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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 154


Active Ink Slinger
I'm ashamed to say I'm innocent to that question, female to the previous, and guilty to my own

Did anyone here actually start a real life relationship with someone they met on lush?
Active Ink Slinger

continuing the question- ever wondered whether someone you know is a friend of yours on lush?
Active Ink Slinger

ever wished to change something about yourself so a crush would love you?
Active Ink Slinger

have you ever got caught masturbating and have the one who caught you join?
Active Ink Slinger
go out and have fun with the other guys who are enjoying this wonderful weather smile
Active Ink Slinger
According to Drake's equation, the next alien civilization is far, far away. we are talking about the closest star (alpha proxima) being some 3-4 light years from us, and they are uninhabitable. It's impossible to get to the speed of light, since it's relative, and to get close to it would require an energy source so huge it is unimaginable, at least to us humans. the so called wormholes will rip you to shreds before spewing you in another place, and even massive black holes can't produce them as far as we know (4+ the mass of our sun)

Active Ink Slinger
If I step away for a second and put on my nerd glasses, I can tell you this-
the things that change who we are can be divided into environmental and genetically.
for example, if a kid is brought up in a catholic house, he will be influenced to be a catholic- environmental
if his parents passed onto him a "blue eye" gene (rough example) he will have blue eyes.

Male attraction to males is caused by the malfunction of receptive nerves in the brain.
In our inception, we are all girls. if the baby will be a boy, he produces a hormone called testosterone.
there are receptive nerves which react to this by making the body more masculine, and by changing the
way of thinking. If the receptive cells in the brain are malfunctioning, for any reason, this can cause
attraction to guys, because the brain is still a female brain, just in a male body. This is genetically, and can
only happen to boys.

any other reason for attraction to the same sex is environmental.

in short-if it's genetics, he will see he's into boys. if it's environmental, he can't know till he tries it, like
you can't know if you like a cake till you do.