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1 month ago
Bisexual Female
United States


Happy Birthday, Rob!

OH bother! 😊 I forgot the cake so whatever are we going to do with this topping? 😜

I would want "mood" colored hair.

Blonde for when I feel normal. Brunette if I want to be someone else.

Red for when I am angry. Ice Blue for when icy. Soft Pink for flirtatious.

Green for a little strange. 😉

Quote by Myrrhhhhhh

I still do. Surfing tan lines next up!

The exact same!

Quote by Beffer
A Christmas Carol (the George C. Scott version), It's a Wonderful Life, and The Polar Express

Says it all and add the TV episode "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas" from NBC's Community.

Ghirardellie Moonlight Mystique Intense Dark Chocolate with a fresh raspberry.

Dearest Rach,

I hope that you get better soon.
A fare wave always laps this shore for you.

{} Allie