afraid of being turned in to the authorities for spanking or punishing their children. They need to stop worrying about that and punish these kids. It's ok for them to be friends with their kids but they also need to be an adult and teach them that friends are better then enemies. Our ancestors weren't afraid to lay down the law if their kids acted up and they turned out just fine so why are we not learning from them, a proven system that works! These kids need to be punished severely for their actions and know it will only get worse if they continue to act that way.

If I ever have kids and they act this way I won't hesitate to give them capital punishment.
Would you recognize a fellow lushie if you saw them walking down the street? If so would you approach them?
I'm kind of a jack of all trades. I have rebuilt engines, worked on transmissions, I can do body and paint on a car, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, welding, glass replacement, almost anything mechanical, siding and shingles, etc. The list goes on. I enjoy learning how to do new things.
Ok seriously people! When I have something listed for sale online and you want to know where I am located you may want to think about learning to read a map! They are made for a reason. I keep one by my computer for that exact reason, so I can see where the hell you are! It's not that complicated and some of you have even learned to read them in school.(rednecks excluded) Do yourself a favor and pull your head out of your ass. If you can find my post online then surely you can find a website that gives you directions!

Sprite- great topic! This may be the thread that gets me banned, let's hope not!
Quote by DirtyMartini

Btw, I thought we had a similar thread before...but can't find it, so maybe not...

I think the thread title was called: What were you thinking? Not sure about that but I know it's out there somewhere. I can't seem to find it either.

As for me I have been using that name for a long time. I started using it in college when I signed up for an online dating site and continue to use it. I was looking for a name to use and saw a Korn cd so it just kind of clicked from there.
Quote by unknown77
a kamikaze is coming back from a mission!!!!

Does that mean the mission was a failure or a success?

As for my contribution-

Two elephants fell off a cliff, boom- boom!
And no one questioned why he was not responsive? Strange, but I guess he had good friends if they took him partying even after he died. Also begs the question would he get in trouble if he groped one of the strippers?
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I also don't really see the point of pics with strangers you don't even know the name of. It seems kind of desperate.


I have never heard of that before. I would understand though if the person was a celebrity. Other then that I think that is just weird. I'm not a pic collector and I have no intention of asking anyone for a pic, if someone wants mine that bad I would want to know them first before I say yes because I don't need my face to be on the next installment of People Of Walmart! I can see the harm that may come of it but as for me I don't really care as much about my pic, that's why I have mine in my avatar. I live a simple life so I feel not much can happen. As for why people do that they may want the memory or just to have something to masturbate to later, either way just seems weird.
I apoligize if this is offensive to anyone but I thought it was funny.

I like your background. The closeup shot really shows how beautiful the eyes can be.
I don't think there is any truth to that claim. The human body and animals are all designed for a specific purpose, to reproduce and multiply. It is a natural reaction to feel tired after one cums. The body releases alot of testosterone, estrogen and endorphins during orgasm and it has to recover somehow. Do you sleep better after you have sex? Most people do because they are more relaxed and tired. Is this harmful to the body? I think not, otherwise we would not be here now. If you are worried about protein loss then just eat more protein enriched foods. I have heard too that that there is a certain chemical in fowl (turkey, chicken) and after one consumes it, say at a holiday meal, the body absorbs that chemical and makes you tired just like after sex. I wouldn't worry about it being harmful. The rush or high one receives from the climax is well worth feeling tired.
Thank You Felix. I never looked at the situation that way. This is good advice.