Today it was chicken breast, baba ghanooush and salad
Easy: Telepathy and telekenesis.
Muppets: The Green Album
You owe it to yourself to listen to this if you haven't heard it already.
It wouldn't bother me at all if it were my dad's or brother's name....... Now, if it were my mom's or sister's name, that would be weird!!
When you were born, you were the:
person alive on Earth
person to have lived since history began
I don't know because I think I get them confused too often.
pumpkin bisque, salad and a homemade buttermilk biscuit - with some blueberry green tea
Isn't November shave-free month?
Yes, have had relationships with blackmen, and not just sexual...
Right, Love - key word being "fantasy" :-) ....
Definitely! *Thinking of more ways to become flexible* Hmmm.