Please do. And thank you.
At least maybe a year. In the US this is what passes for a "sex life" if you are a middle aged male veteran.I'll shut up now.
Yes! I have never been so hard or cum so much.
Anything that fits well,flattering colors,and you feel comfortable in.
Skirt just long enough to cover her panties,tight spagetti strap top,no bra,and heels. Or skin tight pants,sowing her panty lines,and a just as tight top with no bra. Sheer when wet swimsuit.
Maturity and competance. At ease with her body and not afraid to show it off. Nice curve to her ass and good looking rack.
In her pussy,as deep as I can.
Not a bit. In fact I really would like to have sex with a taller woman.
Not at all. What makes a woman attractive is she's happy and comfortable,not how much or how little she is wearing. Now,my pesonal prefrences run to te tght,tiny,and sheer when wet,hers my not. Its ok,wear what you like, nothing at all or your dress,its ok with me!
No,but I would love for a girl to use a 10 inch one on me.
Mmmmmm,that is hot. I would enjoy it very much.
Either way. As long as you like the way you look.
A good at a girl's panties. Because there is so little covering the interesting parts.
A girl in her garter belt and stockings,because thy are sexy.
A girl swimming in anythyng but a swimsuit,bec,ause I think its hot.
Anything is sexy as long as you are wearing a big smile along with them.
More important for them to be over my sholders or around my waist.
I am very sensitive,but it feel really good to leave my cock in her until it gets soft,or have her suck it after I cum.
Yes. I love to eat pussy. The best sex I ever had was with a girl who let me eat her,then rim her while she sucked my cock.
Size doesn't matter one bit. If she is willing to have sex with you,and will let you finger,lick,penatrate her,thei its ok.
99% of women are total airhead hypocrites. They would sooner get eaten by their BFF. Then fuck you. It would be totally ok for your wife to lay the first bozo who comes along on a motorcycle,but when you mentor a bright ambious female subordinate at work,well band pow zoom off she goes.
Yes I do. I like seeing their pussy,fingering themselves,or using a sex toy. I do want to help out.
Looks really don't matter. Its how you act and think. Right now I hace a hudge crush on a woman who has curveature of the spine. She is sweet,bright,and tLanted. I'd do her in a heartbeat.
Once . With my wifes,before we were married. I enjoyed it.