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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female
0 miles · New York


Fantastic writing Alan! I think I might need a badge whore badge as well.
Please read the image posting guidelines

A reminder for everyone.

Please do not post images on this site, either in your avatar, via our messaging system, in any forum areas, which are of a "sexually explicit" nature. These include images of:
sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex;
sadistic or masochistic abuse
explicit genital closeups
Quote by adele
Quote by Jillicious
Quote by Fugly
say hypothetical that you had a friend that was calling a mod 'dumb, dumber and dumbest' and saying 'I'm with stupid' really won't help the situation if you wish to report them LOL

I would like to say that this is the ONLY reason I continued my ridiculous charade. Happy trolling!

btw, that is bs because i did not write that until you already had 7 pages of your "charade" posted

Quote by adele
is rather an ignorant move


[ig-ner-uhnt] - lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.

I was quite aware that I was upsetting you. I'm sorry for that, in a small way. I'm just surprised that you bit the troll bait, hard.
Quote by Fugly
say hypothetical that you had a friend that was calling a mod 'dumb, dumber and dumbest' and saying 'I'm with stupid' really won't help the situation if you wish to report them LOL

I would like to say that this is the ONLY reason I continued my ridiculous charade. Happy trolling!
Quote by eviotis
Quote by Jillicious
Quote by adele
war of the worlds (ignoring stupid person and double posting. tough titties!!


Van Helsing.

Considering your angst with text speak, I find it equally annoying to read the "roar" in other threads.

Quote by adele
trolling is also against the rules. nothing like have you admit that it what you are doing. adin will be interested

EDIT: I just realized you said adin. I've never met adin, but I am happy that he/she will be interested.
Quote by adele
answer my own question. rather have fun playing the games the way they should be played instead of having to look at spam from some silly little girl with nothing better to do than mess up the forums for every one else


Quote by adele
yes. what is it? this is not going to make you any friends here

Quote by adele
you really are a sad sad person. getting others to report you as well. get your ass suspended.

Quote by adele
i have just reported you again. get the f%$@ off here!!!!

stiil ignorant

Quote by adele
ignoring stupid person above, going back to marky

anal (if in right mood)

WYR play the game right, or be an idiot like poster above?

Quote by adele
working with friends to fix ridiculous posts by others!

Quote by adele
skipping last two answeres, going back to san fransisco

orland park

Quote by adele
Quote by Jillicious

Supr l33t txt speak is not a turn on. Actually it pisses me off. I assume you have an entire keyboard at your fingertips. Please talk to me using all necessary keys to hold a proper conversation. So if you do have a desire to have a pop up chat with me then I would ask that you understand this.

so i guess this statement from your bio is just a load of crap then!!!!!

and for the thread, just panties

Quote by adele
war of the worlds (ignoring stupid person and double posting. tough titties!!

Quote by adele
get off forum!!!! go find somewhere else to be an idiot!

Quote by adele
i ban jillicious for postin RAAAAAWWWWRRR in EVERY thread in this topic. just a stupid way to get thread count up and ruining fun for those who really want to play. GET A LIFE!!!