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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Female, 26
United Kingdom


HiddenTalent123 was going for the whole "Guardian Angel" Theme, but forgot to switch the light on.
One of my all time favorites that was hugely underrated was Eragon. the book series was amazing, and yes the film could have been better, but people just writ it off before it could get a second, so the series was just dropped, which sucked.
Lyfbuz was the first design for Coldplay's single "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall"
Fletch applied for the role of Ghost Rider in the New Agent's of Shield
Ragnarok finally decided to upgrade from the old Greenhouse with a hole in it, to somewhere with walls... except he cant get out.
Lynnwitt is actually the halloween version of peter pan, as she takes those she fancies to "neverland", where they're never seen again...
Sugar baby is secretly the owner of the largest sugar company in the world...and does baby photos.
Ragarok finally, jumped down the hole in his .last avatar, and fell into a room with no doors; next it'll be a room with a "Drink me" bottle and "Eat me" cake
Ragnarok is still trying to figure out whether to turn the hole into a hot tub or a swimming pool...
Quote by Ragnarök011
Serah has changeable hair like Ultraviolet

god, they're meant to be fantasies, not true facts Ragnarok... :P

but yeah, Ragnarok has found the entrance to Neverland, but isn't sure if he's allowed to go in (no a kid)

like, drink it all quick before Penguins take over the world and a giant whale eats America and we get a new atlantis named "Americalantis" and we all have to work there as slaves under the enfluence of penguin parliament.
Quote by Naughty_Magician
Mine would be smart and slutty

just wanna say, your Signature... isn't that the Eminem verse in Bruno Mar's song "Lighters?"

Also, Absolutely Insane.
Ragnarok is currently watching smurfs burn to death in that hole.
Ragnarok is actually an evil tour guide, and all the poor victims end up in that hole...