As long as I can remember I have been interested in sex. In second grade I lounged for glimpses up teachers skirt as she sat on the edge of the desk and crossed her legs. She wore garters. Oh my. I had no idea why I was so interested in the dark crevice, in the meeting of those nylon clad legs. At that age I had no education in sex. I had no knowledge of why my little penis was reacting so. All I know was that I wanted to press my penis against her. Her large breast swung beneath her satin blouse as if they were live animals struggling to be free. And I wanted to press my penis against them as well.
Ever since, sex has occupied my mind.
Interests Reading bicycling. social economics. the human condition.
Favorite Books The Sun Also Rises, The World According to Garp, Huckleberry Finn, On The Road, , Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates, Moby Dick
Favorite Authors Twain, John Irving, Elmor Leonard,