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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52
United States


Quote by Meggsy
All three of my guys are different. To see them cum never fails to turn me on. Watching them doing it themselves or when they are with one of us I always stop what I am doing to watch them.
Its always fantastic when its with me.
I have never failed to be impressed by watching anybody reach their climax and the pleasure they experience.

What if hes lying on his back on the bed and ejaculates all over himself while you watch? Hot?
Quote by condomgirl
I have been with a few guys who were into tasting their own cum. They all wanted to go down on me after cumming inside... I thought the first guy was strange but then like 2 other guys wanted to do it also. I totally don't mind it, its actually quite relaxing.

Thanks for the response. What about the self facial part?
Any ladies have any experience with these? Do they squirt far? Do they squiirt alot of fluid?
Quote by JayD1972
3 years ago i asked the question whether i should taste my own and do the whole self facial thing. Most of you said yes! So since then i have done tons of times. Its not bad at all. I wish i could post videos or photos of me doing it or the aftermath but since i posted my photos and videos they must not be free to post anymore? some of you may be grossed out by the idea, i get it. But many said i should eat it and even aim for the eyes! no joke. Just an update i took many of you ladies advice.

Heres an example.
Quote by whatshallwedo
I like to watch him cum like a fountain but in the other direction lol

You mean a handjob with him laying on his back? where is his cock pointed at?
Quote by Beffer
Have to agree with NovCyn above .

What if a guy gives himself one....a big one.
3 years ago i asked the question whether i should taste my own and do the whole self facial thing. Most of you said yes! So since then i have done tons of times. Its not bad at all. I wish i could post videos or photos of me doing it or the aftermath but since i posted my photos and videos they must not be free to post anymore? some of you may be grossed out by the idea, i get it. But many said i should eat it and even aim for the eyes! no joke. Just an update i took many of you ladies advice.
Im really wanting to do this. Legs over my head, edging for a couple days. Im talking a huge, enormous load. The kind where my face is covered. My mouth wide open so it has to go in there. When i do this should i post it to the sitr? Would anyone wstch it?
Quote by BethanyFrasier

I do it all the time, but not in public albums. Only special friends get to see them.

Im the same way, i dont know why its a turn on to do it. But it is.
I know the rules! You didnt get my question, what i meant was would any of you put your face with your nude body? Is that hard to understand?
Thanks for the repliied ladies. A girl on twitter is wanting me to do this for. Ive done it by accident before, but she wants my legs over my head and to spray the whole load that way. She finds it hot.
What do you ladies think of someone posting a fully nude pic with face? Worth the risk? I want to do it, seems very erotic.
Ladies, do you think its hot when a guy ejaculates on his own face whether by accident or on purpose? I get this request quite a bit from ladies on cam so i was wondering whether i should try it.
Quote by Meggsy
That I would enjoy watching. Providing it went into your mouth.

I know more guys that wanted to - and chickened out at the crucial moment taking their own product.

Youd enjoy watching huh? I am going to tape it so feel free to watch it. Not sure if post it on here being my face is in it.
In a hot sexual situation, would you ladies be opposed to doing this or watching him do it? Is it hot to any lady out there?
Ladies, ive been thinking about doing this forever. This would be a total solo masturbation thing, but very open to doing it. Should i tape it and would any lady care to see it? Or a massive self facial? Ive accidentally sprayed my face, but never put my dick right over my face and unloaded the whole massive load. Let me know if any of you would care to see this?