Quote by nicola
Hi Jimmy,
There's a bit of a mix up happening here.
All members of the site, who joined prior to 1 Jan 2015, were given 6 months continuation of all the features they have always enjoyed, since joining.
"The Vault", is a new feature, which is available only to "Premium" members. Those are people who have a paid membership, whether it is a Bronze, Silver or Gold Membership.
All authors who contributed stories / poems to the site prior to 1 Jan 2015, were gifted Bronze Memberships, as a thank you. You haven't submitted a story or a poem here, so you weren't gifted the Bronze Membership.
The message you are seeing, "Your account has already been upgraded... " is incorrect. It hasn't been.
I'll ask Gav to take a look at changing the wording on that message.
Basically, the new "locked off" area, is for paying members.
Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for the clarification Nicola
Quote by gav
I have updated the wording on the Premium page, sorry for the confusion
Cheers Gav