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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 155
United States


You girls beat my record which is maybe 8 to 9 times but more if I am drunk and had a few joints
In case you ladies need to teach your guy how to do it right go to +to+eat+pussy
Slow with 2 fingers pushing down inside, makes you feel like you got cock inside. then another finger playing in you ass.
Quote by WHR43
I have had threesomes and foursomes, but never a full orgy. But under the right situation I think I would.

I have Nikki and you would love it. Infact you are now at the top of our list of invitees for the next full orgy. Not sure just how many are required to this fun. Help!

I have had full orgies and if you are drunk to the point that you can't count how many guys you have had, THAT'S AN ORGIE
Quote by WHR43
The Dictionary makes little distinction between the two terms. In fact the Urban Dictionary uses Slut as a syn for Whore.

But when I have told friends outside the U.S. that I am considered by some to be a whore. They correct me and tell me that I am not a prositute. So differnent meanings for different folks in different places, seems to fit.

Call me which you prefer.

I think of Lush as a place of tolerance, but calling a question stupid, seems to indicate we have a ways to go.

I think a whore gets paid. A slut is for fun, I am a slut
Quote by WHR43
MEN, yes this is for men out there. If any woman decides to have her boobs redefined for the right reason, that is up to her. What are the right reasons, seems to me there any number of them. Some include making her more confident, make her feel sexier or think her clothes will look better or maybe there are not just where they used to be. I am sure there are many good reasons I have omitted.

If she is doing it for another person, like the guy in her life, I would think she may just be doing it for the wrong reason. Once that imperfection is corrected to his specifications, What other body parts will you to improve upon?

Girls if your guy is less than excited by your body or rejects your FAKE TITS. I would say there is something fake here and that certainly is your GUY FAKING as a real human being.

Me I am 36C and to date they do everything I would want them to do. But when they go wondering places without permission, I would not hesitate a second to have some structural retrofitting done.

I love your answer, it's right on the money Dear
Quote by abigail911


What do I wear under a dress that has a split to the thigh - Knickers or no knickers ?

Also what kind of hoisery should I wear - Abiagil.

Thongs, The legs show well, Helga