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How Polygamy Begins

How Polygamy Begins 1-1

How does a shy guy get from not being able to ask a girl out to polygamy?

Hi, My name’s Jason and I’m a young atypical guy. Not quite the Dungeons and Dragons living in my mom’s basement type, but not quite good enough to hang out with the cool kids either. I have spent my life stuck in the netherworld of loneliness. Not that I don’t have any friends, it just seems like most women want to only be friends with me. I’m not really into sports, so most other guys think I’m a dweeb. I’m not into gee...

How Polygamy Begins 1-2

Jay still has no idea what he's gotten himself into, but it's going to be a lot of fun.

I got to the coffee shop just as Brandi walked to the mic. I didn’t care for most of her poems. She liked free verse and most made no sense to me, but tonight it looked like she had written a sonnet about a love between a horse and a bull. The girls and I had known Brandi for a couple of semesters now. She is a sweet girl with a memory like an elephant but tended to be a bit of a downer at times. We tried to support her t...

How Polygamy Begins 2

Jay's dates continue.

I asked Connie for our date on Tuesday, and it was my boldness that got her attention. Unlike Heather and Sue, who I asked in semi-private, just in front of the other girls, Connie, I decided to ask at the end of our electrical engineering class. Most other students were still in the room, and Connie was chatting with a couple of her friends when I walked up to her.  "Hey, Connie." "Oh hi, Jay, what's up?" "I was just won...

How Polygamy Begins 3-1

The dates are finished. Will things go back to the way they were?

[Rachel Narration]   I arrived at Quins before 9:00 a.m. and saw Connie, Heather, and Sue are already seated. “A little anxious this morning,” I stated? “What!” responded Sue, “We just got here.” “Yeah, well in two years, Heather has never been less than fifteen minutes late, and yet everyone is right on time this morning,” I said with a smirk on my face. “Alright, so we’re anxious,” said Connie. “I don’t think Jay was pl...

How Polygamy Begins 3-2

Jay's just living the dream.

We spent a while drinking wine and discussing Classic English Literature until the conversation turned to Brandi’s writing. I asked, “do you write anything other than poetry?” She looked at me intently for a moment before speaking. “Ahh, well, some stuff, but I’m not sure I want to share it with you.” “Oh, well, no pressure. I just wondered if you liked to write other stuff. I mean I won’t judge you,” I responded. “I do l...

How Polygamy Begins 4-1

Jay adds another lover and takes the girl home to meet his family

“Sue, honey,” I asked, “what’s going on, you seem angry about something.” “I am so pissed,” replied Sue. “Professor Jackson, or I should say Professor Jackass gave me a D on my history essay. He said my views were bigoted and racist, and he wouldn’t tolerate those views in his class.” “What was your essay about,” asked Connie? “It was about the causes of the American Civil War,” answered Sue. “What did you write that piss...

How Polygamy Begins 4-2

The girls meet Jay's family, and Jay finds his pain threshold.

[Jay's Narration] I came out of my room the next morning around 8:00 a.m. to be greeted by Melly. We exchanged pleasantries and headed for the kitchen. “So Mom and Rachel are on the veranda having breakfast. Mom told me to tell you to stay away,” said Melly. “Oh crap,” I exclaimed. “Yeah, mom caught her heading for your room this morning and pulled her downstairs.” *** [Rachel Narration] I slept well and woke up early. I...

How Polygamy Begins - 4-3

Heather meets with mom, and Melly shows how she feels for Jay.

[Heathers Narration] Sue and I came from the running a path around the ranch perimeter when Mrs. Donner came up behind us and invited us both for a relaxing sauna. I tried to make a polite exit by saying I really needed a shower. “Nonsense,” Katherine exclaimed. “You mise well take a sauna first, it will relax those tired muscles.” I had been dreading the conversation I had known was coming. I didn’t know why, I didn’t ha...

How Polygamy Begins - 5-1

Jay takes the girls to Switzerland.

The couple of weeks following Thanksgiving were mostly uneventful; we all had semester finals to study for and complete. The night we got home, Brandi pretty much turned me every which way but loose, but the only other sex the girls and I had was the odd quickie. The girls had packed everything but the kitchen sink for our trip to Switzerland. The pilot had told them one big bag and one small bag each. They all went out a...

How Polygamy Begins - 6

The Christmas Holiday in Switzerland and Italy begins

The first three days of our stay were pretty tame in the sex department. Jean Francois worked the girls hard to teach them to ski or ski better. They all complained of pains in places they didn’t know existed, but they were all skiing like pros by day four. Connie, Sue, and I all opted for traditional skis, whereas Rachel, Heather, Melly, and Brandi chose snowboards. While Melly and I were highly proficient skiers, Rachel...