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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155


Funny story: I was trying "The 40 Day Challenge", which is a tradition in my school that you try not to masturbate for the entire duration of lent (forty days and forty nights). After about three days I was on my computer and deleting my history of all the porn, trying to resist temptation. As a joke to myself, I googled "NOT porn" to see what would come up and stumbled across this site. I'd never read an erotic story before, and thought they could never possibly get me as aroused as porn... After browsing a couple of them I was proven wrong, and I lost the challenge. I've loved them ever since.
Depends on whether it's a relationship thing or something more casual. As far as a relationship goes, I don't mind which is better, it's how well we get on with one another that's important. If it was just something more casual, I'm going to have to say I prefer a pretty face. Nothing gets me like a cute girl smiling. The smile is the female's most deadly weapon against me. smile