Welcome to my profile. My name is Kate and I'm a 36 year old happily married bi mom of 3 wonderful kids living in Tyne and Wear in the UK. I have been married to my wonderful, loving and very supportive husband David for a little over 18 years. We have had an open marriage for a little over 10 years and we have been into wife swap and swinging for 6 years. We have 3 kids, our oldest has moved out and is happily married with a kid of his own. Our other 2 are still at home, but will be off to Uni soon. I am a huge fan of fitness and truly believe that fitness makes your life better in every single way. I'm very open minded and find very little if anything at all shocks me. I was told about lush by a close friend and I have been enjoying the stories here for a while before I joined. I prefer people to be up front with me, so if you want to know something about me, please just ask me. Thanks, for taking the time to read all of this and I look forward to having a lot of fun here.