I'm an oversexed, happily married woman. I like to write stories about housewives who are slowly seduced and succumb to their desires. Many times, desires that they didn't even know they had.
Most people think that an affair is always a choice, sometimes it is something that happens without them even realizing it. When they finally do, their desire is so deep that it becomes an addiction. Everyone knows how powerful of a drug sex can be.
In my stories, the husband's are not wimpy cuckolds. They are men just like everyone else who love their wives but have no idea that another man is pursuing his innocent & loyal bride with the intentions of enticing them to be more.
There is no humiliation or husbands taking revenge on their wives and leaving them homeless and ashamed.
I will also be posting true accounts on how I went from being a Christian school teacher to doing porn so I could satisfy my unending lust for more sex.
Kisses, Kara