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1 month ago
Straight Male, 32
0 miles · Brussels


Sweet Talker
Your seduction technique can be summed up with "charm"
You know that if you have the chance to talk to someone...
Well, you won't be talking for long! ;-)

You're great at telling potential lovers what they want to hear.
It's partially because you're a great listener and good at complementing.
The other part of your formula? Focusing your conversation completely on the other person.

Your "sweet talking" ways have taken you far in romance - and in life.
You can finesse your way through any difficult situation, with a smile on your face.
Speeding tickets, job interviews... bring it on! You truly live a *charmed life*

Comes close to the reality ^^
either Jennifer Love Hewit or Kate Beckinsale, I haven't made up my mind yet, and apart from celebrities, there some girls I know that are really, really attracive...
I'm still a virgin, and ready to wait till the moment is right ^^
I'm a virgin, I had a chance to lose my virginety with an ex-girlfriend, but I was a little nervous, and to be honest, she wasn't helping it, just staring at me, waiting for something to happen. I'm 20 and now more than a year and half single, I miss the feeling of loving someone, and knowing I missed my chance makes me feel sad, but at the same time I know I will have an other shot. So I'm just waiting for the right girl to make me happy. It's nice that this toppic came online because I don't really admit to people I'm a virgin...