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Over 90 days ago
Female, 155


One of my favorite bands. Acrania. If any of your people know who that is..I applaud you.
One of my favorite bands. Acrania. If any of your people know who that is..I applaud you.
Quote by Dani
Alright. This has gone on far enough.

If you all don't know by now, you've been had.

Rule of thumb: Since its inception, every publicized death on Lush has turned out to be a complete farce.

That's no different in this case.

Are there dead Lushies? Probably. But we'll never know, as dead people can't make it known that they're dead for obvious reasons, and I don't know that any of their loved ones would make it a point to contact their Lush friends and let them know of their passing.

I apologize to those of you who were sincere in your condolences, but I'm afraid they've been wasted. This is not more than another grab for attention.

It's a sick and twisted thing to do.

But for what it's worth, the sincere responses have been heartwarming.
I saw someone mention that they'd take the OP's word for it until site staff confirmed it as a farce.

So, again: This is a farce. Bullshit, if you will.

This is not fake. My best friend actually died. She requested before she died that I come on here and tell her friends and loved ones.
Can you guys just let this girl rest in peace without making your own god damn conspiracy theories?? I AM NOT HER. WHY IN THE HELL WOULD I PRETEND THAT I (Hypothetically) DIED JUST TO GO UNDER THE ALIAS OF MY OWN BEST FRIEND? THAT IS ABSOLUTELY HORRID. This community is getting worse and worse every day. I am absolutely appalled that you all would think that...
Quote by Magical_felix

And you joined the site the day your dear friend's cord was cut? Like, to inform her lush boyfriend of her passing? That is very nice of you.

I'd appreciate it if you weren't such a dick about what I did. I did that because he needed to know.
Well, she was a dear, DEAR friend of mine. I saw the accident with my own two eyes. I was their when they cut the cord on her. Right next to her until her very end..